Boys!? Are annoying?

2015-08-31 11:04 pm
The boys keep making fun of my boobs because they are small (32a) p.s (8th grade) they call them "pecks"

回答 (56)

2015-09-01 12:14 am
Hmm ... yeah, funnily enough, in the 8th grade my daughter used to say that the boys in her class were annoying, and my son when he was in 8th grade used to say the girls were almost unbearable ;o)

Fortunately, people don't stay in 8th grade for ever :o)

Anyway, teasing is all about who "blinks first". If someone says something stupid about your breasts (or something else), and it blows your cool, you look haunted and embarrassed or whatever, then they feel they have "won".

If you didn't appear visibly affected when they said something stupid, then they would just feel ... well, stupid ;o)

As a matter of fact, any by in 8th grade, you could even crush completely, if you were to a couple of times "accuse" him of being too interested interested in your breasts! Then you should see HIM having red ears and change the subject very quickly. :o)

Because one: it might be true - in which case he would feel caught with his pants down for being revealed, and for expressing it in such a silly way.

And two, even if it were not the case, he would soon start worrying that his friends would hear it, and would then start teasing HIM that he is! ;o)

You don't have to do that of course, I'm just telling you so that you can see it is actually you who holds the power here. But at least if you can look at your reaction when someone says such things, then maybe you realise that that is why they are going on with it. And then in your own way, you can find a way to make it obvious that they are really silly, inappropriate and childish - and if they ever want to become men, they should try to get real as soon as asap ;o)

I mean, later on some of them might be dying to touch your breast but for a moment :o) Then you will really how silly it was what they are doing now.

But for the moment, just try to internally get rid any notion you might have, that they are entitled to behave like idiots, because it is probably true that your breasts are not as good as the other girls'. Because it is probably those notions that make you weak and likely to get visibly affected when they say those things. I think you can get out of those notions because you don't really know if that is true. So it is just a small - but very powerful - switch to go from being sure, it is true, to a simple "don't know". Especially because it is true that you don't know ;o) (Hope I am not becoming too cryptic ... but I mean it is true that you don't know if the other girls' breasts are better than yours - so no need to assume that they are. It is okay to be unpresumptuous and have the attitude "that they might be, but I don't really know" ... with you can still be strong and self-reliant, because you are not working against yourself, and you can even eventually find out if it is true or not.)

But yeah, work on stopping yourself from convincing yourself that your breasts are wrong, and for your own consumption just stick with "don't know".

Externally, get a little better at how you react to something like that. It is even okay to do a little act, like pretending you are cool about it. It does sound like a little cheating ... but if you see that it works, you will feel seriously cool for real - and then it would have just been doing things in slightly reverse order ;o)

No, definitely don't feel completely unprotected about this. In the end it is you who holds the power about such things. Not some boys who obviously have a lot to learn yet ;o)
2015-08-31 11:14 pm
Tease them about how small their penises & testicles are, or that they've still got treble voices (if they have), or that they croak like a frog, or how skinny & weedy their torsos are, how lacking in muscles they are, how clumsy they are, all that sort of thing.
2015-09-01 10:32 am
Comment on the apparent size of his weiner. Wouldn't qualify would it for a vienna frank.
2015-09-02 10:34 am
girls are horrible men are better
2015-09-01 3:17 pm
Tell them that they are small no doubt but firm not hanging . Beauty of a girl lies not on her boobs buit in her heart .Say that you have a golden heart but brats like them will not see or understand that .
2015-09-01 9:15 am
Be happy they are small now and take advantage of that. I mean start doing gymnastics or join a running team or swimming team. They will grow out towards junior year high school. Depends on how big your moms are. When you develop into that fine woman, the boys will be flocking!! I wish you the best!!
2015-09-01 2:01 am
Focus on your education so you can graduate.
2015-09-04 6:08 pm
Boys can be annoying, but not all are annoying. Theres plenty of nice, kind, caring, funny, honest, loving and cute lote of boys out there.

So try not to think all boys are annoying, because the answer is not all are.
2015-09-03 7:19 pm
Next time they mock you for having a small bust, tell them your momma told you only boys with small ***** laugh at girls for having small boobs. That should shut them up.
2015-09-02 8:39 pm
Oh gosh, I am so sorry young lady but that is how it has always been with most immature males. Sadly it may last until manhood for some of them. As a good male I apologize for everyone of them that you encounter ! I am a 55 year old true believing Christian man that wants you to know that you were perfectly made by Jesus himself and one day those rude boys will answer for their nasty remarks !!!
2015-09-02 4:13 pm
If this is happening in 8th grade, then said boys are obviously still going through their maturing state. I have guys that sometimes make fun of me, too (I'm a 12th grader). I don't take it personally. My personal belief on this is that these said boys are still maturing and can often show immaturity (well, most of them and not all. Some mature faster than others) towards other individuals. Hormones can be a killer, especially since they're not adults yet.
2015-09-02 11:45 am
Im in 8th grade and i have small boobs so there nothing wrong with it and plus boys are silly at that age and when they are older.. they'll be more mature. Don't let them let you down, be happy with yourself because everyone is different, if everyone was the same then the world would be boring.
2015-09-02 8:53 am
**** them all tell them all eat ****
2015-09-02 8:30 am
u are one? yes
2015-09-02 6:23 am
Girls are annoying
2015-09-01 7:45 pm
So work out a lot and give your boobs a reason to be small. The more muscles you get the smaller they will be. Then you'll have pecs not pecks (pectoral muscles), and as a bonus you can bloody the nose of anyone who makes fun.

Also remember that fat guys have "moobs" it may come in handy with some teasers.

My belief is that annoying people should be dragged behind a diarrhetic horse. But it's just a dream of mine.
2015-09-01 6:47 pm
They make fun of your boobs? I've never heard that before. Well if they don't stop, it's clear they want to fight you, so kick them all in the balls!
參考: I am a boy myself so I know that it hurts just as much as being hit in the eye. And I argue with other boys at school all the time, and have loads of fights!
2015-09-01 4:19 pm
Firstly, they are being absolutely pathetic, just act like you have no interest in their opinion and they'll get board, or better still, your ignoring them will drive them crazy, they may well like you and tease you for attention, so don't give it to 'em.

Now, your boobs will get bigger with time, so don't worry, trust me! Okay. :)

And finally, many studies show that financially successful men are often more attracted to smaller boobs anywho, many guys are actually. So please no need to worry. :) Also, boobs are not everything.

Just ignore the childish little boys and treat them like the obvious losers they are (but not too meanly, be sassy about it). ;)
2015-09-01 3:13 pm
If they are saying something I am sure they like you. When I was you age we would tease the girls we liked. I have to girls and a son, I see how my son and his friends are like around my girls friends and believe me you will be fine.
2015-09-01 10:14 am
I think they're perverted
2015-09-01 3:28 am
Doesn't matter what guys think. If you had bigger boobs they'd call you something worse. maybe a wh0r or a sIut
2015-08-31 11:08 pm
ignore them and their immaturity, and don't let them get to you. They don't deserve your attention.
2015-09-06 6:25 pm
Ignore them and they'll find s boy to love.
2015-09-06 5:26 am
I'm in 8th grade too. The best thing yu can do is tell them that their's are bigger, and that they are just insecure that their boobs are too big. Or even better- say "my boobs are bigger than your dick." it's an 8th grade boys worst nightmare XD
2015-09-04 4:36 pm
Just ignore them, they're being dickheads. Tell them to shut up and they'll probably stop. They're your breasts. Who cares what anyone else thinks.
2015-09-04 7:31 am
Don't worry about it. Those "Boys!?" who are annoying now will be crying their hearts out when your in the 10th grade........You will have the last laugh when they want to go out with you!!. lmao
2015-09-03 5:45 pm
They contained low maturity that's why they called you pecks. You should avoid them, and act like they are alien in this world.You should complain to the authority.They must be punished.
2015-09-03 2:56 pm
Tell them more than a mouthful is a waste. (yeah right)
2015-09-03 12:07 pm
dont worry you are just 8th standard and keep on trying to ignore their group talks whatever they talk about them. Your Boob will definetly increase do not need to take any tention.
2015-09-03 5:14 am
Just say ""You've got a small nose !!! You must have a pencil d*ck !!"
2015-09-03 3:28 am
I will suck on them pecks all night long ;)
2015-09-03 12:51 am
at least they're looking!
2015-09-02 11:45 pm
Boobs will grow. Boys in 8th grade have brains about as developed as a 3 year olds. Poop is still a funny word to them. You shouldn't care about breast size at that age.
2015-09-02 10:55 pm
they are very annoying, yes.
2015-09-02 10:05 pm
8th grade boys are ridiculous! It won't be that way once you get older and they mature a little more.
2015-09-02 6:07 pm
thats how boys are and they'll mature some day
2015-09-02 5:49 pm
I'm only a 34 a and I'm 21...
2015-09-02 3:44 pm
You know the old saying...."more than a mouthful is a waste"...Ignore them...!!! You're a "carpenter's dream"...*Flat as a board and never been nailed*
2015-09-02 3:41 pm
Point at their crotch and tell them if they want something to laugh about just look down between their legs, if they saw what? Say, Oh I guess it is too small to see.
2015-09-02 7:43 am
They're just immature.
2015-09-02 3:55 am
Get this through your head! You are beautiful, your boobs are perfect no matter what size they are and those boys are mean, cruel and just plain buttheads.
2015-09-02 2:38 am
Ignore those bullies. I know it is a disrespect, but pay no attention to them. If they continue, report them.
2015-09-02 2:19 am
Not all boys are annoying, but some might be immature. Don't worry about it, because you were born this way and puberty hits, so don't worry.
2015-09-02 1:17 am
its okay, i feel the same way. Im super flat chested but I wear a bra thats a little too big for me so it seems that my boobs are bigger. Don't wear shirts that would show off clevage (well if ur flat chested u probably don't have any) and they won't be able to tell. Plus those boys are dumb, if they think boobs is the only thing important about a girl ignore them. Trust me it will be hard but coming from someone who's a 32AA its the best thing to do :)
2015-09-02 12:34 am
Boys are boys. They will say things to make you feel bad about yourself but don't listen to them they are just flat out jerks ( some boys are jerks mot all boys are)
2015-09-01 11:40 pm
Don't be insecure, God didn't give you big **** because you don't need them to attract boys or anyone for that matter. This'll blow over, good luck!
2015-09-01 10:51 pm
I recommend you take 2 Tablespoons of flax seed oil every day. Taking the recommended dose of Pueraria Mirifica will also help your boobs grow. Both of these can be had OTC at your local health food store.
2015-09-01 7:21 pm
Don't worry at all, your breasts will grow to the correct size for your body, and no matter their size the boys will apreciate them when you're older. Enjoy now them not getting in the way and giving you back ache haha
2015-09-01 6:36 pm
don't care any wane and believe in yourself ,all the boys are sometimes dumb but from the wombof your lord if u have a big boobs every wane talk and if u have a smal as well so don't care and be happy for any thing
2015-09-01 4:22 pm
Boys that age, are DUMB; Give them time, they'll mature !
2015-09-01 6:39 am
tell them they have mega pods (big feet) they probably will not know what you are talking about.
2015-09-01 3:57 am
tell him hes not all that good looking eithier.
2015-08-31 11:31 pm
Tell him that despite them being small, he tends to like them if he keeps bringing it up and obsessing over it. Tell him to get a life and stop jumping into yours. your body is none of his business.
2015-09-02 2:13 pm
date men over 35
2015-09-02 9:40 am
Wal-Mart retails a bicycle tag for girls.
It reads: Boys Stink.
2015-08-31 11:06 pm

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