How can I deal with having no electronics?

2015-08-30 9:00 pm
My parents are taking away all of my electronics for three week and I can't think of anything to do, don't like board games or cards or anything like that so does anyone have any suggestions?

回答 (9)

2015-08-31 6:11 am
Just go out, see the world; the world is very big. Discover the various gifts of the nature and you will be surprised to miss so many things in the past days.
2015-08-30 10:58 pm
Ride a bicycle. You want to get away for awhile anyway. You could ride to a friends house. See how far you can ride, challenge yourself, improve every day.
2015-09-01 3:24 pm
My wife and I recently spent two weeks in Key West, totally disconnected from electronics, other than music, and that was from an iPod classic. When we got to Miami to fly home we turned on our phones, yes there were plenty of voice mails and emails, but we really did not miss out on anything. This total disconnect included television and radio both broadcast and satellite.

Oh, and one more thing, you might want to consider READING a BOOK or TWO!!
2015-08-31 5:19 pm
Well Lucas, Doctor, johnm and lare all made good suggestions. Also keep in mind that if they take away "all" of your electronics it means that there is no way to track where you are going, where you are or even get in touch with you as "all" will include your phone. Now you need to convince them to let you keep your phone as the world is a dangerous place and should an emergency situation arise you need to be able to contact them or other emergency personnel for assistance. Now then said phone can in most cases be used to communicate with people over a very large variety of social networks, play games of some sort and to even check emails.

Good Luck, keep your chin up and look forward to the day when you get your electronics back.
2015-08-31 8:23 am
Draw, write, listen to the radio on your alarm clock.
2015-08-31 1:55 pm
get a library card. most libraries offer internet so you can still read your email. also they have lots of books for great reading.
2015-09-02 8:14 pm
Just keep whining, and the time will pass by quickly.
2015-09-02 12:27 am
Learn to like what you don't like.
2015-09-01 6:56 pm
Try reading books they are the great source of knowledge which one gained will remain with you for the next whole years of your life. These electronics make a person lazy and more technology dependent rather than using your very own brain you start depending on internet sources of information. So, if you really want to cherish your time without electronics keep yourself equipped with books. You will find so many of them in a library of any topic you like to read. Once you are friends with them I bet you will never find any other thing more peaceful and min refreshing as reading a book.

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