My beagle keeps on needing to rub her private area on grass. It actually scabs sometimes but is usually red. What should i do?

2015-09-02 11:15 am

回答 (8)

2015-09-02 11:30 am
It's far more likely to be her anal glands she is rubbing and not her vulva.

She is itching and that can be caused by worms or anal glands but if vulva then there must be an infection there

She needs a vet.
2015-09-02 12:04 pm
Take it to a vet.
2015-09-02 1:57 pm
Get the dog to the vet - likely the dog has an infection and it will get worse the longer you wait. She may even have pyometra if she is not spayed. Pyometra can kill her if she doesn't get spayed immediately.
2015-09-02 12:43 pm
This has been going on long ENOUGH that SCABS have actually formed (repeatedly) but you've YET to decide you NEED to see a vet, and INSTEAD think you need to consult people, online? How about clearing OUT the rocks - for brains you've got?

OF COURSE you need (needed) to see a vet, as in when the rubbing first started! When people refuse to provide veterinary care to a sick or injured pet (even if they do not have the money to pay for it) they can be charged with Animal Cruelty, because you can sign over ownership of the dog to the ASPCA, where it can get medical care, if you do not have the funds to care for it, as needed.
2015-09-02 11:46 am
She should already be at the vet
2015-09-02 3:57 pm
You take her to the vet, just like a non-moron would. You can learn a lot about pet care by observing normal, decent people.
2015-09-02 11:17 am
See a vet. Your dog may have a urinary tract infection that make his penis itch.
2015-09-02 2:17 pm
purchase a nice little fury cat

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