Where can I "publish" some of my writing?

2015-08-29 7:46 pm
I am only a teen... I really wish I knew of a site where I could share my writing. I have been writing for a while... And I would love a site where people could read my poetry and give me some advice. I would love it if you guys could help me! :)

回答 (7)

2015-08-29 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wattpad might serve.
2015-08-29 8:00 pm
Some crap site liek Wattpad that caters for illiterate girls
2015-08-29 10:20 pm
Wattpad is the place you wanna go. :)
2015-08-29 9:26 pm
You could always post your writing on Wattpad or create a writing blog.
2015-08-30 9:32 am
Try a site called 'Absolute Write'.
2015-08-30 12:34 am
Wattpad is the place! :)
2015-09-02 7:32 am
You can try Penana :)

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