How to stop OCD anxiety?

2015-09-03 6:27 am
I've had OCD for a few years and recently it has been exacerbated that I feel like so anxious and insecure ALL the time and I can't get rid of the mixture of a stressful feelings. Normally I do a certain thing to 'eliminate' the fears of something that might happen but this time I don't even know what I'm anxious about and what thing I have to do to get rid of it. There's nothing I can do to even temporarily feel relieved. How can I stop the mixture of feelings?

回答 (3)

2016-06-22 11:00 am
40000 Cured Social Anxiety -
2015-09-03 6:34 am
Realize there is no spoon.
Fear us a product of your imagination like ghosts and demons. Understand that it's all made up in your head. If you get there you're good. If you can't you may have a chemical imbalance fixed with less caffeine, general single vitamin, diet or allergies and in some cases pharmacy
2015-09-03 6:27 am

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