What percentage of "refugees" invading Europe are actually ISIS?

2015-08-29 2:07 am

Jesus Christ aint there some thick as **** pricks posting their "answers" here.


My earlier edit referred to the obvious neo-NAZIs.


...neo NAZI's who refer to Jewish folk as "sionists".

回答 (13)

2015-08-29 6:34 am
-A LOT Fewer- than the Ones who are Drowning, Starving, or being Suffocated in the Backs of meat trucks by Highwaymen- along the Way... :o
參考: The "Road -from Damascus. "
2015-08-29 8:37 am
How can you trust any of them not to be isis? Once a muslim....
2015-08-29 7:52 am
I'd think quite a bit if not all. Many western people do not know a thing about islam and muslim upbringings. If you are born into islam you are likely to be brainwashed into thinking it is the truth for the rest of your life. Ask a muslims to criticize islam. He will not. The "peaceful" muslims are really just as radical, they only call out the killers cause they expose them.
2015-08-29 3:16 am
Not many, I would think.
2015-08-29 8:39 am
Almost none. If ISIS insurgents are trying to get among us, there are far easier ways than dying in a leaky boat, walking the length of Europe, or potentially suffocating in the back of a refrigerated lorry. Any ISIS insurgents will be arriving by normal methods with false documents.

The refugees are exactly that - ordinary people seeking better than they have in their war-ravaged homes.
2015-08-29 2:21 am
Gosh, did you know that Zionists sit back?
2015-08-29 12:26 pm
So far none. But soon they will become ISIS. A lot of them.
2015-08-29 9:39 am
2015-08-29 8:51 am
Almost none, the problem is in the West we call 'em Muslim, well..... Muslims don't exist, there's Sunni, Shia, and a couple of minor-Islamic religions, and they differ about as much as Christianity did during the Inquisition, and Reformation era(where Catholics, and Protestants were killing each other).

Most of the refugees are Shia, and they are the ones getting massmurdered by IS, so they surely won't be IS.

There's some Sunni, but Sunni ranges from the fundamentalist, like Saudi, and IS, to Turkey, Kuwait, and Egypt. So they go from very moderate, to straight up terrorists.
參考: It's why a lot of Western-sympathizers for IS are used for suicide bombings, because they also believe IS is Muslim, and they often didn't know they are Shia themselves, so on the kill-list. So the ignorance is ironically in both the people who distrust the Middle-East, AND the people that identify with the violence in the Middle-East.
2015-08-29 8:38 am
About 48% according to special branch reports. You will die.
2015-08-29 8:18 am
99.9% are potentially hostile muslims.
2015-08-29 11:53 am
What percentage of "refugees" invading Europe are actually ISIS? Iran is to be blamed for the SoL. KKK and ISIS are funded by Sionists. ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service = daughter of Mossad. Al Qaeda = daughter of CIA. First Mossad does the Statue of Liberty, then some "old" bridge, then explosion in the sea floods New Sodom (New York), later New Gomorah (Los Angeles) is flooded. God punishes when murder (abortion), witchcraft, and sodomy are legalized. America has to go. Good-bye, America, you filled the earth with your poison (pornography, abortions, sodomy, murdering civilians worldwide, etc.); and now you pay for the blood of the innocent. Forgive me.
2015-08-29 10:37 am
UNKNOWN - only time will tell.

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