My parents think I'm the worst person cause I'm athiest. Adivise?

2015-08-28 1:47 pm
She somehow got clues of me being athiest and asked one day so I told the trust hoping she'd be accepting.
Now she thinks I'm some sorta communist antiamerica scum or something.
I'm not either of those things but cause I'm athiest she thinks I'm morally ****** up.
I make amazing grades, not a trouble maker but tall that is going to waste cause I don't believe in a God....

回答 (17)

2015-08-28 1:54 pm
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Anyone who doesn't believe in your parents' god is an atheist. Ghandi was an atheist. He was pretty horrible, wasn't he? Stephen Hawking is an atheist, and he holds one of the highest moral standards there is. Most of the winners of Nobel Prizes have been atheist or agnostic. Half of the founding fathers of America were atheist/agnostic/non-deists. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence spoke out about religion, and James Madison, who authored most of the constitution, was adamant about the separation of church and state.

I know parents don't like being told their beliefs are bogus, especially by their children, but remind them Jesus was a socialist, and would have tried to show you the way instead of vilifying you for your lack of belief.
2015-08-28 1:49 pm
She suffers from Religious Delusion disorder, and should seek professional help.
You can do nothing about that, she has to.
She won't, so bite your tongue, hold your water, and live your own life when you are able.
2015-08-28 1:49 pm
Just keep working hard, maybe get a part time job, and save up to get your own place.

You won't have to live a life of misery with your parents then!
2015-08-28 2:22 pm
Continue to show her that you have moral values and aren't the ****** up person she assumes all atheists are. Maybe she'll start to come around and realize that atheists aren't the people her religious leaders said they were.
2015-08-28 9:08 pm
So your parents have known you all your life, and suddenly they don't remember what you are like and the type of person you are?

Point out to them that you are exactly the same person you were before they knew your position on religion and such.
2015-08-28 7:04 pm
Take comfort for they is not a Christian. I would question which god that she actually believes they are following.
2015-08-28 7:00 pm
My parents think I'm the worst person cause I'm athiest. Adivise?

- Typical fundie attitude, nothing you can do.
2015-08-28 4:21 pm
Hopefully they will come around. In the meantime, just live your life. You don't mention how old you are. If you can find a Unitarian Universalist congregation near you, start attending. There are many there who are atheists and all UU's are accepting of what others believe or don't believe.
2015-08-28 4:09 pm
Proof positive there can be no such thing as a loving god or any chance of Chrsitians behaving as if they could believe in such a thing!

Proves you absolutely correct!
2015-08-28 2:58 pm
just live, if she thinks that then educate her.
2015-08-28 2:55 pm
Don't worry about small-minded sheeple, you'll be out in the world with real people eventually.
2015-08-28 2:26 pm
There may be circumstances where it is necessary.
2015-08-28 2:20 pm
The only person whose opinion that should be important to you is your own, and you don't want to lie to yourself. Give it time and maybe she will eventually turn around and accept or it will be her loss, parents SHOULD love their children unconditionally, it isn't like you suddenly changed, you are still the same person you were before. People change, give it tome and good luck.
2015-08-28 2:05 pm
Uh, what, if anything, are you asking?

What does she do, exactly?

There's no point arguing with her about this. Just keep your head down, so to speak, until you can be out on your own.

But it's impossible to advise, since you're very light on details about exactly what is going on.
2015-08-28 2:48 pm
Parents usually know better than children. That is why they were made responsible for the child until maturity by God.
2015-08-28 2:17 pm
So they are narrow minded like many of the fanatic religious people, most likely the want the best for you, take that and "forgive" them their nonsense,
btw, God is good
2015-08-28 1:49 pm
They should love you--since that is the language of God--and you will learn to love God--since God is love--lol.

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