College class ?

2015-08-31 5:26 pm
Hi, My friend started college few days ago. Since he never been to college he don't know rules and he is not going to his classes. Will it be a Problem for him in the future ?

回答 (5)

2015-08-31 5:37 pm
Not only can he get kicked out for non-attendance, he can be failed for non-attendance, and he can lose eligibility for future financial aid.
Why is he going to college if he doesn't want to "go" to college?
2015-08-31 5:33 pm
The first day of class the instructor will hand out a syllabus that tells the class's objectives, attendance policy, grading policy, schedule (reading, assignment, tests), and other important info. Find out if your friend has one and go over it with him. It's hard to do well in class if you aren't in it. Paying for college but not trying to do well is a waste of money. Additionally, students need to maintain a certain grade level (GPA) to stay in college and to qualify for financial aid. If he doesn't really want to go to class, maybe it's not the right time for him to go to college and he should save money and do something else instead.
2015-08-31 5:28 pm
Yes, he could get kicked out of college for failing to maintain a minimum GPA.
2015-08-31 5:45 pm
Yes! Many professors lower a students grade every time they miss class. At the very least, professors are required to keep track of a student attendance. If a student misses too many classes, their financial aid can get taken away and the school can even kick them out entirely.
2015-08-31 5:27 pm
Perhaps he is an idiot

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