Do you believe in love?

2015-08-30 9:44 pm

Thank you everyone for your anwsers.




Wow so many anwsers thank you beautiful people

回答 (352)

2015-08-31 4:56 pm
I believe in love. But the idea of love that is everywhere in the media today isn't really love. Love isn't red roses and heart shaped boxes of chocolates. Love isn't butterflies in your stomach and when your heart skips a beat. Love isn't heart emojis or good morning texts. Love isn't #mcm #wcw posts. Love isn't measured by number of cute pictures you have on Instagram and the how many people comment "OMG SO CUTE! YOU GUYS ARE GOALS!"

Love is hard. Love is sacrifice.
When you feel love, you'll know it. When you love someone you would do anything to make sure they were safe, and happy. Even if means giving something up, even if it means giving them up. Love is making sure the other person is warm enough even if it means you give them your jacket. Love is never taking "I'm fine" for an answer when you know they're not. Love is knowing someone well enough that you can tell when they're not fine. Love isn't knowing everything about a person, but it's wanting to know the important things. Love isn't easy.
Chic flicks make love out to be all about romance. And it's not. Love and romance are not the same thing. Can you be romantic when you're in love? HECK YA! But that is not what it is about. Can the person you love give you butterflies and make your heart skip, YES!!! But that is not how you measure it.
Because love is not romance. Love is sacrifice.

And yes, I do believe in that.
2015-08-31 5:36 pm
Yes, I do. At some point of my life I didn't believe in it anymore, then I found someone special. I never thought I'd ever be so lucky in my life, but it did happen, that's why I do believe in love now. And it's really amazing, it's all about finding the right person to share it with.
2015-08-31 2:55 am
I do believe in Love. But I don't believe in love at first sight
2015-08-31 7:27 am
I believe in love
2015-08-31 6:41 am
Love is complicated. It is a simple word with a deep meaning. There is a huge difference between loving something or someone and being in love. You can pretty much love anything or anyone you care about. Finding someone you can potentially fall in love with is wonderful and confusing. It's hard to imagine that one person can give you such intense feelings. I'm not sure if I believe in love because I have never been with someone I truly care about emotionally and physically. But if love is as great as its said to be I hope I'm lucky enough to one day experience it.
2015-09-01 7:24 pm
No. I think it's an overused word to describe something everyone has for everyone and everything else.
I guess I DO believe in love, but we use it wrong.
My example of this would be:
You asking if anyone believes in air.
We all believe in air. We all use air. We all use air all the time.
We all believe in love. We all use love. We all use love all the time.
For someone to say 'I don't love you anymore' is a lie. We all love.
The difference is in how we choose to utilize that love from person to person, person to object, and person to another living thing--like a plant or an animal.
I do not believe in love the way us North Americans use it. (Or the way Brad Pitt uses it in his movies).
2015-09-01 2:12 am
Yes I believe in love.
2015-08-31 7:52 am
Love is real. I have no doubt about it! But love is not what people hope or expect it to be. Love is happiness and hurting at the same time. Being in love doesn't make your life perfect, but there's ups and downs in love and they can hurt or they can be wonderful.

So yes, I believe in love very much, but I don't think love is the same thing many people hope for or believe it to be.
2015-08-31 1:30 am
I absolutely believe in love. When I look at the way my parents look at each other and laugh and enjoy their presence I know it is absolutely love. Also the way you love your family. You just have to meet the right person and hope it all works out. :)
2015-08-31 12:41 am
I do believe in love, but more that it's a sum of intense feelings of attachment to and care for the well-being of those that it may be directed toward.
2015-08-31 9:29 am
No I don't believe in love.
There is no such thing as love. I have never been in love and neither has anyone been in love with me. Therefore I do not believe in love.
2015-08-31 4:13 am
Yes,by all means. An Jesus loves you,we just ask Jesus in our heart,forgive our sins to be saved,He is Faithful and Just to forgive all sins,praise The LORD. An google Beth Moore an Charles Stanley,great Christian teachers to encourage you in Jesus an good to attend a Christian BIble based Church,an John is a great place to read in Bible. May The LORD Jesus Bless,speak to,save you,family,friends,us all,lost,here,give good Christians in your paths,work things for good,God's Glory,by Jesus strpies we are healed,thank You Jesus amen shalom Israel,family. PTL Have faith in God. Mark 11:22 more about Jesus,prayer,encouragment
2015-08-31 2:19 am
I have been cheated on so.. No
2015-08-31 1:43 am
Yes, I most certainly do believe in love. It doesn't happen everyday, but when it does it is wonderful.
2015-08-31 12:37 am
2015-08-30 9:54 pm
dont know, as I dont know if I believe in any other emotion, I feel them and acknowledge them but cant explain them. as I cant understand why I love someone for just being themselves and wanting to know me, but I recognise love for its rarity. I have faith in love and trust who i love but it is something that doesnt hold a clear definition.
2015-08-31 12:32 am
I love my mum, my siblings and my dog. Other than that, never felt anything other than lust. I believe in love but I just think it is a bodily response to different hormones in the brain and fades pretty quickly. Bah humbug.
2015-09-02 9:14 pm
This question screams that you are having problems within your current relationship. However, that said, is testing your partner really the answer ? Love is all about being able to trust the person you love with wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Yet sometimes that person lets you down, but because you love them you forgive them. This opens the door for even more betrayal and lies than you ever thought this person was capable of. Before long you even start to doubt yourself about whether or not you are the cause for the difficulties that your relationship continually goes through. What is love ? It's just a very convenient word that is continually abused to get what we feel we are entitled to from our bf/gf with the minimum of effort on our part. Yet should we be caught out our automatic response is, I was only doing it because I love you. Such a cheap shot. This automatic response eventually appears out of nowhere for just about every casualty we have with them and we buy into it bigtime. So, in answer to your question, I believe in love, but I'm not so sure that some of the people I dated did or they wouldn't have broken my heart.
2015-09-01 8:52 pm
not anymore :'(
2015-09-01 3:26 am
I love love.
2015-09-01 3:20 am
I believe it for a very long time. From family, to religion(depending on what you're on), but the one I've never experience and is wishing for it since I was 16 years old(I'm 24 now) is love from a soul-mate or boyfriend or husband. I've wish and I wish and I wish nearly every night, but then I'm reminded why maybe it's best to stay single for the rest of your life just to please your mother, who is for it, and father, who doesn't even care. But the mostly important love there is then any of the ones I talked about is, loving yourself. As RuPaul say all the time 'If you can't love youself, how in the hell can you love someone else?'
2015-09-01 12:14 am
I did. But not lately.
2015-08-31 8:40 pm
Yes, it's an emotion that definitely exists, but it may be different from one person to the next. I have felt it, and I have felt very good from it, and I have also felt very bad from it. So, I'm not sure where you are headed with your inquiry.
2015-08-31 7:07 pm
I certainly do! I fell in love with a guy completely opposite to me! It never lasted though, we were just two totally different people and he turned out to be well not very nice and he hurt me. But I do believe I loved him. I'm just waiting for that one day when I fall in love again :) and hoping that this time it will be a happily ever after
2015-08-31 5:31 pm
I believe in love I have loved my wife since she was 7 that is 58+ years
2015-08-31 3:28 pm
YES...I believe in love!!! I was just about to give up on the idea of love when I met the love of my life. It was as wonderful as I had imagined & was well WORTH waiting on!!! My suggestion is to never stop believing in love. Just stop looking for it & it will surprise you!!!
2015-08-31 3:26 pm
I didn't before but then I met the most amazing girl. Now I believe in love. I can't believe that someone as perfect as her actually loves me back. We're already talking about our wedding. I can't stop thinking about her. I never I knew I could love someone so much. I love her so much it hurts.
2015-08-31 11:44 am
Unfortunately we may only love the person on the outside, something they try to present themselves as caring and respectful people. But inside they can be selfish than anybody, recently experience that.

Yes I do, but when we find the reality of that person, doesn't it half hurt? :'(
2015-08-31 9:05 am
Love is just chemicals in our brain that brings us together to make baby's to pass our DNA down to the next generation...Basically there's only so little love.That's why we lose interest in each other when we get older..
2015-08-31 4:01 am
Yes, in fact I KNOW it's real. I also believe marriage doesn't have to die.
2015-08-31 2:22 am
2015-08-31 2:19 am
2015-08-31 1:06 am
Yes but sadly, not everyone finds it
2015-08-31 4:53 pm
I believe in the greatest love of all. The love that God has for me. I thou9ght I was in love many years ago but that turned out to be false. I have three kids I love and three grand kids I love.
I don't know that a true rest of my life love is out there but I have hope.
2015-08-30 9:48 pm
I do a little bit but at the same time I don't because if I was meant to have a special girl in my in life I would have found her already. I have never had a girlfriend before so I have felt love and at the same time feeling hurt to the point I'm scared to feel it.
Can you answer my question
參考: Experience 16 year old guy who is scared to feel love from a girl
2015-08-31 1:29 am
Absolutely. I honestly didn't even know what love was till I got to know this girl that I have a huge crush on, and it got even better when I found out she thinks I'm cute. LOVE IS AMAZING.
參考: personal experience
2015-09-03 1:40 pm
Does love believe in you?
2015-09-03 12:33 am
Yes, I believe in love.

I Believe In You

I don’t believe in superstars organic food and foreign cars
I don’t believe the price of gold the certainty of growing old
That right is right and left is wrong that north and south can’t get along
That east is east and west is west and being first is always best
But I believe in love I believe in babies I believe in mom and dad and I believe in you

I don’t believe that heaven waits for only those who congregate
I like to think of God as love he’s down below he’s up above
He’s watchin’ people everywhere he knows who does and doesn’t care
And I’m an ordinary man sometimes I wonder who I am
But I believe in love I believe in music I believe in magic and I believe in you

Well I know with all my certainty what’s going on with you and me is a good thing
It’s true I believe in you
Well I don’t believe virginity is as common as it used to be
In working days and sleeping nights that black is black and white is white
That Superman and Robin Hood are still alive in Hollywood
That gasoline’s in short supply the rising cost of gettin’ by
But I believe in love I believe in old folks I believe in children and I believe in you
I believe in love, I believe in babies, I believe in mom and dad and I believe in you.
2015-09-02 9:49 am
2015-09-02 1:39 am
2015-09-01 11:37 pm
I believe that God is love.
2015-09-01 10:56 pm
I don't know. Tbh I've never really felt like that kind of love existed for me. Like for other people, yeah. I see it when she breaks down and he holds her, I see it when his mom died and she's right there. I've seen it when she vomits and he holds back her hair and isn't disgusted, just concerned, and I've seen it when he finally gets the huge recognition that he's been hoping for and she's by him the whole time. I mean, it's there. And it's important for some people. I just think that it depends on who you are as a person. I don't really believe in the happily ever after thing but shoot its so freakin ironic that I hope for it to happen to me every fudging day. And I know there really isn't such a thing as happily ever after. It never happens. I see that too. I see couples hating each other, causing the kids to hate the people that fathered and gave birth to them, or for them to try and get court orders to keep the kids with no visits allowed and to teach them to hate the other parent. For the kid to say "I hate you dad," and never visit or talk to them again. To say you never loved someone and it's just gone. To just up and leave a family just because. I've seen it all and it's horrible. I just pray and hope that it doesn't happen to me and I pick the right man to give my hand in marriage to, if I ever allow myself to actually open up to someone like that. I don't know, it depends on how everything will work out.

Anyway, I think that if you find the right person that you're supposed to fall in love and start a life with then it exists. Otherwise I don't take risks in believing in it like that. It's too much for me to handle if I do and I just can't.
參考: Me & my life experience.
2015-09-01 9:17 pm
Do you believe in life after love?
2015-09-01 8:58 pm
I believe that love hurts, and demands to be felt.
It takes loving yourself before you can love something or someone else.
You have to rip off the pride bandaid and suck it up because love takes one from being selfish to completely selfless. Thats how you know.
2015-09-01 8:31 pm
Romantic love? No, it's lust. Pure and simple.

Motherly love? The love of two friends? Yes.
2015-09-01 6:21 pm
In today's society, it doesn't mean anything anymore. Love is absolutely everything but yet it's still not enough. I believe in a love that doesn't exists. A love that is imaginary.
2015-09-01 4:57 pm
Yes i do. It's hard to believe that I'm actually saying that, since I was married to an alcoholic for many years. I have found someone since then, who makes my heart skip a beat, just to see him smile. There's an age gap, but it means nothing to me, since i love him for everything he is. I have two kids of my own, and they think the world of him. He spends time with them, and their father doesn't. He said from the beginning, that he isn't trying to replace their father, but to be there for them, as much as he can.
2015-09-01 1:18 pm
Yes I beleieve
2015-09-01 7:12 am
Yes, I believe in love, but I try to avoid it. Love is scientifically proven to make one stupid. I've unfortunately fallen in love with the wrong person a few times in my past. It was during these events that I put a halt to my life.

So, yes, LOVE is real...but it can be depressing.
2015-09-01 4:25 am
Love exists but it is a partnership between two people. Everyone falls in love in the initial stages of dating but that feeling of infatuation soon diminishes because it wont last forever. So when love is at it's lowest it takes two people to build it up again with effort and continuous commitment.
2015-09-01 3:59 am
Love is everywhere but it's up to you to find and search it yourself.
2015-09-01 3:01 am
Yes I'm cuddling with my pillow right now
2015-08-31 9:29 pm
With family? Yes. In a relationship? No. Love is unconditional. Relationships and Marriage are 100% conditional. So no, I don't.
2015-08-31 5:39 pm
Of course. Love is a special feeling everyone needs to share.
2015-08-31 5:07 pm
If you have a child you will know what love is
2015-08-31 3:10 pm can I believe in what I don't see? I don't believe in it...never experienced it therefor it does not exist in my life. It exists with my family and friends, but that "true" love i don't think it exists. Ive only been treated badly so it makes it hard for me to believe otherwise.
參考: 21 year old girl just speaking her truth...
2015-08-31 1:25 pm
oh, yes, yes, YES! I'm currently not in love but I was in love many years ago and, believe me, it's one of the most healthiest aspects of human life.
2015-08-31 11:53 am
Absolutely. It is ever underlying, ever present, often changing and maturing and evolving. It is often made up of other positive values and attributes that make it multi-layered (Attraction, trust, fidelity, courage, truth, patience, empathy, reliance, resilience, equity, fairness, communication, listening, caring, sacrifice, protection, freedom, giving of yourself and your time, and ultimately, how you feel towards each other)
參考: I love my wife and children, my brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, and all the good people in my Life
2015-08-31 11:31 am
Yes, i believe in love
2015-08-31 9:03 am
after love? after LOVE?? AFTER LOVE???! Idk... all I know is: I can feel something inside me---wait...I really don't think it's long enough sonny bo, no.... So, I'm not sure if that answers your question but it cher does feel good to cher that with the world!
2015-08-31 7:36 am
Yes, I believe in it.
2015-08-31 6:10 am
Yes, I believe....without it the life would be so empty...
2015-08-31 6:08 am
2015-08-31 5:45 am
Of course I believe in love. I love and care for those dear and close to me.
2015-08-31 5:21 am
I believe in love. This is because love a girl. You always recollect her. If you always recollect her, it represent you love her.
2015-08-31 3:51 am
Yes I do
2015-08-31 3:06 am
yeah, love my Mom Love my bro's and sis so there is love
for more yes.
2015-08-31 2:34 am
yes, but it is hard to find
2015-08-31 2:33 am
2015-08-31 2:13 am
2015-08-31 2:06 am
yes, love is all around you! With family, friends, pets, even at work with co workers!
2015-08-31 12:32 am
I want to but I feel like I can't. Because I'll just get hurt and the same will happen to someone else who falls in love with me.
2015-08-31 12:30 am
2015-08-31 12:28 am
2015-08-31 12:05 am
Depends; haven't experienced it yet but hopefully one day
2015-08-30 11:38 pm
Yes I do.
2015-08-30 10:00 pm
I dont need to believe I know its real
2015-09-01 7:38 pm
I don't believe in love????
2015-08-31 2:41 pm
It only exists for a few lucky people....others spend their entire life looking for something like love.....
2015-08-31 9:29 am
Yes, I love my husband, he is so considerate, and always takes care of me.
2015-08-31 5:56 am
2015-08-31 3:45 am
.....After love
2015-08-30 11:08 pm
2015-08-30 9:55 pm
2015-09-01 4:40 pm
No it's fake it's just wearing a mask
2015-08-31 12:26 am
No. it is a convoluted idea in humanity that sexual and protective drive which is a normal part of natural selection in all animals is special in humans and the funny thing is that love comes from sops like hippies who have no ability in doing anything apart from complaining and talking about the cheese and not the reality of life and then people listen to the bullshit that comes splurting out there shitfaced mouth. Furthermore, women will never love men for who they are but what they have and men will never love women for who they are but what they look like. If you disagree I recommend you grow some balls (or lady balls) and get on with life you pathetic Disney obsessive.
2016-03-23 8:16 am
2015-09-08 10:24 am
yes, i believe in love
2015-09-07 9:00 pm
I do believe in love and by love... I mean that one day there will be no hate in the world, killings, and just bad stuff in general.I think love starts from within, accepting yourself and your flaws because if you hate yourself it shows in the way you treat other people...Love is not giving up on yourself, your family, friends, ext..And a lot of people walk out on their families just because of "money"...Love is not "expensive dates, or "how much money a person has to offer you" love is not superficial..and a lot of people marry for "money" Love is accepting some one for who they truly are..You have to look beyond the surface..Love is a very complicated topic because everyone has their different opinions so there is no "right" answer..This is just my opinion.. And hard times will always show if a person truly loves you.. Ex.If you lose your job, house, car.. will that person stick around or dump you? Because if a person really loves you they will stay around when things get hard..
參考: Me
2015-09-07 6:06 pm
Love is love
2015-09-06 8:46 pm
Yes. I think it's because of the way my parents treated each other. They rarely ever fought; and when they did, it was about our financial situation. My dad was very chivalrous toward my mom. Now that my dad has passed away, my mom says that she feels that she doesn't need to remarry (for love at least). She says she already found her true love.
2015-09-06 7:43 pm
Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough,
Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough
參考: Cher
2015-09-06 4:18 pm
sure I believe in love but that works both ways ! you can,t love someone unless they love you back !
2015-09-06 11:23 am
yes, i do
2015-09-06 1:23 am
No theres no such thing as love/love at 1st sight... same goes wit god.
2015-09-05 7:41 am
LOVE ! It is a beautiful word that catches my heart to brain! So soft is the word to believe it! So wonderful! Believe it! Believe it!
2015-09-05 7:10 am
no, not true love, maybe the love from family
2015-09-05 5:34 am
Ask me what is love, 8 years in LDR.
2015-09-04 8:17 pm
Love is for beautiful people only. Everyone else has to essentially pay their way for a fake illusion of it. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!! Looks matter!!
2015-09-04 7:46 pm
2015-09-04 6:35 pm
2015-09-04 5:39 pm
2015-09-04 4:00 pm
Yes, I do believe in love. The world is full of hate, violence and sadness, but there are many good things out there for us to feel and enjoy. Love is a beautiful thing, if you're lucky enough to find that special girl/guy. So yeah, I do believe in love and I hope I'll find that special girl one day.
2015-09-04 1:10 pm
I believe love grows between two people its not when you first meet or have your first sex it grows when you both have sex both see that the that the other person is a good too it will grow into love
參考: me that s what happened to me
2015-09-04 11:54 am
No, every girl I've ever loved has rejected me. I'm 23 and haven't ever had a girlfriend. The only time I've ever felt loved is when I've paid them so my answer is no, I don't believe in love
2015-09-04 11:17 am
2015-09-04 11:10 am
I sure do
I fell in love with a beautiful girl but things didn't end well but I'm still looking no matter what!
2015-09-04 11:05 am
A man or a woman who believes in love will never cheat his or her partner . All such people do believe in love but not the others .
2015-09-04 9:33 am
Yes. Even love at first sight. :)
2015-09-04 7:52 am
Yes I believe in love, because I love 4 women. I wish I had a soulmate but I'm not sure I believe in that :-(
2015-09-04 7:46 am
yes, it happened with me
2015-09-04 7:41 am
Yes. Love is most powerful in this world but this true love.
2015-09-04 7:33 am
yes. the more the merrier :)
2015-09-04 6:36 am
Nope..burned to many times
2015-09-04 6:33 am
i believe
2015-09-04 5:23 am
Depends on your definition of love but yes generally
2015-09-04 4:39 am
Hellz nah. Maybe love, like 'I love my mom', or 'I love my cat', but not romantic love. It's an idea that people have romanticized far too much and hold up on a pedestal, so they themselves create the illusion, with the help of society. Sometimes, people don't ever see past that illusion.
2015-09-04 1:55 am
2015-09-04 1:45 am
2015-09-04 1:32 am
Yes, love can solve anything. Spread the love~
2015-09-04 12:30 am
2015-09-04 12:24 am
I do. <3
2015-09-03 11:47 pm
No. Love is ****!
2015-09-03 11:21 pm
yeah love is swag
2015-09-03 10:44 pm
i do and i don't. love how we want it is not real, real love is different and unselfish. and few have experienced it, but you'll know when it comes.
2015-09-03 10:38 pm
No, for humans. Yes, for love of God. Not trying to be religious but That's just my opinion.
2015-09-03 9:28 pm
Of course, I believe in love.
But sometimes love gives you joyful time, enjoyable moment and sometimes love gives you sorrow time, feel hurt for loving person.
2015-09-03 8:42 pm
Yes I have been in love many times.
2015-09-03 7:30 pm
you said i made you feel like you're again, well let's continue living, but not with him
2015-09-03 5:25 pm
Yes,I do. But i'm unhappy with the present situation in our world.There are so much bullshit people,who change the meaning of love.It is used for sexual harassment or for blackmailing. But I always love to my parents, my family members, my friends who are with me in every moment of my life.
2015-09-03 1:50 pm
no way i don't believe in love i believe only mother love
2015-09-03 1:35 pm
yes i do
2015-09-03 1:30 pm
Love is blind. Marriage is eye opener.
2015-09-03 10:51 am
yes. Love is out there, just make sure that you know what REAL love is and not what the media tells you love is!
2015-09-03 9:03 am
Nah I just wanna get my groove on
2015-09-03 6:51 am
Sorta... idk
2015-09-03 6:48 am
Yes I do.
2015-09-03 5:51 am
Yes everyone believe in Love even the evil ones do
2015-09-03 5:42 am
Love is for suckers..........
2015-09-03 5:35 am
2015-09-03 5:27 am
God love is the best. Kids loving their parents and vice versa is also. Loving your self is very important. Romantic love does exist and its incredible to see. Yes I believe all exist.
2015-09-03 5:13 am
I want to but in reality love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. :/
2015-09-03 5:06 am
Of course. I haven't found my true love yet. I know she's out there though.Everyone believes in love. Were you referring to the song by Cher?

Do you believe in life after love?
After life
After love
I can feel something inside
Me sayin'
I really don't think
You're strong enough...
2015-09-03 4:19 am
2015-09-03 4:09 am
I really do believe in love but I don't believe its easy to find. Its almost impossible to find that perfect someone and sometimes when you do they live miles away and you're not able to have them in person. The hardest part of knowing love exists is actually finding someone who will make you think and know it exists.
2015-09-03 4:03 am
no ! love is lie..
2015-09-03 2:54 am
everytime when i go out.
2015-09-03 2:32 am
2015-09-03 2:26 am
2015-09-03 2:23 am
2015-09-03 2:13 am
everytime i believed in love i always ended up falling for the wrong one that always either rejected me or hurt me or never loved me the same way. so no i don't believe in love and i have my reasons not to :)
2015-09-03 2:11 am
yes for those who are brave.
2015-09-03 2:07 am
2015-09-03 1:04 am
2015-09-03 1:00 am
love is very real, and i'm happy to say that I have it.
2015-09-03 12:58 am
2015-09-02 11:57 pm
yes. love is real. i loved my ex husband with all my heart and he filed divorce papers behind my back so i said goodbye and moved on. then i decided to try online dating. there are a lot of people who think online dating is bad and thats not always true. there are some really good people who do online dating. so i met someone online two months ago today and we really hit it off. we love each other very much.

so anyways.... love is feeling secure and safe with that person. love is about trust and honesty. no matter what life throws you you will still love them. love is not easy. your heart can be broken. love is going to the ends of the earth to make them happy.
2015-09-02 11:43 pm
yes..of course,,But believe in true love not fake love,So first of all you have to find out which is true or fake,,In every case in ones hole life one should check which is wrong or right,,,
2015-09-02 11:11 pm
Not at all. You can love somebody but that person will not love you back. If the person loves you back, that love will not be for ever....
參考: Most of the men are disgusting cheaters T.T
2015-09-02 11:05 pm
2015-09-02 10:43 pm
2015-09-02 10:31 pm
Not anymore
2015-09-02 10:25 pm
Yes, I do. I fell in love in with a guy. He was my first love. He rejected me. I stopped believing in love after that. But then, my boyfriend came in my life and he made me fall in love with him. He taught me how to love again. It's amazing. I love him very much. You just have to find the right person. :)
2015-09-02 10:14 pm
2015-09-02 9:43 pm
I do.
2015-09-02 9:30 pm
Yes, certainly I believe in real love
2015-09-02 9:27 pm
There are four types of love that is not because of pleasure by C.S. Lewis

Storge - natural, familial love like that of a parent and child.
Philia - friendly love like that of one and one's friend
Eros - intimate and romantic love like one and one's spouse
Agape - highest form of unconditional love like of God's love to humanity and humanity to God

I believe in all of them.
參考: Google Images
2015-09-02 9:24 pm
Of course :)
2015-09-02 8:52 pm
For sure without love we are nothing. But first comes like. If we do not like someone then the love will fail !
2015-09-02 8:34 pm
2015-09-02 7:44 pm
I don't. I don't think it exists.
2015-09-02 7:34 pm
Not really
2015-09-02 6:37 pm
I believe in love.
2015-09-02 5:57 pm
Love is real. I have no doubt about it! But love is not what people hope or expect it to be.
2015-09-02 5:16 pm
2015-09-02 5:14 pm
yes i beleive in love but there are more than one type of love and ALOT of people think lust is love
2015-09-02 4:30 pm
2015-09-02 4:26 pm
2015-09-02 4:23 pm
2015-09-02 2:53 pm
Fools ask such questios
2015-09-02 2:10 pm
2015-09-02 1:52 pm
love is not a emotion ,it's a promise - doctor 12th
2015-09-02 12:37 pm
Yes, because love is everlasting . Its came from God and God is source of love.
參考: From Bible
2015-09-02 11:19 am
I d like to, but it s never happened to me.
2015-09-02 10:04 am
2015-09-02 8:54 am
yes but i don't like to be in one
2015-09-02 8:47 am
wth stupid question
2015-09-02 8:44 am
Yes, I did... once.
2015-09-02 7:52 am
2015-09-02 7:45 am
2015-09-02 7:31 am
So to speak.
2015-09-02 6:46 am
2015-09-02 6:45 am
I do
2015-09-02 5:44 am
i believe in life after love
2015-09-02 5:31 am
I'm in love with Drew Pickles, the gayest man in the universe
2015-09-02 4:47 am
2015-09-02 4:02 am
2015-09-02 3:58 am
Of course BUT you can fall in love with a lot of different people. that's the tricky part:/
2015-09-02 3:50 am
I do! I do!
2015-09-02 2:25 am
yeah but its rare
2015-09-02 1:11 am
Yes. Love is someone you care for and will do anything for. Love is not must but someone that you want to be happy.
2015-09-02 12:58 am
You can only feel can't believe in it. And is just an addiction.
2015-09-02 12:54 am
I want to but the older I get I just dont know anymore.
2015-09-02 12:46 am
It can be difficult sometimes, but I have experienced it briefly and seen it enough to know it exists.
2015-09-02 12:02 am
Love comes when you least expect it.
2015-09-01 11:31 pm
No everyone only wants sex nowadays. No strings attached they say
2015-09-01 11:29 pm
2015-09-01 10:58 pm
Love is real but it's not immediate. You have to make a connection with the person before you can love them.
2015-09-01 8:58 pm
What does that mean? To believe in love?
2015-09-01 8:51 pm
2015-09-01 8:45 pm
Yes, but I think it's really hard to find "True Love." Not love everyone think's how it should be or what it is but someone who does love you for you, and is always there for you. Would do anything for you. It's your other half...I think that love is hard to find. But I do believe it's there
2015-09-01 8:41 pm
I Believe that some people match you more than others, and in different ways, but it many times doesn't Always be perfect. If you are meant to meet it will happen, you will know later..
2015-09-01 8:33 pm
not sure if I do
2015-09-01 7:09 pm
Yes, I see it everyday with my parents. True love exists, you just have to be patient.
2015-09-01 7:05 pm
2015-09-01 6:35 pm
NO! I don't love anyone!
參考: I don't even love myself...
2015-09-01 5:20 pm
2015-09-01 5:18 pm
yeah im in it
2015-09-01 4:52 pm
ay i do
2015-09-01 4:12 pm
2015-09-01 3:50 pm
YES; Lay down, I want to talk to you !
2015-09-01 3:30 pm
yes I believe in love , but again love has no universal definition and for that each person s love is unique and is different from another one s love. in simple words love can be said "is the feeling of belonging".
2015-09-01 3:28 pm
i believe in love for friends and family

As for love for men i am 33 single and never been in a serious relationship so right now no i don't believe in it i have just had disappointment instead would like to be proved wrong though at some point in my life :-(
2015-09-01 3:26 pm
100% sure
2015-09-01 2:53 pm
If your mother was falling off a building, why would you feel more emotion than if a stranger was falling?
If your son was released from jail and wanted your help, what would cause you to help him?

2015-09-01 2:21 pm
Yes :)
2015-09-01 1:53 pm
yes i do
2015-09-01 1:40 pm
Absolutely. Love is the best thing ever.
2015-09-01 1:15 pm
Yes love your mother father,brothers sisters ,neighbor and all living non living things...:)
2015-09-01 1:11 pm
2015-09-01 1:07 pm

#What is love?
Baby don't hurt me!
don't hurt me
no more...#
2015-09-01 12:55 pm
2015-09-01 12:36 pm
Yes I do :)
2015-09-01 12:09 pm
yes, but not involving own self!
2015-09-01 12:04 pm
I dont know. I believe I love, and I believe others do, but the real question is...

what is love! baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no more... ooohh!
2015-09-01 11:37 am
Yes! I found love and I'm the happiest I've ever been!!
2015-09-01 11:32 am
I experienced it twice. The first time it was sort of painful because I couldn't ever reach that person but the second time it was great and worked but the closer we got to each other the more I noticed it was false. Love only works if you want it to.
2015-09-01 10:55 am
2015-09-01 10:47 am
not anymore, I had a really upsetting experience with love unfortunately. :'(
2015-09-01 10:20 am
no, because i'm not worth dating with someone yet. no one doesnt have a crush on me because im an ugly asian with pimples and i'm fat.
2015-09-01 10:10 am
That is like asking if the sun will come up tomorrow. Of course I do.
2015-09-01 9:54 am
Ye, I do. you love you father, mother, siblings.
2015-09-01 9:41 am
I do
2015-09-01 8:51 am
I have believed in true love ever since Billie Anne & I worked together !!!!
2015-09-01 8:11 am
yes but love takes many different forms other than romantic love
2015-09-01 5:30 am
2015-09-01 5:21 am
2015-09-01 5:19 am
Yes I do, he is the person you always go to and confide in as they make you feel safe and loved.
2015-09-01 5:15 am
Yes i do! :)
2015-09-01 5:10 am
yes. And S, shut up.
2015-09-01 5:07 am
Yes the most beautiful and hurting feeling ever I love to love and be loved I missed my love
2015-09-01 4:53 am
2015-09-01 4:26 am
2015-09-01 4:15 am
2015-09-01 3:36 am
I do, but it's hard for me to actually find it.
2015-09-01 3:27 am
Yes, and I have been married to her for 25 years.
2015-09-01 3:22 am
Absolutely. My marriage is proof of it.
2015-09-01 2:55 am
Yes I believe in love. Love is a basic human need. Books, songs, poems, movies all feature made-up love There are different types of love. Love of true friends, siblings love, love of music, love of God, etc. But the love of God and neighbor is lacking. This is the love we all need. 1 Corinthians 13,7,8.
2015-09-01 1:58 am
I hope I'm not late, I would also like to give my tidbit :)
Well, you know, there is love between family members and relatives, and what good bonds they are, right? And when you meet someone who really attracts you, wouldn't you want to always be with them and talk with them? Then, you may find yourself constantly thinking abt them, and, well, essentailly that's love!
Peace :)
2015-09-01 1:55 am
2015-09-01 1:21 am
2015-09-01 1:14 am
2015-09-01 12:53 am
Sure, it exists. The question really should be, what is love good for? I honestly don't think it is good for much. I am the opposite of "love is all you need." Love is a pleasant thing to have, but it's not good for making decisions.
2015-09-01 12:20 am
2015-09-01 12:13 am
No girls are heartless beings who just want dick and money
2015-09-01 12:13 am
2015-08-31 11:54 pm
Yeah, for other people... possibly. For me? No. I'm not sure how I know this, but I was born knowing that I am fated to never find love. It's really weird. And it sounds crazy, I know, but take my word for it.
2015-08-31 11:46 pm
Yeah,but I've been feeling so lonely lately
2015-08-31 11:33 pm
Yes. But if youve been shot in the head with an airpistol, battered a few times, that gives the impression that some people don't want it to happen. But it will.
2015-08-31 11:25 pm
yes love is a beatifual thing
2015-08-31 11:24 pm
yes I do believe in love
2015-08-31 11:19 pm
No, anyone is replaceable.
2015-08-31 11:07 pm
I believe in love. Just... maybe not the kind that everyone thinks of when they hear the word. I'm not a romantic, and I'm not truly sure I believe in soulmates or "the one", but, I definitely believe in other types of love. I'm tired of how when we hear the word "love", we almost always assume the romantic kind. I believe in family love... that there's love in friendship, and love for yourself.

I may not be a romantic, but I definitely feel like love truly does exist.
2015-08-31 10:59 pm
Yes but we need to be honest and loyal
2015-08-31 10:26 pm
Yeah I mean you just gotta wait for the right person babe x
2015-08-31 10:01 pm
sure. at least soon as I stop laughing I might.
2015-08-31 9:59 pm
I do I think but I always get my heart broken
2015-08-31 9:29 pm
Yes, but not sure it is for me.
2015-08-31 9:15 pm
yes and I agree with @ Elizabeth.
2015-08-31 8:52 pm
I actually don't.
2015-08-31 8:48 pm
2015-08-31 8:43 pm
Considering mankind is so dependent on it from the beginning of time, I suppose so.

Do you?
2015-08-31 8:43 pm
yes very much so
2015-08-31 8:31 pm
Eh idk how do we know love isn't some conditioned feeling we were taught since the day we were born.
2015-08-31 8:25 pm
Yes , for resl love must accpet ur partner as they r and love them as they r snd forget thoer past and start new page
2015-08-31 7:39 pm
For others? Maybe. For myself? No way in hell. I have far too many trust issues to love someone or to believe someone could ever love me.
2015-08-31 7:23 pm
2015-08-31 7:13 pm
2015-08-31 7:08 pm
not any more
2015-08-31 6:54 pm
yes! Let me tell that I used to think love wasn't real. Throughout all my high school days I never had a boyfriend. I was just never interested. I always asked myself why girls would get boyfriend after boyfriend, seeing that made me think love wasn't real; cuz if there was love in any of those relationship why would they keep switching guys after guys right? but after high school, i happened to meet this wonderful guy who i literally fell in love without really knowing what he looked like. We met on a video game (who would of thought?), we were friends for about 2 years and became really close and started dating from distance for 3 years. We recently met in person..when i first some him in person; it was like i fell in love all over again. My feelings for him changed because it became even bigger for me and for him as well. That's when i told myself that true love really does exist and that there is someone out there for everyone. You just gotta wait and be patient.. you'll find yours too..I promise(:
2015-08-31 6:43 pm
yes... yes... ye-... uhmm.. no
2015-08-31 6:23 pm
I beleave in love
2015-08-31 6:06 pm
2015-08-31 5:21 pm
2015-08-31 5:03 pm
Yes i do.... i agree with Elizabeth .., :)
2015-08-31 4:59 pm
2015-08-31 4:27 pm
2015-08-31 4:14 pm
no its stupid
2015-08-31 3:59 pm
2015-08-31 3:52 pm
Yes I do. My husband taught me what love is. My parents were incapable of love. I an so happy now with my loving husband.
2015-08-31 3:47 pm
I believe in a thing called love
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart
There's a chance we can make it now
Lalalalalala...sun goes down....
2015-08-31 3:20 pm
2015-08-31 3:09 pm
I used to... But one day they'll wake up and tell you they don't love you anymore...
2015-08-31 3:08 pm
No. I don't. I believe in loving family, like I love my mom... But I don't believe in "true love" or any of that.
2015-08-31 2:53 pm
oh yes i do
2015-08-31 2:45 pm
For sure. It is wonderful when you are in it. It is also painful too though.
2015-08-31 2:06 pm
yes but not for me
2015-08-31 2:04 pm
Yes, but only true love
2015-08-31 1:58 pm
2015-08-31 1:46 pm
Yes i do because love is beautiful
2015-08-31 1:27 pm
Simple Answer, yes I do believe in love! From the day your born you are loved, and from the day your born you learn to love :)
2015-08-31 1:18 pm
I believe I can fly
2015-08-31 1:14 pm
no ew
2015-08-31 12:43 pm
I really Believe in love all the time I'm a lady lovers!!!!!!!!
2015-08-31 12:10 pm
2015-08-31 11:41 am
Love is valuable if coming both sided. One side love is meaningless. I don't like one site love. If other side have feeling then its good. Sometime happen if one person love one site then after some time other side love is also coming.
2015-08-31 11:29 am
2015-08-31 11:08 am
Love Dam it's not a topic for talk go man get a life and feel what love is. everyone has different prescription about life go & find what your love life have for you
2015-08-31 10:58 am
Only love I believe is Self-Love, I will never ever believe in any other form of love. My heart is bleeding from all other loves. It is not worth it at all!
2015-08-31 10:49 am
Absolutely, but I believe that it develops over time. I don't believe in Disney-style love!
2015-08-31 8:49 am
i dont think so.. idk why
2015-08-31 6:30 am
2015-08-31 6:10 am
I did and then I grew up.
2015-08-31 5:30 am
I do, and love is a kinda broad subject but it exists
2015-08-31 5:17 am
yes always
2015-08-31 4:12 am
no, it brings pain
2015-08-31 3:09 am
Love is real. You just have to find it.
2015-08-31 2:04 am
If not what's the point of life?
2015-08-31 1:54 am
I use to not but I definitely do now
2015-08-31 1:53 am
YES. I have too. I'm trying to avoid it. So far, so good.
2015-08-31 1:11 am
2015-08-31 12:47 am
I don't know anymore
2015-08-31 12:10 am
2015-08-31 12:06 am
2015-08-31 12:00 am
unless they are your family its all CONDITIONAL love. you can feel love but its conditional! which mean under the right circumstances it can be taken away! **** that!
2015-08-30 11:56 pm
Hell yeah I do
2015-08-30 9:47 pm
Hell yeah
2015-08-30 9:45 pm
Yes I do.
2015-09-04 2:34 am
No, i don't believe in love.
2015-09-04 2:14 am
Yes for sure, you just have to earn it
2015-09-02 1:39 pm
you can believe in something that you are not exactly sure that it exists but you don't have to believe in something that you see everyday.
2015-09-01 2:59 am
Nope. Don't believe in it, nor do i understand the concept of it. Although i would be willing to listen if someone could explain it to me.
2015-08-31 5:25 pm
no I do not. I have felt what I thought was love and it never works out. Focus on your career and being successful
2015-08-31 4:48 pm
Yes, I do believe in love. I'm always, feeling alone. But, boys are a bad influence. I haven't had a boyfriend for nearly a month now. I don't want anyone.
2015-08-31 5:32 am
No. It's an abstract concept used to sell jewelry and flowers.
2015-08-31 5:31 am
i bwelieve i n love aftetr love
2015-08-31 5:14 am
Love doesn't last forever... I loved a girl for 11 years and now i don't anymore, idk why. it doesn't last. it lasted long enough for me but i got over her.
2015-08-31 1:46 am
You can believe in love but love may not exist forever. Believe is your view and love in reality cannot last forever.
2015-08-31 10:25 am
imo= if you get used to someone or you have the fear of losing them & your inability to replace them , you develop a feeling that some people call it love

my answer is no, love doesn't exist.
2015-08-31 12:53 am
Only true love between family, not men or women that are strangers to you
2015-08-31 3:25 am
Just rape your boyfriend.
That's all I have to say.

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