Rabies in a coke can?

2015-08-27 4:41 pm
I'm a hypochondriac and I am extremely worried about my health.
Ok so I live in the UK where it is rabies free so nothing to worry about but I am stressing over this coke can which I think has rabies.
Even though it was most likely produced in Great Britain, I fear that it was produced in a foreign country and in the factory where it was produced a rabid dog had salivated over the mixture and now it has rabies. I'm stressing over a few coke cans. It may seem extremely stupid but I'm a hypochondriac and extremely worried. Thanks

回答 (1)

2015-08-27 4:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You bet that's what happened. Also, just so you know, one of the secrets to Coca Cola taste is dog piss.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:49:52
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