what is he doing ?

2015-09-01 2:07 am

回答 (39)

2015-09-02 10:32 am
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my dog does it as well but our little kitty flaps just lead to other rooms of the house(so the doors can be shut without trapping the cat somewhere. she likes playing hide and seek.) but anyway doggy is looking for the kitty. hes so dumb and doesnt understand how it works. the cat isnt even in the room(or in ur case outside) but the dog just knows its a magic portal where the cat appears from sometimes.
2015-09-02 1:45 pm
It's a great picture. Poor dog. It looks like he's trying to get through a doggie door that is too small for him. He may also have fallen asleep with his head in the doorway of the flap. He also may just want some fresh air.
2015-09-03 2:36 am
He just wants to go out silly! My dog will stick her face in a window, door, anything that allows her to be outside. If I'm right, she looks like a husky mix. She's just dreaming of running around outside! That, or she's hot and trying to get some air! :)
2015-09-01 2:15 am
That's really funny lol. I don't really know maybe he's just bored and just looking for something to do or maybe he's just having a look i don't really know

Make sure he isn't stuck though hahaha
2015-09-02 5:43 pm
Yeah, he could be looking at something that's outdoors. Something he finds interesting. But he definitely is NOT sleeping. I'm sure he's too entertained as of right now to be snoozing. Whatever he's doing, it's cute! Pat him on the head for me.
2015-09-01 8:05 am
he is bored shitless and needs a walk, it will take about the same time as the pic and posting did,
2015-09-05 5:58 am
Your dog is the best lol. He is probably just looking outside and getting some fresh air if its hot, or may just be investigating the weird hole in the wall
2015-09-03 11:33 pm
My dogs love to look out of the backyard glass doors, so your dog might just be looking outside for some entertainment or possibly be guarding you.
I highly doubt he fell asleep, because that would not be a comfortable position for a dog.
2015-09-02 3:15 am
Omg so cute maybe get a bigger doggy door xD
2015-09-02 12:06 am
looks like he is laying down with his head sticking out of a cat flap
2015-09-01 10:37 pm
He probably heard something outside and he's eager to take a peek.
2015-09-01 4:04 am
Just catching a breeze... or spying on someone.
2015-09-01 3:28 am
But you know how dogs like yo stick there head out the window in the car.
Well your dog likes it so much he dose that on the doggy door.
2015-09-01 2:26 am
well, he's reversing in through the cat flap, and he's nearly finished.
2015-09-01 2:16 am
Dogs version of color TV? Lol it's cute.
2015-09-01 2:12 am
Either waiting for the cat or looking outside at the squirrels.
2015-09-01 2:46 am
waiting for your mom to come home and do her
2015-09-06 2:54 am
He is wanting to go outside.
2015-09-05 5:59 am
At first i say this nice dog. I think the dog is wathiching outside.
2015-09-04 4:09 pm
Lmaoo i love your dog
2015-09-04 5:36 am
Looking outside...
2015-09-04 2:13 am
Sleeping or looking
2015-09-04 1:37 am
He could just be curious of what's outside^^ but be careful, you wouldn't want him getting stuck:(
2015-09-04 1:07 am
Smelling the great outdoors.
2015-09-04 1:03 am
Either he's sleeping or he wants to go outside.
2015-09-03 9:53 pm
aww poor puppy needs a bigger doggie door
2015-09-03 8:26 pm
loll idk
2015-09-03 6:14 pm
He s exploring the place. c:
2015-09-03 4:16 pm
You know how dogs like sticking their head out of the window? Maybe he's pretending he's in a car and he is sticking his head out of the window of the imaginary car... Lol I don't know
2015-09-02 5:52 pm
Either he wants to go outside with the cat, or he is blocking the cat door so the cat won't be able to get back in.
2015-09-02 2:17 pm
fixing the door
2015-09-02 12:59 pm
Looking out site .
2015-09-02 8:46 am
Checking out that new female dog next door! Hello! (;
2015-09-02 5:27 am
He has figured out that he can see what is outside of the door when he looks out the cat's flap
2015-09-01 11:47 pm
LOL!!!! that is so cute.Idk what he is doing but it is funny😂😂😂😂
2015-09-03 3:04 pm
2015-09-02 4:39 pm
2015-09-01 7:45 pm
being cute
2015-09-01 12:17 pm

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