sine and cosine formula produce different answers?

2015-08-29 5:01 pm
seems like the answer used by cosine or sine formula is different
Shouldn't the answer be the same in no matter situations?

回答 (1)

2015-08-30 12:59 am
Rt-angle laws:

RQ = √(625 - x^2)

RS = √(400 - RQ^2)

= √(400 - 625 + x^2)

= √(x^2 - 225)

PS = PR - RS

= x - √(x^2 - 225)

Cosine law:

PS^2 = 625 + 400 - 2*20*25*cos12

= 1025 - 1000*cos12

= 46.8524

=> PS = 6.84488 = x - √(x^2 - 225)

=> √(x^2 - 225) = x - PS

=> x^2 - 225 = (x - PS)^2 = x^2 - 2*PS*x + PS^2

=> 2*PS*x = PS^2 + 225

=> x = (PS^2 + 225)/(2*PS)

= (46.8524 + 225)/(2*6.84488)

= 19.848

= Answer

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