下面內容請幫忙翻譯英文,謝謝。 我們已經檢查過每捲布,每捲都有一條黑線的問題,你們提供的目錄上並沒有這條黑線,而我們客人不接受這樣的瑕疵,我們想換貨。?

2015-08-27 1:51 pm

麻煩請幫忙翻成英文,謝謝。 1. 我們製作相同的尺寸,但間距都不一樣無法對齊,怎麼會這麼? 2. 請確認新訂單有沒有排程,如果沒有新的排程,我們會依訂單的順序生產,另外我們的貨物會根據訂單數量來包裝,如果有變動請提前一個禮拜告知。? 3. 我們收到通知對方要自己出一個貨櫃,請你確認是他們自己安排一個貨櫃出貨還是與我們併櫃? 4. 我們還有約1500隻的材料可以生產100cm,請指定產品顏色 更新: 2. 請確認新訂單有沒有排程,如果沒有新的排程,我們會依訂單的順序生產,另外我們的貨物會根據訂單數量來包裝,如果有變動請提前一個禮拜告知。? 5. 根據你的排程數量,數量已經超過原本三張採購單的總數量,多出來的部份是追加嗎?如果是我們會依你的排程來備料生產

回答 (2)

2015-08-27 4:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我們已經檢查過每捲布 we have checked every roll of cloth
每捲都有一條黑線的問題 there is a problem of a black stripe on each roll
你們提供的目錄上並沒有這條黑線 there is no such black stripe as shown on your provided catalogue
而我們客人不接受這樣的瑕疵 and our customers do not accept this kind of defect
我們想換貨 we would like to have the product returned for exchange

As carefully examined by us, there is a black stripe found on each single roll of cloth, which does not appear on the catalogue provided by you.

Accordingly, we would like to have the goods returned for exchange, as our customers do not accept this kind of defect.
2015-08-27 2:49 pm
Thanks for your feedback!

We've checked every roll of cloth, but we found there's one black line on all cloth.
Besides, there's no any black line shown on your catalog.

After checking with our customers, they're unable to accept this discrepancy.
Therefore, we request for replacement.
Please advise how soon new clothes will be ready?
Thank you!
參考: 我

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