我有時慢跑或跳繩跳到大概一百多下時頭就開始痛這是為甚麼?? 整個劇痛...我在家裡跳?
回答 (2)
您好 我提供專業資訊請你參考
你在跳繩慢跑會震動到頸椎, 頭殼蓋, 頸椎如有沾黏,側彎,翻轉,頭殼骨。有偏移,頭殼骨縫太緊密, 痙攣就會產生頭痛,
根據我40年研究 經驗,御醫祖傳調理法,可幫你對症調理, 請參觀我的部落格文章
祝 身體早日恢復健康
世全傳統整復推拿 疑難雜症 研究專家
I will as well! sometimes if your body is too weak and the energy consumption is too much, then you may even faint even if u run slowly. I think is blood filling your brain, making you this syptoms. Rest more and dine regularly is alright:)
收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:59:16
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