A voltaic cell employs the following redox reaction: Sn2+(aq)+Mn(s)→Sn(s)+Mn2+(aq)?

2015-09-01 7:16 am
Calculate the cell potential at 25 ∘C under each of the following conditions.
A. Standard
B. [Sn2+]= 1.32×10−2 M ; [Mn2+]= 1.93 M
C. [Sn2+]= 1.93 M ; [Mn2+]= 1.32×10−2 M

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2015-09-01 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Reduction potentials :
Sn²⁺(aq) + 2e⁻(aq) → Sn(s) .... E° = -0.14 V
Mn²⁺(aq) + 2e⁻(aq) → Mn(s) .... E° = -1.18 V

Standard cell potential, ΔE°
= [(-0.14) - (1.18)] V
= +1.04 V

cell potential, ΔE
= ΔE° - (RT / 2F) ln ([Mn²⁺] / [Sn²⁺])
= +1.04 - [8.314 × (273 + 25) / (2 × 96500)] ln[1.93 / (1.32 × 10⁻²)] V
= +0.98 V

cell potential, ΔE
= ΔE° - (RT / 2F) ln ([Mn²⁺] / [Sn²⁺])
= +1.04 - [8.314 × (273 + 25) / (2 × 96500)] ln[(1.32 × 10⁻²) / 1.93] V
= +1.10 V

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