Does anyone know of any natural ways to suppress the appetite?

2015-08-31 4:13 am
I have been working out and eating fairly well, but I crave sugar and I feel hungry often in the evening. I don't want to do anything that's going to harm my body, but I really need to do something before I lose control and flush all of my hard work down the toilet with a binge.

回答 (4)

2015-09-01 3:59 pm
I am of the opinion that you can eat pound and pounds of whole, real, natural food and not experience unhealthy weight gain or complications. If you are eating fruit, vegetables, whole grain products, lean meats, and drinking plenty of water it is almost difficult to not lose weight, especially if you are coordinating your diet and exercise well.
Things like artificial sweeteners that contain no nutrition, but taste like they should, can greatly increase carbohydrate cravings. Assuming you are not diabetic, rather than cutting carbohydrates out, most people can benefit from eating healthier sources like fruit and grain. It is also my understanding that high-calorie, low-volume foods cause a confused response with appetite. You can get 3/4 of your days calories with a cheap breakfast at McDonald's, but you won't be getting essential vitamins and minerals, and your stomach will be quite empty for the rest of the day. I think that is the cause of most people's ups and downs with dieting; they are too restrictive or they only count calories and ignore the rest of human nutrition/digestion.
I believe it to be mostly (with exceptions) an urban myth that food eaten in the evening is somehow worse for you than food eaten earlier in the day.
參考: I only use this diet as a guideline, eating junk like pizza and cookies relatively often, and I've never been very successful at gaining weight. It's not very different from the age-old food pyramid.
2015-08-31 3:09 pm
It's fine to be hungry in the evening. Get yourself some proper nutrition snacks and don't worry about it.
2015-08-31 4:21 am
Plenty of water and eating more protein are natural ways to reduce hunger. Carbs will make you even hungrier.
2015-08-31 4:17 am
I drink a lot of tea at night ( green ) and that usually helps my appetite at night. To stop the sugar craving, I just had to completely cut it out. And never have a cheat day. After a few weeks I stopped craving it all together. But when you do drink some water or tea. Craving sugar often means you're dehydrated. Or you could always eat an apple :) good luck hope this helps!

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