baby bump question. How many months pregnant that your stomach will show up?

2015-08-28 3:33 am
some says 3, some says 5.

回答 (3)

2015-08-28 3:17 pm
Depends on you. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and when people see me, they assume I'm 5 months. My friend who is 30 weeks, looks like she's about to pop any day.
2015-08-28 9:42 am
Every and I mean every woman is different. I didnt show till 6 and a half months and thats when I stopped sleeping on my stomach. I just look like I was bloated and had a small tummy full term. I remember my nephew asked me when I was due and I said in three days lol. I am pregnant with baby number 2 now and I am just over 12weeks. :/ You still cant tell. Id post you a photo but my ipad is terrible.
2015-08-28 4:11 am
More like 5-6.
You may look different before then but you wont have an actual baby bumo untill then.

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