Return something to the store ?

2015-08-31 5:24 pm
Hi, my cousin accidentally removed a price tag of something and put it on another item. He wants to return it now, Should he return it now or keep it ?

回答 (5)

2015-08-31 5:33 pm
The store will confirm the price, and have both of you arrested for fraud. No doubt, their security personnel will "talk" to you before the police come.
2015-09-01 7:32 am
You can contact to that store, and they will suggest you what to do. By accidentally it happens right? then why you get worry?
2015-08-31 7:13 pm
"accidentally" bu||$hit
2015-08-31 5:33 pm
"Accidentally?" Yeah right.

If he wants to return it, he can contact the store regarding what is needed as it varies from store to store. But under no circumstances should he intentionally return it with the incorrect price tag.
2015-08-31 5:28 pm
How do you accidentally do that?

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