請問如果樓宇是長者持有(業主是長者), 但實質是由子女供款. 若他日長者百年歸老後, 樓宇會否成為遺產盤, 幾年內下手買家不能借樓按?

2015-08-30 2:34 pm

回答 (1)

2015-08-31 1:20 am
1. Yes. Unless any proactive measures have been taken, the property will be subject to probate.

2. Usually, a death in property does not affect if banks provide any financing. Banks, when making determinations, rely on the appraised value, not selling prices. In other words, if banks do not think this property is worth certain amount, they will not approve the mortgage or will require the applicants to provide additional funding.

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