How do I CAUSE interference on a camera please....on the audio part. Any ideas?

2015-09-02 9:40 pm
I am on 24/7 surveillance camera and audio at work as I live in. I would like to find a way to cause as much interference as possible as would like to have private conversations on my mobile sometimes as a 24/7 carer? Thanx

回答 (4)

2015-09-02 9:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Anything that would be effective in the way you want it to be would also interfere with your phone calls.
2015-09-02 10:49 pm
You people have no understanding. I do have friends who are international and just cannot fit into my 2 hours off in 24 hours or businesses that only operate outside my 2 hours off and cannot leave the house to take or make a call. Mamianka...keep your judgements to yourself about this you certainly have no idea what this is like having no privacy whatsoever! I asked a question not your short sighted answer. Thanx spacemissing for a decent answer
2015-09-02 9:52 pm
Maybe that is why they have cameras installed. Use your breaks to go outside and make your calls like everyone else does.
2015-09-02 9:43 pm
Great job asking this IN PUBLIC - because your employer should just FIRE YOU on the spot. You are disabling private security equipment, designed to protect the person for whom you care - and also YOU, if you were ever accused of doing something that you did NOT do. If you work 24/7, you should have SOME respite time - and that is when those private conversations should take place. Or TEXT - but you are being paid to WORK, not run your social life.

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