Eye floaters?

2015-08-30 5:35 pm
I found out I had these literally just a second ago. I was looking at questions and found the term, "Eye floater." I wanted to see if it was connected to what I had.

It pretty much was.

I have a small, but fat one. I also have sort of like a string. I'm uncertain if I have more.

I do get optic migraines. I don't think they come at a pattern but they are usually around six months apart. I'll notice when I'm reading. It usually starts like this

So I'm reading a sentence: The dog jumped over the fence.

I'm looking at the word dog. The word jumped is covered up by a dot. After that my eyes aren't focused on anything they see. Then I throw up for about seven hours.

I'm not sure if I should be worried about this. I know other people get these and just live with them.

回答 (5)

2015-08-30 8:10 pm
Could be floater, but just because you read it on the internet doesn't mean it is. You describe it as a dot? A dot could vary from a floater all the way to retinal detachment. I would highly recommend going to see an optometrist. The vomiting is most likely from sudden visual changes, kind of like spinning in circles. Anyways, I highly recommend going to an optometrist. :)
2015-08-30 6:30 pm
Floaters are so common we all have them. Mostly we learn to ignore them, becoming aware only when we look at a plain light-colored surface like an empty wall. They cause no harm and are not related to optic migraines, which I get, too. (It helps if you take something for it the moment you notice any visual disturbance.)
2016-03-05 5:42 am
Effective Eye Floaters Natural Treatment - http://EyeFloaters.neatprim.com
2015-08-30 5:39 pm
Wow thanks for that amazing answer. Thank you oh so much troll...
2015-08-30 5:35 pm

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