How can a weatherman be so wrong on so many forecasts and still keep their job?

2015-09-03 5:19 am

回答 (6)

2015-09-03 6:21 am
It's the only profession , besides being a republican politician, where you can be wrong so often and still keep your well paying job.

I don't know who's wrong more often............weathermen, or republicans. ?
2015-09-03 5:52 pm
Same reasons people in Congress do
2015-09-03 5:34 am
There is SOME science employed and it has gotten MUCH better over the years. The sooner the forecast, the more accurate. However, beyond a week or so it is purely hypothetical. If you don't completely trust the "Farmer's Almanac" for the coming year, How can you trust "Global Warming" people for decades in advance?
2015-09-03 5:34 am
Lol....because in a grown-up world, nobody has a crystal ball.

They use sophisticated data modeling, using all different kinds of data input, to make their best educated guess. And usually they come pretty close.

But it is simply not possible to perfectly predict the unpredictable. So when you pay people to try to predict the unpredictable, you can't fire them for doing it imperfectly.
2015-09-03 5:28 am
Because wierdly enough, they don't find the forecast. The weathermen/woman (meteorologist I think?) do. So, they could say the most retarded stuff and get away with it if they are told to do it.
2015-09-03 5:20 am
Hogwarts graduates are very valued in the weather buisness

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