如果急救証過期, 可唔可以幫人做CPR?會唔會犯法架??

2015-09-01 5:16 pm

回答 (2)

2015-09-02 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes, but at your own risks.

2. No. However, if there is any issue, you can be sued for negligence.

Usually, many jurisdictions in the world provide protections to the people who offer assistance in case of emergency.

The tricky issue is an expired CPR certificate indicates the person has been trained and failed to renew its certificate. So if there is any issue from the assistance, the expired certificate will be an excellent loophole for negligence (as the training can be questioned).

This distinguishes from people who have no training but offer assistance anyway.
2015-10-20 4:52 am

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