Did/do you guys cheat in school?

2015-09-02 1:17 am
(I know i asked this already but forgot to add description.) Just curious lol. Today i got caught letting someone copy my work. Didn't get yelled at or anything but both of our papers got ripped and got a 0 on the assignment. I think that was the first time ever that i got caught. I'm actually a good student i swear! It's my second week of school too. Also, one 0 assignment won't affect me that much would it? I know i shouldn't have let the person copy but i'm too nice and it's hard to say no to people. It was an honors class too.

回答 (7)

2015-09-02 1:32 am
You're NOT "nice"; you are dishonest... and you are an enabler.
It is a sign of maturity to be able to say "no" to others, and it is a sign of integrity to say "no" to cheating. It is far kinder, in the long run, to say "no" than to encourage someone else to do something unethical or immoral. By participating, you DID encourage him/her to cheat.
You need to think about the type of person you want to be.
2015-09-05 4:32 am
I would say yes I did in a way. I was a very good student and did very well on schoolwork. I use to let people in high school copy me on homework or tests. It's because I am kind. I know that if they copy me, one day they will have to show their true skills, especially when they get to college. If they didn't try in high school, they will have problems in college.
2015-09-03 12:36 pm
English system of education is plain cheating..no use comes out of it.
2015-09-02 3:05 am
Not really... I remember looking at one answer on someone else's test in... oh jeez I don't even know, it must have been like 5th grade or something... Other than that, not really xD I've never really found the need to cheat, most of the stuff is easy as hell
2015-09-02 1:39 am
I'm in high school. I'm a straight A student, and yes, sometimes I do copy. Although I only really do it if I honest to god cannot get the answer by myself, and I usually ask for an explanation. But then again, I'm planning to be an English major and I'm in an AP Calculus class. It's really not my thing.

You sound so much like my younger self. One 0 assignment will not affect you-- but the most important thing you will learn to do is SAY NO. You don't need to be rude about it, but honestly, if you never say no then people will use you and trample you and it isn't nice. Saying no doesn't make you a bad person either, I promise you.

If truly cannot say no, then you can do what I used to do. Scribble down a bunch of wrong answers for them to copy and then go back and erase them and write the correct ones. It's going to be okay, one little 0 doesn't define you, and as a matter of fact, a 100 doesn't either. Make good choices, and recognize that sometimes no is a good choice :)
2015-09-02 1:19 am
Being caught cheating, wont affect your grade. The teacher may not trust you, so there for it may affect how she views you. I cheated throughout school. Just don't do it again, it really doesnt help anyone.
2015-09-02 2:55 am
I don't cheat myself, and if I do glance at a paper during a test and see an answer that I didn't know, I won't mark it. It wasn't my idea and I won't take other's answers.

But I do let people copy homework, not in school though. If they ask, I send a picture if it. We get homework grades based on completion, not correctness, so it doesn't really matter.

Oh, and I let the not-as-smart-as-me people sneak a couple answers during quizzes sometimes. I know they need to pass, they're not competing for the top 10% or anything. I wouldn't give answers to someone near my class rank, but I will help those in need of a passing grade.

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