Should I buy a Windows PC or a Mac computer?

2015-08-28 12:29 am
I currently have a Mac and I will soon be going to college and I need a new computer. I also have a Windows phone so I wanted to know some more opinions of which computer to buy.

回答 (98)

2015-08-28 1:50 am
Mac is ridiculously overpriced for not being that much better. With you being a college student, unless you have rich parents, definitely go with Windows. Windows is also compatible with many more programs, anyways.
2015-08-28 8:28 pm
At first you should decide what kind of work you want to do.Mac is best for working with graphics design.But if you want to play games or want to do normal work then i suggest Windows is best.

Another thing is you should look after about the available computer parts.Because with my experience mac pc's parts are expensive from windows pc.
now everything depends on your budget and your working criteria.
2015-08-29 4:22 am
Well first off Windows doesn't make it a PC. You can put Linux on it and its still a PC, PC stands for personal computer, "MAC" is a brand. Macintosh is the operating system. Depends on what you're going to be doing with it. And Its not true that Macs aren't capable of running Windows hardware and software, You can run a dual boot or virtual machine on your mac and run windows also. If you have a windows phone and an apple or Mac or even Linux its compatible. Don't listen to people who have no idea what they are talking about. People buy Mac or apple products for one of two reason, its the name and a brand and they want to be like everyone else or they are graphic designers, developers for Apple products, etc.. Those are the main reasons. People don't buy Mac to play games on or anything of that nature so if you're a gamer i'd stick with PC if not then do whats going to save you the most money. I'd say go Linux but most people don't even know what Linux is let alone know how to use it. But PC are the best bang for your buck. But if you've got an extra oh 2500 dollars sitting around get a Mac, just be sure to get the warranty. Anyhow best of luck to you!
2015-08-28 1:57 am
windows. use the money you save for college.
2015-08-28 12:30 am
2015-08-28 12:30 am
2015-08-28 9:37 am
Macs are brilliant but are not compatible with Windows hardware or software. You say you have a Windows Phone? That'll be running Windows 8.1 your best bet is to get a Windows Laptop that way you'll be able to connect and use your phone no problem.
I ran Windows XP for several years then upgraded to Windows 7 which is great and now am currently running (and monitoring) the new Windows 10 Upgrade which came out just over 6 weeks ago, so far so good.
I hope you make the right choice and I wish you well for the new term.
2015-08-30 4:42 pm
buy the windows pc, reject the micro$oft license and demand your refund for the windows os, then install linux for free. linux is a far superior os than windows. and it's completely FREE!
2015-08-30 3:26 pm
Yes you should fast time a PC buy next laptop.
2015-08-30 6:56 am
listen I bought a google chrome book 3 almost 4 years ago and its been in my life every day and night flawlessly so if I may get yourself a google chromebook for around $ 249.00 and change
2015-08-29 3:41 pm
If you want to use OSX you should buy a Mac. You can install Windows, Linux, or whatever on it as well, whereas you can't easily or legally install OSX on a PC.

Of course you pay a price premium for Macs.
2015-08-29 11:29 am
2015-08-29 5:31 am
Macintosh computers is a "fad" product that has been ingeniously marketed to the ill-informed. Some people love it, but it would seem to be that PC owners know better. If you plan on playing any computer games, do not get a Mac... If you wish to do any advanced network or utility operations, do not get a Mac. The only time I would advise someone to get a Mac is if they are already used to their product and they wish to know little about their computer and will only use it for simple tasks like Facebook or writing essays.
2015-08-29 3:58 am
It all depends on what you like the best, as well as how much do you want to save.
2015-08-29 2:26 am
2015-08-29 12:47 am
2015-08-28 6:19 pm
2015-08-28 5:32 pm
basically windows pc is good for you
2015-08-28 11:39 am
i think windows pc best for use.
2015-08-28 5:42 am
It really depends on what you like to use more. It's a pain to have to switch from one OS to another if you're used to one. Some people can do it, others hate the other OS and wish they had stuck with what they had.

Are you okay with dealing with Windows? If so PCs are usually cheaper, and easier to fix.
If you don't like Windows you may be better off getting another Mac.
2015-08-30 12:08 pm
Well first off Windows doesn't make it a PC. You can put Linux on it and its still a PC, PC stands for personal computer, "MAC" is a brand. Macintosh is the operating system. Depends on what you're going to be doing with it. And Its not true that Macs aren't capable of running Windows hardware and software, You can run a dual boot or virtual machine on your mac and run windows also. If you have a windows phone and an apple or Mac or even Linux its compatible. Don't listen to people who have no idea what they are talking about. People buy Mac or apple products for one of two reason, its the name and a brand and they want to be like everyone else or they are graphic designers, developers for Apple products, etc.. Those are the main reasons. People don't buy Mac to play games on or anything of that nature so if you're a gamer i'd stick with PC if not then do whats going to save you the most money. I'd say go Linux but most people don't even know what Linux is let alone know how to use it. But PC are the best bang for your buck. But if you've got an extra oh 2500 dollars sitting around get a Mac, just be sure to get the warranty. Anyhow best of luck to you!
2015-08-28 10:00 pm
Windows PC. A popular saying is that, if you want to learn how a computer works, do not buy a MAC.
2015-08-28 7:17 pm
Most of the academic software can be used in Mac.But windows is easier than Mac.So, I say, you should use Mac,because you are habituated with Mac.
2015-08-28 1:36 am
If you want performance for games...your only option is to BUILD a decent machine...then you can put whatever OS you want on it. Mac OS, Windows or Linux. Mac OS is a version of LINUX...but they don't tell you that.
2015-08-30 4:22 am
A windows computer will get the job done for basically anything you can think of. There are some programs that are on windows, that Mac OS X doesn't have. For school work, I'd say get a Mac IF and only IF you can afford it, because those things aren't cheap. To save money, you could get a windows notebook. If you're going to be doing more than school work and browsing the internet, get a Windows Laptop for sure. Mac is basically for productivity and if this is your goal, go for it. You'll almost never ever get a virus using a Mac. Windows on the other hand, you have to get softwares etc. I own a Mac and i'd much rather keep the Mac than use a Windows laptop. Desktops are a different story though.
2015-08-28 6:21 pm
It's depend from your work. Very often Mac is a better.
2015-08-29 3:21 am
2016-05-16 6:51 am
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2016-03-01 9:51 pm
Macbook Pro or Macbook Air. Once you delete a file on a Mac, it's completely gone. As opposed to a Windows where the file still takes up memory when it's deleted. Macs don't run hidden programs in the background. Whereas Windows runs about 30 on average. With Mac, more of your RAM is accessible. And plus, you get a lot of free software with a Mac that would usually cost $500 for a Windows. Hope I helped!
2015-09-04 5:52 am
If you were to wade into the middle of any large technology conference and shout out "Macs are whack" or "Apple rules, Microsoft stinks," you could start a riot. The conflict between Apple supporters and Windows fans has raged on college campuses, social networks and Internet message boards. It's a discussion that invites flame wars. Put on your fireproof britches, we're going to wade right into it.
2015-09-02 3:14 pm
Don't use Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X!
Switch to GNU/Linux!
2015-09-02 11:52 am
Mac Os
2015-09-02 7:39 am
Both are good
2015-09-02 4:31 am
Run Windows all my life and had nothing but problems. Bought a Mac 6 years ago and it's still going strong. Buy one and you will understand.
2015-09-01 7:18 am
windows is better for working but mac looks better and it's mostly used for fun.
2015-09-01 12:43 am
Windows is the most prevalent operating system, most especially in the business and gaming world. Macs are more prevalent in graphics and music. I think the video/audio editing in the Mac is really easy to operate.

As far as "learning about computers" I don't see why a Windows machine would be different from a Mac. They both have a graphic interface nowdays. I can take my Mac apart and put it back together, replace parts, add components, etc. You can program on a Mac as well as a Windows unit.

It seems to me that the Mac machine is better built. I've had a couple of different Windows unit and three Macs. My Macs have lasted for many years. The only reason I'm not still using the first one every day is video editing (the new one is WAY faster) and java scripts on the internet. I still use my OS9 machine for music and audio editing. Most people I know have been through several more machines than I have since '97.

I haven't done very much of it, but supposedly you can run Windows native on the newer Macs with BootCamp or emulated with Parallels.

Used Mac machines are a good alternative. You can get them at very reasonable prices.
2015-08-31 11:42 pm
I'd say it depends:

Video/Audio/Software development go for MAC.

Anything else: Windows is the way.

Still if you are going to college you might want portability and reliability on your computer.
I hate to accept this but Apple is way more reliable on performance terms the downside of this
is that you are jailed on a platform that won't let you do as much as you could on a windows computer.
2015-08-31 7:33 pm
Yes , you can buy Window PC
2015-08-31 6:05 pm
windows. my opinion tho.
2015-08-31 1:30 pm
Think what is best for you..
2015-08-31 9:26 am
2015-08-31 9:20 am
i think Windows
2015-08-31 7:50 am
Windows PC is best
2015-08-31 7:22 am
If you ask convenient, Windows OS is better to MAC OS. This is becase Windows OS have all document address. MAC OS have not document address.
If you ask safety, MAC is better to Windows OS.
2015-08-31 6:54 am
2015-08-31 2:32 am
I wouldn t touch a non Mac computer... ever...!!!! Windows based machines will get viruses, etc, where Apple computers will not.. Apple computers are MUCH easier to use
2015-08-31 2:25 am
Windows. More flexible, cheaper and last longer.
2015-08-30 9:46 pm
If you spend the amount of money on a mac computer that you did on a windows pc you would get alot more out of the windows pc. But macs have pretty nice screens.
2015-08-30 8:27 pm
2015-08-30 6:47 pm
Windows. Because it quite chief.
2015-08-30 3:40 pm
It's completely your decision. all kinds of computer you can use all Utilize work. so Mac/Windows are also good.
2015-08-30 3:20 pm
2015-08-30 11:08 am
You can buy a DELL laptop. It will be best for you.
2015-08-30 10:43 am
I think you should buy a Windows Computer.
Thank you.
2015-08-30 9:16 am
Windows PC.
2015-08-30 5:15 am
it depends on what you want to do with your computer, if you want to do gaming get a windows pc for any thing else get a mac
2015-08-30 4:46 am
2015-08-30 3:32 am
2015-08-30 2:40 am
2015-08-29 11:31 pm
PC is much simpler. If you broke or want to upgrade mac its really pain in the a**, with pc its very simple.
2015-08-29 10:30 pm
2015-08-29 8:58 pm
window for work and mac for gaming
2015-08-29 8:42 pm
Get a PC/windows, the problem with Mac's is it's way hard to get third party software on them but on windows you can basically download anything. Computers running windows are more versatile and all around useful, the only thing Mac's are useful for is if you want to be showy. lmao.
2015-08-29 8:40 pm
windows pc
2015-08-29 6:17 pm
2015-08-29 5:45 pm
Windows there is greater support across many platforms
2015-08-29 2:45 pm
buy all of them.
2015-08-29 1:28 pm
it depends upon on your surroundings and attitude, professionals like MAC includes programmers/developers/Experts Techs/ Linux Techs. Otherwise, Windows is user friendly and easy to use.
2015-08-29 12:23 pm
In my opinion, get a PC. You can upgrade it and you can also use Linux in it which is free.
2015-08-29 9:12 am
If you are most concerned being cool, have plenty of money to burn and don't care about having a job in the future, get a mac. Otherwise windows.
2015-08-29 9:04 am
2015-08-29 8:42 am
if you want to do a graphical baesd work then you should buy a MAC pc! because its best for graphical work. Otherwise if u prefer to advance in every way then i suggest you to buy a windows pc. Among windows pc core i7 is the best. Ofcourse the 5th Genaration processors they are high classified.
2015-08-29 8:15 am
Windows is better !
2015-08-29 8:05 am
Windows is better
2015-08-29 7:51 am
Macs have no right click. Think about that.
2015-08-29 6:15 am
If you have decided to soon buy a PC or PCs you can buy in the near future this is likely. There is no previous experience in relation to the purchase of the PC or to the neighborhood, and no one can give you a guideline. There is nothing to worry !! PC kenata apparently seem scary to many people, but in fact it's very complicated for any serious work. Remember that if you light a little courage and self-confidence in one's own PC's configuration itself alone, could be out for the PC purchase. Yet those who are still a little fear, maybe to overcome my fear in their hearts, with this, to restore confidence to some extent.
Prossesor: Core I 7-920
Core 2 Duo 2.67 Ghz.
Hard disk: 1 tarabite
2015-08-29 4:33 am
i think windows i find Apple to big headed about there products.
2015-08-29 3:56 am
Windows if you run an office... more software available.
2015-08-29 3:46 am
Windows Pc. You can actually do gaming on it. And the features it has available is so much more than the MAC. Its capable of so much more.
2015-08-29 3:43 am
Get a mac, it will be cheaper in the long run.
2015-08-29 12:55 am
Windows, mac is overpriced and overrated. Plus, mac isn't compatible with a lot of stuff. Here's a quick answer: Everyday stuff and gaming = windows, mac = editing videos, designing stuff ect = mac
2015-08-28 10:20 pm
2015-08-28 6:01 pm
I hvnt tried a Mac before but i think windows .
2015-08-30 5:47 am
A mac book they got better reviews
2015-08-29 11:06 pm
Windows 10 is the way to go.
2015-08-29 6:09 pm
Many people mistakenly think that Microsoft Office is part of Windows. It isn't. What you get on most new PCs and laptops is a bunch of crapware that you almost certainly don't want.
A Mac arrives with the useful iLife suite already installed, allowing you to edit photos and videos as well as make music. You also get a decent email client and access to the iWork online apps.
2015-08-29 7:03 am
Buy a computer with no operating system, then put windows10 on it while windows10 is still free.

I'm thinking of doing that myself if I ever get money.
2015-08-29 4:59 am
I have a PC and it totally sucks, but I've never had a Mac so I don't really have the right to go around stating things.
2015-08-29 3:51 am
I say MAC. It always works, isn't under constant assault by viruses, and has Microsoft Office. Windows is underwhelming.
2015-08-29 3:18 am
2015-08-28 11:33 pm
2015-08-28 8:19 pm
Its all depend on your need
2015-08-28 7:28 am
2015-08-29 12:28 am
Mac. Easy
2015-08-28 2:17 pm
Most say Windows, I've got a Windows I regret it. You pay for what you get, Windows really IMO can't last longer than a few years, before needing to be replaced. Even with virus protection, they just has viruses everywhere, although Macs can get them, it's a lot rarer and harder to get one. Windows is a lot harder as well, and hey over heat so much easier.
2015-08-28 7:57 am
Mac Computer because its best
2015-08-28 3:39 pm
2015-08-28 12:30 am

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