Are men biologically and physically superior to women?

2015-08-28 8:55 pm

回答 (18)

2015-08-28 9:01 pm
I suppose that depends on your criteria for superiority.

Are we talking about physical strength or the ability to bring new human life into the world?
2015-08-28 9:54 pm
No, just different.

Men can't gestate babies. That's a pretty big gap when you consider evolution and the continuation of the species.

Men may be, on average, more powerful, deadlier etc, but their biological capability of producing sperm is, IMHO pretty mundane when you compare that to the process of getting a fertilized egg to babyhood.

We can wax rhapsodic about all the accomplishments men have brought to civilization, but it's hard to knock the raw biology of pregnancy. Amazing stuff.
2015-08-28 10:46 pm
Yes, women are inferior at everything. They shouldn't even be allowed to vote imvho
2015-08-28 9:06 pm
No I'd say they're about equal. They're both built with strengths that the other lacks. For example: Men are built to be naturally stronger. Women are built to deal with more pain and go through drastic changes in the body like periods, pregnancy, and child birth.

Also what you consider physically superior, and even biologically, superior is merely based on opinion.
2015-08-29 1:54 am
Men are superior in every single area except for reproduction.
2015-08-30 8:52 am
No to a Christian only God is our Superior i have found the US use superior always in the wrong Context

yet to meet any Male of Female that comes Close to be My Superior but met many who are My Equals and Many of a Higher Ranking
2015-08-29 2:47 am
2015-08-29 6:49 pm
Women are superior to men when it comes to education while men are superior to women when it comes to sports men's bodies are made athletically and muscular due to testosterone. While women's bodies are made for giving life and nurturing due to estrogen hence they tend to be opposite to men but they live longer and are more intelligent
2015-08-29 4:30 am
No...Men are not superior to women , IMVHO! They are weak and sometime, they do not used their brain! on the contrary , woman have inborn ability of management and women always takes decision which make profit to company.But woman still does not share equal % in high position jobs , its is an unfortunate thing for me! According to me, Company should give 50% reservation for woman in every sector ! it will definitely bring gender equality in work space!
2015-08-28 9:42 pm
No they just have more will to get things done and find answers. Testostrone makes men physically superior but even without it THE FACT is that THEY dont need to bare children and shouldnt have to raise them. They raise sons. Mothers raise daughters. If the father isnt there BLAME feminism. And on top of THAT they are more logicaly. Superiority is a emotionally charged word just like murder or kill. You could use language for your own purposes but whatever.

I also think it would be a incredibley huge waste of time for women to try to get testostrone and the mechianisms that make men more logical and rational...................its already in place. Have fun in the understandable bond of matrimony and renounce feminsm and free sexuality BULLOCKS!

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