Does money affects your marriage? How will you handle the issue if it happens to you?

2015-08-29 12:28 pm

回答 (21)

2015-08-29 5:44 pm
Does money affect your marriage, yes it does but there's always prenuptial agreement.
2015-08-29 5:16 pm
The awake 2015 cover article A balanced view of money.
Of course, money has its limitations. Norwegian poet Arne Garborg said that with money “you can buy food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; soft beds, but not sleep; knowledge, but not wisdom; glitter, but not beauty; splendor, but not warmth; fun, but not joy; acquaintances, but not friends; servants, but not faithfulness.” For more information, please read the below link.
2015-09-01 12:52 pm
Money keep marriage with no argue and no stress , if u have probleme with money u can get second job and reduce ur spends u and ur wife and do saving and u will be good
2015-08-30 2:16 pm
Money affects marriage period. Its how you both agree to handle the money and decisions that makes a difference and will either make or break the marriage.

Hubby and I dealt with money issues with our first marriages and ex's. We learned from that and are pretty much on board with each other now when it comes to money.

At the beginning of our marriage we had over $40K in various debts. Today, after 13 yrs of marriage we are virtually DEBT FREE. We are paying cash for our next house and when this one sells we will be totally debt free!
2015-08-29 11:07 pm
yes but you just discuss it and work things out in the value of money or not.
2015-08-29 12:55 pm
People marry and divorce for the same two reasons: money and sex.
2015-08-31 11:50 pm
in my experience the one earning the most has control.
2015-08-31 2:40 pm
Well, sure. However, I married a man who was smart about fiances (as I am). You're bound to run into problems if one of you is frugal and the other thinks nothing of spending frivolously.
2015-08-31 5:32 am
Its never affected mine and we have been married 40 years.
The reason is we hashed all that out before we were married
And I was like Grandpa, I made the money the wife handled it
2015-08-31 3:45 am
Money affects everybody marriage . work on it 8 hr job for 2 people you got know how to save . Your always going to have bills . Have faith you always get by .
2015-08-31 12:51 am
money ended my marriage
2015-08-30 4:51 pm
Even the bible makes it clare that a woman is a help-meet. So a woman should not think that every thing that needs financial attension must only be handled by the man even if she earns her own money. She should do something. And incase the man puts u incharge of his finances like mine does, it may just be a trap. Make sure u dont spend a single franc from it without his instruction or approval. By so doing, money will never be an issue in ur marriege.
2015-08-30 11:39 am
Money affects everything not only marriage .Money is not everything but without money one cannot do anything . As such plan the financial aspect of your marriage . Prepare a budget indicating the funds required and funds available . If funds available are insufficient identify the ways and means of raising additional funds . See whether funds required can be cut down by economizing . This way arrive at a break even point .Avoid getting involved in excessive debt which could have after effects after marriage . With proper understanding both can have a smooth passage and a happy wedding
2015-08-30 10:13 am
As long as before the wedding you FULLY talk about the budget, saving money to buy a home vacations allowance for both.
If say he did not honor the agreement or we could not agree then I'd keep my finances separate and pay half. If he didn't have his half &'d live apart till he learned to budget on his own.
I would NEVER file taxes together save some now pay it later, no way

And yes it has happened, and although he still cuts it closer than
i'm comfortable with I'm beginning to love living alone that is when he isn't visiting. He likes it more than I do, we divorced 7 years in divorced 7 both still faithful.
2015-08-29 8:38 pm
yes, some times it do. mostly if the woman makes more then the man. it is the self esteem issue with the man because traditionally the man always made more money than the woman. I really don't see what difference it makes as long as you are pulling together with the same goals in mind.
2015-08-29 8:04 pm
Money effects everyone but in marriage it is best to talk the problem over and deal with it in an adult manner
2015-08-29 6:35 pm
Yes, all outside stresses will impact ones marriage and how they are handled, isn't the same for all, isn't the same to the same people when they hit, no one knows how they will react until they are in the situations.
2015-08-29 4:12 pm
amer nailed it the 2 biggest issues in marriage are sex and money
2015-08-29 3:49 pm
Money affects everything. What would happen to me?
2015-08-29 3:34 pm
It affects it, but just be patient. It is not easy to find a job or a job that pays us well.
2015-08-29 1:11 pm
Money affects everything. But true love can overcome money issues. If you devorce because of money, it wasn't true love.

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