My boyfriend only brave with me when he is tipsy? What to do ?

2015-08-30 9:14 am
My boyfriend is kinda shy guy, never had a girlfriend, he is not showing his affection the way it should be. Only when he drinks alcohol at some party he becomes more open, kind. Becomes flirty and says to me what he keeps in his minds while being sober. We are together about a year.
Its really annoys that he is not being fully opened with his emotions, how to change it?
And we are not in intimate relationship.

回答 (1)

2015-08-30 9:22 am
He's shy and you're not.Its not going to change,he's stating excatly the way he is. You're with the wrong guy.You need a guy who will open up to you.Anyone who needs alcohol to do isnt worth the effort. Its time to give him up and let him go and find a guy who doesnt have a problem with communication and expressing feelings. You cant change the guy to become what you want but you can change your standards and find the right guy for you who is what you want.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:52:36
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