My girlfriend sold her body to save my life (10 points best answer help)?

2015-08-27 12:35 pm
I'm 18 and I was with my ex for three year we have a beautiful baby boy together. Three years ago I was a different person I was a drug dealer (at 15), I took drugs, I was in and out of young offenders till I met Tammy, before Tammy I'd never had a proper girlfriend before, I'd slept with 19 girls prior to her but I was her first person she slept with.

When i got with her I stopped selling drugs and stopped taking drugs I loved her so much then when she had our baby I got a job (building and construction worker) everything was going fine.

Until a man I owed £3000 to came out of prison and he was going to kill me, so Tammy went behind my back and slept with 8 grown men (through prostitution) to get the £3000. A few days later after her being distant from me, not being able to kiss me, have sex with me etc she finally admitted what she'd done.

I'm heartbroken and devastated, the only girl I've ever loved and the mother of my baby has done this to save me!! I've still been going to see my baby and I've kept what tam done a secret from people i havent told anyone but I dont know what to do. I love this person shes my everything but I seen her yesterday and all I could think was whether she enjoyed it or whether she hated it the whole time.

I dont know what to do, she said shes sorry but she has nothing to be sorry for its no ones fault but mine for having an addiction which resulted in £3000 debt. Id of rather be killed then know the love of my life has done this to help

回答 (165)

2015-08-29 4:15 am
Okay the very first thing you must do is completely get it out of your mind that she enjoyed it, because she DIDNT. Her being a virgin when you both met tells me she holds sex as something special, not to be just given to anyone or for sheer pleasure. Men and women, for the most part, have very different beliefs concerning sex. So never, ever, no matter how pissed you two ever get at each other, throw this in her face. It would be the worst thing you could do. Yes, she probably did hate it the whole time. Next you must understand that even more than love this was an act of self sacrifice and heroism. In her mind, and possibly reality, this was a life or death situation that called for extreme measures. Was there other ways to get money? Maybe, but she did what she felt was necessary to protect her family. Many women, maybe even slightly more than men, have an innate drive to do this. This was nothing more than a means to an end. Now what you need to do is, in simple words, kiss her a$$. Let her know you no longer want to hear her apologize and tell her it is you who should be sorry for putting her in that position. Even though of course it was not your intention, it happened. You must convince her how grateful you are to her, how much it meant to you, and that you hold her in the utmost respect. No matter what you think or feel about the act it is YOUR term to do a selfless deed, and rid her of any shame or guilt she feels. The best thing to do is never mention it, unless she does. Put it in a box, lock it up, and move forward. Wether you stay in a romantic relationship or not, time will tell. Although with a child you will always be in a relationship as parents. Do try and make it work though. Look at this as an opportunity to start fresh. Go to college, get a job, provide for your family. Best wishes
2015-08-28 6:27 pm
You better tell that woman that you love her and you're sorry. Why did you wait to tell her about the money own someone the moment that person gets out of jail, you should have told her sooner , what she did could have been avoid. Two you don't seem to get how much love she had for you to do that. No woman would never do that in their right mind unless is was because she had a goal, and her's was to save you because she couldnt bear the thought of losing the man she love and the father of her son. Now what if the shoe was on the other foot and that was you who had to sell his body because she owned someone money or (godforbid) she was sick and dying and the meds she needed costed a lot of money , then would you understand why she did it. You sit her down and explain how you feel but dont forget how she would have felt while selling herself. If a woman goes great distances for the man she love , she's a keeper and don't let her slip from your fingers because a woman like that is very rare to find again. So put your pride aside and be the family that you deserve to have...Best of luck to you
2015-08-27 11:18 pm
My good man, I'm 47 years old. If I were 18 or 21 or 25, I might be devastated also as you stated, and that is totally understandable and justifiable.

But take some advice from a old person (old???) :-)

I have had an ex-wife, and long term ex-girlfriends, and I can't think of one of them who would do ANYTHING like that to help. What am I saying? While you a clearly bothered by the idea of your girlfriend doing this with other men, you have stuck gold when it comes to self-less and total devotion by a woman. This is the classic definition of "taking one for the team".

I know there will be people who find my comment stupid because she "prostituted herself"...well, you certainly can say that, but this good man has to look at the whole picture, not just the act. However, I respect and understand anyone saying that. :-)

Jesus man, she's a rare catch...hang in there with her. Get counseling or something but try not to think to much about the acts she did, as much as the ACT she did for YOU. What a wonderful person you are with.

Stay straight and never forget this sacrifice and take it one day at a time.

I can't compliment her enough!!!
2015-08-28 10:38 pm
The only reason your girlfriend had sex with these other guys was to save your *** from getting seriously kicked, or worse because YOU RAN UP A DEBT. YOU did the crime, and SHE did the time for you. She gave you her virginity, she believed in you, she trusted you, she sacrificed her self respect and her body for you to raise that money by having sex with random strangers and all you can do is ask "Did she enjoy it???????" Grow up you immature waste of space. Of course she didn't. You're the only man she has ever been with, and suddenly she's had to deal with intimacy with 8 strangers for money. She has prostituted herself for you,and far from being grateful that she's probably saved you from a bad beating and injuries you're seriously holding what she did against her and wondering if she enjoyed it! What she has done is probably the equivalent of you taking it up the jacksie from a group of gay men. It humiliated her, it probably terrified her, it might even have resulted in an STD so I hope you go with her to the clinic, and frankly I don't know many women who would have that much love for a man. You should be treating her like a queen, not a whore.
2015-08-27 7:51 pm
I think where you are torn, is that you are harboring a huge guilt, because it was your actions and her love for you that drove her to do what she did.. Did she enjoy it? Probably not, but that isn't even an issue. You need to the capacity to look past what she did and understand why she did it. If you truly love this person with all your being maybe try come counseling. But I'm thinking you'll have some of your own demons to work through before you guys get to you as a couple.
2015-08-27 4:02 pm
You really are possibly the most selfish person on the planet. She sacrificed herself in the most humiliating way to save you, and here you are asking for help for yourself on how to cope with the knowledge of what she did for you.

My advice is for you to get over yourself, and start seeking help for Tammy. She needs to learn to forgive herself for her poor judgement. Yes, you may think she committed a selfless act, but she obviously exercised bad judgement, and is now suffering the consequences of that.
It would go a long way in helping her if you showed her some kindness, love, and sympathy instead of disdain and disgust.

If you can't do that, then at least be decent enough to let her go so she can find a man who will truly love her unconditionally.

Oh BTW, it would also be great if you decided to clean up your act, and live a decent life, and become a contributing part of our society instead of a criminal drug dealer and addict.
2015-08-27 9:51 pm
Try to put yourself in her shoes. She loves you THAT much to sell herself to keep you safe.
She helped you, now you have to help her. Don't turn your back on her, especially if you love her. SUPPORT her because no woman likes to be used as a sex machine in that way. If she liked it, she wouldn't feel guilty & ashamed, and she could have made more doing porn.

So don't push her away and don't let her shrink back into depression because I will bet that she is going thru war inside herself and needs your comfort & reassurance. Be there for one another, only you two know what this has been like. You have a family together and also LOVE, so push past this & get thru it together.
2015-08-29 1:19 am
I think you should focus on how much your gf loves you, not on the bad things that happened.
She should get therapy if she needs it and well, so should you so should anyone...We can all use some therapy.

Not sure why it matters if she enjoyed it or hated it.

If she had had lovers before you, she would have tried her best to enjoy it, and that would not matter now that she met you.
She did this only to protect you, not coz she had to but coz she wanted to, so it wasn't sex for her it was necessary evil.

I don't want to make you feel bad but, if she hated it, your gf basically got raped 8 times, that she allowed it to write off debt, did not make it any better.

So she needs you right now. Quit wallowing in jealously, self pity, or guilt and be there for her...No, you did not make this, bad people made this and even if you made this I'm sure she was happy to have any way to protect you....

Again, you don't owe your gf anything, she did this coz she loves you and you guys were in trouble, but last thing she needs, since she just got raped a lot, is you acting like she cheated on you or something...

Go see your gf and move on from this together and be a family...
2015-08-28 12:50 pm
This girlfriend of yours went beyond the limits just so you could live! She did this because she LOVES YOU! was there any other solution at the time ? No! She did what she did just to save YOUR LIFE! And your worried whether she enjoyed it ? Unbelievable!!! Think for a moment those other 19 girls you were with do you think they would have done the same just to save your life ? For your own mistakes ? I DONT THINK SO !! you owe your girlfriend some respect and you better continue to love her and treat her because finding girls like her again is impossible
2015-08-31 3:06 am
Most of these responses are from females. They are absolutely correct, but I thought you would like a man's point of view. Going on the information you provided, I would say that you are lucky, to have a woman who loves you enough, to give herself and her self respect up, to save your ***. I'm not knocking you. Everyone makes mistakes. The reason she didn't tell you sooner, is simply because she is embarrassed. Even though she did this for a good reason, she still feels like she "cheated" on you.

If you feel like she cheated, your relationship is over already. If you are going to hold this over her head for the rest of your life, your relationship is over already. If you are able to get past this, sit down with her and tell her. You also need to apologize to her, for putting her and your child, into a situation, where she felt the only way to get you out alive or unhurt, was to do this and earn the money.

I would encourage you both, to be tested for STD's, before engaging in any sexual activity. After that, you let her know that it will never be mentioned again. You will never bring it up, even when you two have a heated argument, or she does something that pisses you off, for whatever reason. If you cannot bury this and bury it soon, you might as well just go ahead and separate forever.

I hope this helps,
2015-08-27 12:54 pm
Well thats what love and devotion are. Your job now is to make the rest of yours and her life as good as you possibly and legally can and to cherish her and your child.
2015-08-27 2:12 pm
Look mate, she slept with those blokes to help you...not because she enjoyed it.She's just trying to help and she wasn't probably thinking clearly atm but at least she did what she had to do to keep you alive...She risked her body for your life mate. That's true love so cherish her and never let her go as not many lasses out there would do such a task to save their bfs
2015-08-27 9:04 pm
uummm ok this is a joke why would u put this on the internet is it is real and it take more than 8 F U C K I N G MEN TO MAKE THAT MUCH ******* MONEY AND NO DUMB ASSSS IS GOING TO PAY THAT MUCH TO F U C K AND WHY THE **** WOULD U WONDER IF SHE LIKED ******* 8 MEN TO MAKE MONEY WHO THE **** WOULD LIKE THAT!!!

it takes women about a year to make that much money and even at that they would have to be tricking day and night so stop making stupid jokes like this and it honestly takes more than that and instead of wondering if she liked it which is stupid if this was real than u would be happy that she came home alright and also i read this over like 5 times and ur story is ****** up
2015-08-28 2:03 pm
She has made the biggest sacrifice by selling her body on your behalf which is worthy of the highest admiration . She is a gem of a girl compared to the other girls with whom you have slept . She has completely reformed you making you a worthy human being . If she enjoyed it she would have continued it without telling you and earned some more money .Her main objectve was to save your life . In respect of that the way how you have responded is inhuman . It is not fair to say that you do not know what to do . You do know what to do .Take her back to your fold and let her live in your heart ,after all she is the mother of your child .
2015-08-27 1:18 pm
It's not like she cheated on you. She wouldn't have done it if she didn't feel like she had to. Stop being a dick.
2015-08-28 6:59 pm
To be honest, she did a hell of a thing for you if that's what it was. I'm moved by the fact she slept with 8 guys to get the money up to rid the death threats. I don't know if she enjoyed it or not, probably not, but very well could have. I guess selling snatch was easier than robbing a bank, selling more drugs for the dealer to cover the debt, or possibly borrowing the money from family and friends. It's a very touching subject especially with the seed involved. I don't know what kind of advice to give you, but if she wants to be with you try it out. Get counseling (if that works) If you find yourself unable to be with her, you need to pay her that money back and get the hell on. The worst thing you can do is act like everything is okay just to get with her and find that you can't deal with it emotionally. Good luck my friend!
2015-08-30 5:30 am
After reading your story I'll say that your girlfriend definitely loved you very much or she wouldn't have
done what she did. You realize that this whole thing was your fault. I don't think you tried hard enough
to find a way to pay the money back. Did you try to borrow the money from family and friends ?
Are you sure you're not just a wannabe pimp ? You should have went out and sold your own ***
instead of putting her in a position to do such a terrible thing.
2015-08-28 5:22 am
I understand your jealousy but I am sure she did not enjoy that. She has a baby with you. How can you even think whether she liked it. She gave a big sacrifice to save your a,s,s. Stop being selfish else you will lose her and then regret it for the rest of your life. I did similar sacrifice for my husband but not prostitution. Unfortunately he never understood it. I suffered so much for it and he turned the table on me. Oh well some people are just narcissists so you don't be one. Love her for what she has done for you and let it go.
2015-08-28 4:22 am
Good story but it needs a hook. Too many plot holes as it is so you need to work on it... how did Tam find out about the debt and get the hook up to even find Johns and all for one. Also, I wouldn't go with "Tammy" as the GF's name. Too on the nose. Perhaps Constance, Conny for short? I say you go straight to a screen play and sell it to Hollywood.
2015-08-27 8:24 pm
Stop trolling
2015-08-31 2:46 am
Do you see what these people are telling you? You should bookmark this page and save every comment on here. Give each page a snapshot where you can go back and read them. In fact, PLEASE SAVE ALL THIS AND PRINT IT! EACH PAGE! Only a little majority are stupid and some a little iffy but the majority of these comments are what you should go by. I think you realize what she has done to keep you alive. If I were you, I'd marry her. You should be treating her like a princess. Don't make her feel betrayed whatsoever. This is incredible. I think you just got to take her to a clinic for STDs and maybe you two need some counseling. You need to let her know how much you appreciate her. This is one of the biggest moments of your life and I hope it stays with you forever. You need to focus on the child, and get your GED and study something. I think that's the wisest decision. If you won't choose it, obviously, focus on the child.

Now I think you should understand that if she probably didn't enjoy it, but if she did, that doesn't matter whatsoever because she did it FOR YOU. If she enjoyed it, she would be still hanging around the corner flagging down everybody, running after limos, buses, anything. You owe that woman everything. She is FOR YOU, and for your child.
2015-08-29 7:09 pm
As others have said, this woman certainly must love you a great deal! However, under the circumstances, what you are feeling is completely natural and most people, in your position, would be feeling the exact same kind of turmoil.

Be comforted by the fact that it is highly, HIGHLY unlikely she enjoyed anything about what happened. Again as others have said, it was probably akin to rape, for her.

Knowing these things alone will not cure your devastation, I'm afraid. However, this woman sounds like she is worth the effort that it will take for you to process and get over your insecurities. Try to work on your thought processes regarding the situation. Every time you think about something negative, remind yourself of the love she must feel for you. Change the way you think, and that will change the way you feel. I guarantee it!

Always remember, she was not unfaithful to you. She simply had no choice, in her mind. It was likely incredibly emotionally painful for her to be intimate with someone other than you. She put herself through a terribly painful ordeal, for you.

Bare in mind also, there are many couples whose relationships survive actual infidelity. Where one person not only actually wanted sex with someone else but also enjoyed it. Your lady did neither.

Lastly, as well as helping yourself come to terms with the devastation, no matter how hard it is, you should try to help your lady also come to terms with it. Make no mistake, she feels this twice as hard as you. She will be struggling with self-disgust, degradation, guilt and anger, to name a few. She will be grieving the loss of the innocence she once had. The loss of the fairytale.

This whole situation is so sad and I'm sorry that you are both going through this. Please stay strong and lean on each other. Concentrate on the beautiful child you share.

If the love you have for your lady is even half that of the love she has for you, then it leaves me with no doubt that you will both overcome these terrible happenings, and possibly grow stronger for it! Good luck!
2015-08-29 2:55 am
Dude I was with my ex for a long time and it grieved her to make me a cup of tea if she's willing to do that for you, you can't give up and walk away without fighting it must have took a hell of a lot for her to do that and all she needs now is someone to be there for her who has no expectations and not even hint about intimacy until she's ready make sure she knows you love and forgive her and make sure she feels good about herself it's going to be tough but if you genuinely love each other it will work itself out as the Beatles said all you need is love (excuse the cheese but it's true) And don't blame yourself I've been there myself addictions are more of an illness that's tough to cure and you've beat this illness and could have a wonderful family if your both willing to dig in and not be beaten by an unfortunate event
2015-08-30 11:58 am
It sounds like a Hollywood script.
2015-08-28 11:41 pm
You have an amazing girlfriend! Marry that girl. She just proved she will do anything for you.
2015-08-28 4:02 am
I guarantee you she feels dirty and gross. You acting as if you're bothered by it probably makes her feel worse. I don't think that was the best solution, but she did it out of fear for your life. Stand by her, make her your wife. Go to counseling. I guarantee you both of you have issues you need to deal with and you want to be healthy and the best you can be for each other. I also believe you should both go before God and confess your sins and ask for forgiveness. Not because you're going to go to hell, but because I think it brings healing. No one should carry those kind of negative things inside of them. It eats you alive and taints everything you do. You sound like a man who cares and tries to be a good man. Go to her and tell her how deeply you love her and are sorry that you put her in that position. Love her, love God, love your child, and love yourself enough to make a healthy and happy family. May God bless you and guide you all and help you to love each other more.
2015-08-28 1:14 am
She truly cared about you to get that money, isn't that already enough? What's done is done you probably don't know what she really feels but all you can do now is move forward and do everything you can to show you really love her because she already threw away her dignity to save your life.
參考: A One Piece watcher
2015-08-27 7:41 pm
you sound like you are devoted to each other. don't let her get away Keep this secret to you8rselves and LOVE each other marry and make a life with your family. forget the past.
2015-08-31 9:49 am
And this is why we shouldn't use drugs. It affects more that just our mind and body. Sometimes our loved ones are put in a unfair position to act. This being her getting boned by 8 dudes to pay off your stupid debt. You need to be thankful you are still above ground. If she didn't care about you, she would have let the dealer bust a cap in your sorry ***. Now you can't get over what she did. This is where we do away with our self pity, put your big boy pants on and cowboy the **** up for the woman you say you love and the mother of your child.
2015-08-27 9:33 pm
i call dibs on making a movie bout this!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-08-29 11:14 pm
I just can't wrap my arms around this story, it's just too perfect a drama, and even if a thread of truth has been revealed, why the need for publication, when the young woman chose to perform in silence for the purpose of salvation of a young family. You seek attention I think, and it's a discredit to her painful contributions.
2015-08-29 8:42 pm
This is a horrific experience for both of you I am sure, However, sometimes people do things out of desperation. The next time at least for you to remember when making decisions, remember it effects all not just you. Therefore, if you are making bad / immoral decisions, remember, its not just your behind on the line.

Regarding your girlfriend,. I feel bad for her because she obviously needs help making better choices for a boyfriend, and has some how has been traumatized by love before you all relationship, otherwise she might have not made that decision or been with you. Thus,I am strongly recommending both of you to get prayer, and counseling.before both of your lives our utterly in more devastating conditions.
2015-08-28 3:01 am
That' rich. A drug dealer upset by prostitution.
2015-08-30 11:49 am
You better tell that woman that you love her and you're sorry. Why did you wait to tell her about the money own someone the moment that person gets out of jail, you should have told her sooner , what she did could have been avoid. Two you don't seem to get how much love she had for you to do that. No woman would never do that in their right mind unless is was because she had a goal, and her's was to save you because she couldnt bear the thought of losing the man she love and the father of her son. Now what if the shoe was on the other foot and that was you who had to sell his body because she owned someone money or (godforbid) she was sick and dying and the meds she needed costed a lot of money , then would you understand why she did it. You sit her down and explain how you feel but dont forget how she would have felt while selling herself. If a woman goes great distances for the man she love , she's a keeper and don't let her slip from your fingers because a woman like that is very rare to find again. So put your pride aside and be the family that you deserve to have...
2015-08-29 7:53 am
It is clearly devastating but hey! she did it without your knowledge just to help you.
You should at least be honest since you still love her.
It is something you can only do since she had done it because she feels the same way about you.
Actually, only a few women can do that for someone special for them.
You must treasure her, you can't just find any woman just like her, and on top of that, she's the real deal!!
If I were you, I won't let her go, I'd give her my biggest respect.
2015-08-27 7:50 pm
she got 3,000 pounds for her body.....if this is for real, you should be pimping her every day.
2015-08-27 6:47 pm
I understand why it hurts and I won't tell you that you need to forgive her, because you really don't. The question is: Are you still willing to be with her? And if you are unsure then you need to talk to her. You won't solve anything by keeping it bottled inside. Trust me. I'd know. It's your decision if you want to stay with her and if you guys need to even go as far as therapy...well. No one's stopping you. Tell her how you feel but don't shout or anything. That will just push her away and the truth will be harder to figure out.
2015-08-30 8:33 pm
Of course she didn't enjoy it, she probably hasn't touched you because she feels dirty and violated for what she has done, but out of fear for your life she did that. There isn't much more love somebody could give than doing that, I'm somewhat speechless that she did such a selfless act for you, that is a beautiful thing, but I can not even imagine what she must be going through on the inside right now, you have to except that your past isn't clean, and she may have had to have sink to a dirty place to clean it for you, however, that is incredibly brave. And if you love her, you will think no differently of her.

Just keep your life straight from now, for your sake, hers and the child's.
2015-08-30 11:42 am
Wow, what a woman. If you ever need cash again, she knows how to get it. Know girls who does the same thing for what you used to do...drug money. She must love u a lot 4 her 2 do this. Hopefully things will work out 4 u guys.
2015-08-30 1:13 am
i am confused as to whether your upset that she cheated on you or whether your upset that she did something to help you the only way she felt was the quickest. it is possible that her situation was done quickly. she is rather expensive compared to other temporary prostitutes. i don't know if i would label that a profession. it is not really a sugar daddy situation with how low the pay is. a sugar momma so a sugar daddies almost prostiutte girl is just a lady and/or i guess it depends on what the gender situation it si not always a heterosexual relation and it can be vice versa a woman cougar stuff like that. so the sugar daddy just pays for her lifestyle but she has to agree to be monogamous almost like they are boyfriend and girlfriend. sometimes they have more then one lady they are paying but he pays her an average income so it si a reaplcemtn to her getting a real job it si survivable income. now obivosulsy your girflired or whatever like she is doing you a favor. you put her in that position to stress over the situation. i guess she loves you but at the same time i don't know what sign of this relationship is. honest to god if i had your exact situation and i was your girlfriend regardless if i had a baby or not i would just let you die. i am not going to endanger myself to save my boyfriend. i guess maybe she was afraid of drug dealing as an option cause she didn't know anyone. you just explained your wild side how you had a past life while she hasn't told you much of hers so your assuming her life was rather normal. what she did she is NOt a victim to sexual abuse in that she agreed to it. you should check her for any std. well she should have told you. to see if you would take the option. in my opinion she should have just said she robbed a bank or something like stole the money to make you feel better and not worry about what she did. now she told you the truth so you should definitely both get tested for sexually transmitted diseae. she told you you were her first but you don't know that. then again maybe there is evidence with the blood stain on the first sexual experience thing. but then again there is always the possibility of them being a lesbian so again that is not real proof. but anyways the prison dude might not be serious. that is not that much money to kill someone over. but then again if your dealing with criminals who knows? you didn't say you were part of a gang? you could have got a job and earned the money real easy. i know your so young and don't have a real education of some sort. best case scenario maybe you finished high school but giving your prison/jail history it is not likely. so anyways the prison guy dude didn't give you a date of when he was going to kill you. or if it would be soon or any time. but then again you didn't say any options they gave you of time leniency of any sort. that kind of money can easily be earned in a few years or you could try to borrow the money from a bank or loaning program. or you could drug deal again somehow try to make the money up real quick. i don't know how long it is to get the money you need. but then you risk a super long prison term. i am not advising you to break the law. i am not saying anyone should lie. she is being honest or maybe not you don't really know how she got the money you didn't see her. her parents could have loaned her the money again you don't know for sure. as to whether your should stay in the relationship that is up to you. i don't believe she is traumatized. i don't know if your the type to believe prostitutes life is like being raped. you said yourself you had sex with 19 girls. what difference that your girl did that. i guess it was a survival situation. again she can always find another guy but she is trying to i guess have a father for her child. maybe she is serious and really wants to marry you. though she really should have checked with you to see if your ok with it. in that like you could say that like if you do this i will break up with your permanently in that you could be angry that she is admitting and/or actualy cheating on you. i don't really believe it was 8 guys for that kind of money it had to be alongs at least 30. nobody even has sex for $100. i think you were showing money of the uk with your symbol so i don't think your american. i feel like alot of prosittuues do it for like $40 or $50 for an hour. that is more realistic. you haven't complained about the cheating. it seems like your worried about the psychological effects she may endured especially her being a mother if there will be any damages to her. if she wanted to do it then i am guessing she could handle it. your acting like she had a pressure but if you didn't ask and if you didn't suggest and give her the idea like say for example like it would be nice of you to be a prostitute so i could get the money and/or for you to commit a crime if you really loved me like the titanic movie situation you would be like well that would be so sweet. you say you didn't know what she did but you didn't say that you didn't give any clues of what you wanted. you just said you would rather die then her do what she did. you don't value your own life but you put yourself in these types of risks. i am not saying i am the type to commit crimes to save myself. i am not trying to give you ideas on what to do next time if you get yourself in a similar mess. i don't know the strength of your relationship. you just said you had alot of ins and outs with the law that is risky situation for her to even be with you just the type of dangerous people you associate with. i don't know if the death threat was legit. some peopel say stuff as a joke or to scare people. you didn't say if he had major criminal records like assault like breaking bones and/or attempt murder or any charges even if acquitted with no prison/jail history just being accused especially brought to court on dangerous crimes of any sort that could be a sign that they might kill you for real. the fact they threatened you once they might do it again so it si not the best idea for her to do that on top of the obvious health risks associated with sex with people you don't know in general. but your not exactly like a safe partner in general you have created trouble in the past and its her own risk not only with her body but most improtnatly with her emotions by having you back in her life. it is your choice what you all do. i think you know what you want. your so young your relationship might not even last. you said you knew each other for 3 years. it does seem possibly like a solid relationships with a possible good future. but how young you are things can change in a hurry. example like finance if one of you has a really good job and the other one is still working minimum wage or makes half the money the other partner makes especially if that situation is very long term they can split you just for finance reason even if your in love. you haven't used the word love but you been together so long ti si possible your at that level but again i am not pressuring you to use terms or have emotions like that i don't want to give you ideas of a fake relationship. you used the words ex as if she did you a favor. a big thing you could do is owe her the money she payed you to save her life that is the LEAST you could do. you can never repay her with that act. she could have got hiv just to help you. but anyways maybe pay her $20000 when you get the opportunity as a way to say thank you. that is your life. but anyways you dont have to in that it was a favor and there is no law on this plus she commited crimes in order to help you. she did things that could send her to prison. she ain't really a saint knowing she is helping a person with a criminal record. i don't know why you broke up. maybe your saying if your not together and get into more trouble that she don't have to risk hurting herself to help you and/or you just got bored of her for other reasons and/or you don't think your relationship material due to this situation or that you have added your whole life story together you might not feel like you have the ability to be a good father and so you want her to raise the child on her own. maybe you don't have a job now and can't afford child support and/or she broke up with you for fear of her heart being broken again. i don't think people usually enjoy having sex with random people to make some money. you didn't say or know if she is in a sugar daddy situation or not. this is not the best sign of a healthy relationship this whole situation together on both parts. if you see this as an act of bravery or sign of love that is up to you to figure out. to me this all spells danger on both sides i don't like the looks of this situation. to me this doesn't seem a promising future as a result of the actions taken in this whole situation. i guess she could have just done the right thing and let nature takes it course. if you die that is what god meant to happen. not to say you don't deserve to live but you don't know if this guy was serious. you didn't say his name maybe your afraid online that just in case anyone mentions it to him he might get angry and retaliate against you again. i don't know if you did a real background check on him in general.
2015-08-30 12:35 am
Now that she knows she can make a much better living on her own, she won't need your loser butt any more.
2015-08-29 12:26 pm
holy **** you should like right a book or make a movie this is an interesting story
2015-08-29 11:16 am
Why does anyone answer this? its clearly a troll question
2015-08-29 7:44 am
is this from a movie mate?
2015-08-30 12:18 am
Ah yes, my rather naive inquirer, this type of behavior is quite common from females.

It is very likely that "Tammy" did not do this to assist you in your current situation, she did this solely to give herself a valid reason to engage in sexual intercourse with other males to fulfill her hedonistic desires.

Furthermore, her false apologies are merely an additional attempt to elicit guilt from you, and this would further benefit her seemingly successful efforts at enslaving you for her own personal benefit.

It is recommend that you ignore the individual's claiming that "Tammy" acted very selflessly, as they are heavily deceived by the narcissistic facade occurring.

Remember, you are the psychological victim, not "Tammy".
2015-08-29 3:40 pm
It shouldn't matter if she enjoyed it or not ( very likely not btw) she did this for you, and likely also to survive and take care of your child. No doubt she is also suffering mentally about this. If you love her and she loves you, and you can BOTH put the past behind you. The answer is simple. Forgive EACH OTHER! Take care of your child and move forward! If I had to, to save any of my loved ones, I could do the same. but there is a great mental price for turning yourself into an object, a product to be bought. YOU need to make sure she's ok. Likely at this point she has learned to deny and numb herself pretty well. women can do that... my brother is a marine, he says that women make better killers, they can numb everything, its instinctive.
2015-08-29 7:16 am
All I can say is SHAME ON YOU!!! for ever even asking if she enjoyed it! Very very very doubtful she just saved your *** and possibly your childs and her own. You don't mess with men like that when it comes to money you are lucky he even threatened and didnt just go into your home and off all of you.. You need to be kissing her *** completely and treating her with the upmost respect. Holy ****..You need to be with her and get her tested definitely for STD's she risked HER life for yours!
2015-08-28 6:42 pm
19 women and just 18 years ago you sir are a pervert only 1 is enough
2015-08-28 3:51 am
This must've been just as hard on her as it was for you. There is no doubt in my mind that she loves you. She's probably distant from you because she feels unworthy of your touch since she slept with other men. I say just remind her why you love her, let her know you are grateful to have her in your life, no matter what she's done, let her know your love is unconditional.
2015-08-29 10:42 am
I know this is different to the other answers and most likely not helpful but .... it's just sex. That's clouding your view from what's important. It's like seeing a tiny bit of sh!t on a mountain of diamond.
2015-08-29 5:53 am
"Id of rather be killed then know the love of my life has done this to help"

so what she was suppose to do??? let you die????????????- who's stopping you?

"SHE'D RATHER DO THIS AND HELP YOU, THEN CRY OVER YOUR COFFIN" and her CHILD AKA YOUR SON, grow up without a father!!! learn your lesson!!

what she HAS done is bad, VERY BAD, but you SHOULD THANK HER!!!


if you really rather that....THEN WHY ACCEPT THE MONEY?? why don't i don't want your money, give it to the kid, cause came from where it came ....and i prefer to die!??


she prostitute herself(that's insanely disgusting) TO SAVE YOUR LIFE...AND YOU ARE ACTING ARROGANT AND UNGRATEFUL??


2015-08-29 3:46 am
You guys need to seek professional help. Because, a consular would be able to help you guys heal, and become a good person.

If that guy were to kill you, you could have reported to the police.

I suggest you to seek help.

I hope it help.
2015-08-28 6:20 pm
That's a debt you will never never ever repay. You can't. I hope you don't think that giving her the money back will pay her back.

If she was a prostitute before than she really didn't give anything up, her dignity was already lost. If you are out of debt from this guy and your life is not in danger consider yourself a lucky man.
2015-08-28 12:29 pm
She is a brave person for doing this. To me is not right to do this. It seem to me you became a better man her.If you love her so much. Go to a counseling. Just be her friend. Be there for her and your child. Show her that you are good father. Don't just tell but do the action. In time prove to her that you love her. Tell her I will always be there for you no matter what. Like you have been to me. Don't forget to give her time. Tell her good things about her and compliment her. Make her feel like she is worth it but don't over do it. Listen to her. Girls like it when you make them feel good about themself. Be yourself. She did like something about that made her want to be with you. Show her that part of you. I hope this works for you. Have faith.
2015-08-28 7:26 am
She did this only for you and to save your life. She did not have any other option to earn 3000euro so she were bound to do this but i dont thnk so she enjoyed this. She really loves you and if i am advicing you to i will tell you one thing this is your mistake because you did bad works in your life and she had to pay for this instead of you. You dont have ryt to raise a finger on her character whatever she did just for if you had not done seen works in your life may be which took a life of some people so you got a punishment by god by this way
2015-08-27 7:52 pm
look. if she didn't cared or even loved you. she wouldn't say she did those things. i barely can find a girl who tells the TRUTH. my thought is : let it slip. show her your kindness and something so she forgives her that you still like her. if you break up then you are the worst man in the world
2015-08-27 12:45 pm
if she is the love of your life stay with her
2015-08-27 1:30 pm
It was 9 but I guess she kept my payment for herself.

She enjoyed it.
2016-03-05 3:43 am
You better tell that woman that you love her and you're sorry. Why did you wait to tell her about the money own someone the moment that person gets out of jail, you should have told her sooner , what she did could have been avoid. Two you don't seem to get how much love she had for you to do that. No woman would never do that in their right mind unless is was because she had a goal, and her's was to save you because she couldnt bear the thought of losing the man she love and the father of her son. Now what if the shoe was on the other foot and that was you who had to sell his body because she owned someone money or (godforbid) she was sick and dying and the meds she needed costed a lot of money , then would you understand why she did it. You sit her down and explain how you feel but dont forget how she would have felt while selling herself. If a woman goes great distances for the man she love , she's a keeper and don't let her slip from your fingers because a woman like that is very rare to find again. So put your pride aside and be the family that you deserve to have...Best of luck to you
2016-03-01 6:25 pm
Separation of Powers: That just means that the powers are distributed throughout the 3 branches of government. Their powers are distinct to each branch so that there is no abuse of power.Also, there is separation of powers between the states and the federal government. there are some things that only the States can do and something things only the Federal Government can do. In every day life you could think of it in terms of police and judges. When a cop writes you a ticket, he can't make you go to jail and serve a sentence. The judge has to do that. In the same aspect, a judge can not pull you over and write you a ticket. This makes sure that neither one get too powerful. Checks and Balances: Checks and balances again assure that no one branch of the government has the sole power. For example, laws start out in the Legislature but the president has the power to veto the laws. The Judicial Branch has the power to decide if the law is constitutional or not. Without approval by all three branches the law can not pass (unless the presidential veto is overturned by a 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress)
2015-09-02 12:13 pm
2015-09-02 7:08 am
she of course didnt like it go back to her
2015-09-02 5:06 am
2015-09-01 9:56 pm
Best you can do is move far away from the dealers and hustlers!
2015-09-01 7:05 am
You are sick if you do not think her love is worth more then all the Gold in the world .
2015-09-01 4:23 am
Okay first thing of all she did NOT enjoy it. You should really tell her you love her, and that she didn't have to do that. Talk with her sort out the broken connection between you both. Maybe tell her your going to make it up to her by getting or something really nice or maybe even go on vacation. But really just tell her u love her.
2015-09-01 3:27 am
First off: hug her. Put her in your arms and hug her like you never hugged her before. Secondly: tell her that you didn't have to do that to save you cause it was your respinsiblilty. Thirdly: kiss her and tell her you love her and your baby. And finally: Get some proper help so you won't have to put your family through this again. Cause God forbid, they will go after your baby and her and it won't be pretty for you.
2015-08-31 6:20 pm
I know it must hurt that she basically used sex for the money, but she SAVED YOUR ***. Focus on how much she loves you and not the men she slept with.
2015-08-31 4:29 pm
Wow u should call the police on that guy . That blackmailing
2015-08-31 1:46 pm
Wow that is very nice of her. She must be a wify material
2015-08-31 10:35 am
She Saved your Life! Why you still feel doubt?
2015-08-31 6:02 am
I wouldn't say that she liked it nor disliked it because realistically, either way u put it, you will always end up blaming yourself.

It was HER choice to help you so don't mix emotional love with sexual pleasure because they are NOT the same thing. What she felt was probably completely neutral... she didn't feel good nor did she felt bad.

Selling your body isn't as emotional as people may think. She loves you and that's it... just tell her that she should have at least told you so that you could know she was always safe and always kept in contact if she needed anything.
2015-08-31 5:24 am
I think that she can help you retuen to correct value.
2015-08-31 5:19 am
You should apologize for inadvertently putting her in a situation where she had to sleep with 8 men to save your life. Whether she enjoyed it or not doesn't change the fact that her actions were a result of your bone headed decisions.
2015-08-31 4:44 am
Nah, she 'not quite' mighta leased it. SEVERELY WEAK that you were unable to "Man Up"
dontcha think. . ?
2015-08-31 4:01 am
Amigo tu Novia te ama Nunca la dejes ella lo hizo por ti y si tu te alejas de ella La haras sentir muy mal te recomiendo que platiques bien con ella.
2015-08-31 3:49 am
18 y/o man have already slept with 19 girls, took drugs and stopped, and have a baby
damn bro you know how to ruin your life
2015-08-31 2:05 am
Wow She did that for you wow She must really love you sadly she give her self away now she has low self esteem. You need to make up with her and take her out.
2015-08-31 12:57 am
you keep her forever.
2015-08-30 11:23 pm
Your girlfriend love you so much.
2015-08-30 10:37 pm
that's amazing that she did that.
2015-08-30 9:53 pm
There were so many other ways she could have handled that. This story is just insane to me. You both clearly handled things badly and there is nothing you can do about it now. The path has been taken, move on, the past is the past.
2015-08-30 9:22 pm
my guess is that she was a virgin because she was waiting for vsomone she truelly loved, and you were that person. when you love somone, youd give anything for them. i doubt she enjoyed sex with these gross men, but she did it through love for you. maybe it wasnt a great way to go about it, but the only reason she did it was her love for you. shes clearly not some slut, and ill bet this was agonising for her, so you need to thank her, and never let this happen again. protect her, dont break up with her for gods sake, shes clearly somthing special not many girklas would go through that for such unselfish reasons!
2015-08-30 7:10 pm
that's rough dude.
2015-08-30 6:44 pm
shes amazing marry her
2015-08-30 6:12 pm
Daddy long di k
2015-08-30 5:18 pm
You deserve it asshole! Because you ****** many girls before her now she ****** many guys before you. **** u AND yes she most have enjoyed it :D
2015-08-30 4:10 pm
I doubt she enjoyed it. I can't believe you even thought that. How ungrateful. Your ex SAVED YOU by giving her body to sickos. You was her first, they were her second. That's sad af. She didn't deserve that at all. Poor her
2015-08-30 3:11 pm
You have a woman in a million and you are reproachful. Wake up to reality.Only God can judge her, not you. Dont let dumb ignorant thick "moralists" influence your understanding what she did, for you!
2015-08-30 2:50 pm
Dude she is a keeper. Hold on to her!
2015-08-30 2:32 pm
at the end of the day, no it probably wasn't the best way to go around the situation but she did it for YOU. Her not being able to kiss you, have sex with you just shows how she probably didn't want to do it. It shows hat she is ashamed and not proud of what she has done. But £3,000 is a lot of money and you can just find it laying around the house so one of you had to do something. It proves how much she loves you that she would put herself though that to help you, her and your baby girl. Just talk to her and tell her how you feel. But In my lip it it shows how much she loves you even though it wasn't the best way to go around things. What's done is done and you can't change that. Just try to get through it together for both you two and you little girl
2015-08-30 10:48 am
You need to talk to her, not people on here. We can only give you advice but you need to go with your heart. She slept with other men to save your ***. She sounds like she would do anything for you and you can't take that for granted. If your girl enjoyed it she would have carried on doing it but she hasn't. She got what she needed for you and then stopped.
2015-08-30 8:51 am
Your girlfriend loves you. Your child also needs a father, so being killed was not an option. Decide to never owe anyone any money again. The two of you can work this out.
2015-08-30 2:45 am
Britain is screwed, it seems...
2015-08-30 1:49 am
2015-08-29 11:00 pm
wow, that is a good thing
2015-08-29 8:02 pm
:/ she sold her body for u she cares
2015-08-29 7:33 pm
she should have slept with the guy you owe $3000 instead of sleeping with 8 others to get the money.
2015-08-29 6:51 pm
and you're 18?
2015-08-29 6:27 pm
**** right of you know. ur fault deal with it and don't expecy us ( well me) to cry Deal with it
2015-08-29 5:12 pm
u slept with more girls than boys she slept with, she did it to save ur life not to enjoy, so she is the right one and u are the wrong one.
2015-08-29 2:50 pm
Look, if it weren't for her, you'd be dead. Or very ****** up. Thank her.
2015-08-29 2:05 pm
She did this for you, don't forget that. But it's still wrong..
2015-08-29 1:59 pm
she is ur savior
2015-08-29 1:42 pm
2015-08-29 12:46 pm
2015-08-29 11:26 am
Be honest and talk with her and learn how to forgive
2015-08-29 10:59 am
She must have went through so much suffering for you. please understand that. Please keep happy. She deserves to be happy.
2015-08-29 7:42 am
Put it at the foot of the cross Put Tammy where mothrrs were, the day they nailed God to the cross He said, Dont weep for me but for the mothers on those final days.
2015-08-29 7:13 am
wow... she is really amazig
2015-08-29 5:56 am
damn g
2015-08-29 5:49 am
It was a stupid move but she foolishly thought that as her only option
2015-08-29 3:52 am
Stay with her she's ur soul mate. Trust me.
2015-08-29 3:24 am
You are the one is guilt not her.
2015-08-29 2:19 am
2015-08-29 1:55 am
It is a nice gesture. You should be grateful to her life long.
參考: own
2015-08-29 12:14 am
There are consequences to everything you do, good or bad. Tell her that you love her and that you are sorry. If she really loves you, which I'm assuming she does since she did this to save you, she will forgive. Remember, you reap what you sow.
2015-08-28 11:36 pm
She sacrificed her dignity and self respect to protect your life. Love and fear for you drove her to do what she did. You need to set aside your petty feelings and dedicate yourself to helping her regain what she has lost on your behalf.
2015-08-28 10:38 pm
thank her and put this episode behind you.
2015-08-28 10:10 pm
She is awesome and you should say your sorry and put a ring on her finger...and say you love her now !!
2015-08-28 9:46 pm
Marry her.
2015-08-28 9:40 pm
How soon are you going to marry her? I suggest today.
2015-08-28 8:44 pm
Whatever you do, do not exercise a selfless, bad judgment as she did.
2015-08-28 8:28 pm
Is this real
2015-08-28 7:14 pm
you sud beg her on your knees to take you back. do get some counselling. and plz dont let her go.
2015-08-28 6:30 pm
She did it for you mate, ask her if they were clean and if so move together with your lives as one, having brought yourself a chocolate bar and eating it without telling her, if she found out, would she want to know what type of chocolate bar it was, whatever you do don't fall into a trap of getting into debt or needing big money fast, stick to an honest living and a more straightforward life.
2015-08-28 5:53 pm
it's alright man. she's just as torn as you are
2015-08-28 2:56 pm
Let that slut go.
2015-08-28 2:14 pm
you could sleep with some men to get back at her
2015-08-28 1:32 pm
she really cared about u :-)..
2015-08-28 1:22 pm
kick her to the curb. she WILL do it again. regardless of what she said; she liked it. She liked it a lot!
2015-08-28 12:15 pm
WHat the hell is going on here ?
2015-08-28 11:00 am
Real girl
2015-08-28 2:09 am
she tried to help
2015-08-28 1:37 am
forgive her....forget what SHE DID.... and remember that she did this FOR YOU. It is up to you to forgive her and remain with her cuz you love her and she is your baby's mother.
2015-08-27 11:27 pm
wow. i have no advice. that is TOTALLY out of my bounds.
2015-08-30 9:19 am
this gave me Down syndrome
2015-08-30 12:56 am
There may have been other solutions, but in the heat of the moment this was all she could think of. You probably should have let her know about this debt earlier on, so you could have planned and saved up the money.

Incidentally, someone owes me a lot more money than your debt. Why can't I just threaten to kill him?
2015-08-30 12:38 am
It's done you can't go back. You thank her for what she has done. It was a tremendous sacrifice. You try and move on, get therapy, help. Don't screw up anymore. Learn to be a better man and don't let her sacrifce be in vain.
2015-08-29 8:21 pm
Have you considered what you wrote you a question ? What is required of us now, do you want produce movie for you?

2015-08-29 8:16 pm
You could always just look at this as a fresh start. New lease on life. You can go out and find a new girlfriend... You definitely came out ahead in this one.
2015-08-29 6:56 pm
Think of I like this. She laid there on the bed,her legs wide open in the air in like a V shape. And some dude went balls deep inside and started pumping. All the juices flow and she gets penetrated and her body thrusts fowards every time this dude pumps. She starts making noises: She makes noises,she moans,she grones,she gets wet and boom,she squirts and he cums and it creates a big mess.The dude paid a lit of money so you know he creampied it. She did enjoy it-everyone enjoys sex.She did it 8 times;that hole got stretched. Her legs wide open he fans out her pussy to get the hairs out the way and licks her out. Uses a tooth pick to get the hairs out of his teeth.

She wasn't going to tell you,she told you because she felt guilty she just wanted life back like how it was. Give her a hug,make sure she doesn't do it again. She made a mistake,forgive her she has told you now. She is the one, you can't afford to lose her because of debt.
2015-08-29 1:55 pm
I think in your question you answered yourself, That you are sorry about what you did in your past life and you are in love with this girl that is not only a girl but also the mother of your child, and in one way she risk herself to save you , Who care what other people think if you love this girl then have a happy life with her, start a new life, forget the past if you really want a new life , but if there is anything to forgive then do it together and if you have to move or do anything to forget the past then do it, first your family before anything
2015-08-29 12:41 pm
Don't think of that your girlfriend was happy when she did it. She did it to save your life and that your little baby can still have a father when he grow up and that matters most to her. You just deserve a second life to live on. So love her and your baby because you are one as family!
2015-08-29 9:14 am
It is nice that she improved you. It is her greatness that she even sold her body for your sake. This shows depth of her love. You should be proud of this and continue your relation with her without any sense of guilt.
2015-08-29 4:23 am
Cool bullcrap story. Who are you trying to impress? You don't know any of the people reading this.
2015-08-29 2:19 am
You have a wonderful woman who would do that for you . Make sure you tell her that and take your chance to continue the best change in your life by getting off drugs. You are lucky to have someone that loves you enough to do that for you.
2015-08-29 1:43 am
OMG that woman love you that much. Let me tell you this buddy what a lucky man you are. And now you have to forgive her because you put her in that situation for loving you. Do you really think she wanted to do that? Of course not. Now you you need to put yourself in her position. Would you have done it for her, now be honest with that answer. You will probably never find that love again in your life time. Not that kind anyway. Both of you need to heal. GOD will be there with you both if
you let him. Ask GOD to lead and guide you both. I know for a fact he
will. That took ALOT out her to do that. More than you will ever know. I
wish the family the best and I pray things works out. Prayer
changes things and I will be praying for you guys. God bless!
2015-08-29 12:22 am
Honestly you already know that it is your fault she did this so the best way to move forward is to deal with it. talk to her about it and let it be part of the past.
she did a great thing for you...
2015-08-28 9:30 pm
If I were in your place, I would say 'Thank you' to God every day. I think that no one else would have done what she has done for you. The debt that you have with your girlfriend doesn't have price. You must gave the life to her.
2015-08-28 7:40 pm
When i got with her I stopped selling drugs and stopped taking drugs I loved her so much then when she had our baby I got a job (building and construction worker) everything was going fine.
2015-08-28 4:33 pm
This girl has certainly saved you from "hell2 at great risk to herself.
Yes you may think she liked doing and enjoying it, but she did put herself "on the line " for your safety and her risk.
Be grateful for what she did (even though she did not say) in order for you to have a clean slate and look forward to life as a family.
Any girl who exposes herself at no financial gain, is PURE GOLD.
2015-08-28 8:44 am
Meet her and sooth him. Make her sure that you will be with her. She needs u. She has done all this for you. I know this is hard but she is yours and owe your life to her.
2015-08-28 7:29 am
That doesn't mean she is not a person still plus she is the mother of your child though you have to ask as well will she do it again
2015-08-28 5:23 am
Treat your GFwith the respect of God. She did that for YOU. She probably is mentally broken and devastated right now. I pray for her from the bottom of my heart.
2015-08-28 3:19 am
2015-08-28 3:05 am
You should lie to your friends. She should lie to others. If possible you don't lie to one another. Don't use her and leave her with a baby and totally no life over the empty one she has now.
2015-08-28 1:07 am
your honestly not very bright if you think in the slightest way she could have possibly enjoyed what she did. no woman on the face of the earth would voluntarily sell themselves to man if they didn't need to. this girl you have, she's gold. you need to wake up and realize she gave herself up, for you. i don't wanna sound mean or harsh but this situation calls for it. you need to WAKE UP!!! you'll never find a girl like her in your life ever again, so don't spoil your shot. in my opinion no matter how much it bothers you that she was with other men, you need to put your pride aside right now and you need to go home, and do something so amazing that she will forget about all the men she had to give herself up too for you, because i guarantee 110% she didn't enjoy a single second of it, not one second. you go to her, wine and dine her, and show her how appreciated she is because I'm a woman and i know that right now she is feeling foolish, and dirty, and unappreciated. her self esteem is probably on the floor at this point and with a girl like her, you need to change that. i know you may be conflicted about letting this go or may not see a way to just forget about it, but trust in me, just do it. do whatever you need to do to forget about it, because if not, your gonna loose your girl, and she is precious.
2015-08-28 12:25 am
Talk about it. I know no one who would do that for me. keep her. Do it for your baby. you don't want him to grow up with to separated parents,cause trust me, I speak from experience, you ( both parents and kids) will regret it. one day, when he's older, tell him, because he will find out on his own and he'll NEVER forget you. Good luck,hope this helps, and God be with you three, cause he knows yall need it.
2015-08-27 10:37 pm
That's a hard question. If she couldn't get a job or have a relative to borrow off of I guess that was the only way to get the money.
2015-08-27 10:27 pm
She obviously did this to help you... I don't see why you are upset.
2015-08-29 8:14 am
Listen, maybe you two should consider getting some counseling but what she did for you is an amazing thing. You find love like this once in your life. Are you willing to lose that? It sounds to me that she's saved your life more than once. Where the hell would you be had you not met and fell in love with her in the first place?
2015-08-29 8:02 am
You have to decide first do you love her? I know you said so in your post, but you sound as though you are trying to convince yourself. If you truly decide that you do, decide if you want to continue or not. If you want to continue with her, you have to get over what happened. If she truly loves you and she did what she did for you then the best thing would be for you to just stop thinking about what happened and forgive her. Tell her that you understand why she did what she did and you love her for the fact that she would put herself at such risk to keep you safe. If you are going to get hung up on weather or not she enjoyed it, ask yourself this. If you did the same for her, would you enjoy it or would you do whatever you have to do to keep the person you love safe. Try to think about it the way she did. What is really at the heart of the matter is you feel your trust has been violated. Regardless of her motives, you feel she broke your trust. Talk to her, if you really love her, you owe it to yourself and to her to try to rebuild the trust of your relationship. You have no idea what the future holds, you have no idea what may happen tomorrow, but you know she will do anything to keep you around. If you can't build on that, then I don't know what to tell you. Try starting with telling her that should either of you face such a situation again, then promise to talk to each other about options before acting on them in the future. That way you can fix things together. But first, you need to decide if you want to continue to be with her. That part is up to you. Good luck and I hope this helps.
2015-08-29 1:26 am
Ok there is nothing you can do to change things. You can't change your past and you can't change what she did. If you love her as much as you say you do, then you put the past behind you both and move forward.

Thinking about what she did will not make things better and to dwell on this will cause more problems. I do suggest some kind of counseling for both of you (separate and as a couple) so you can deal more with the future.
2015-08-28 9:54 pm
If I had the problem I could have gotten the 3000 other ways. No way would I have done this, its far fetched to believe this story, very far fetched. People at my church would have helped me. So much here does not tally up
2015-08-28 7:48 pm
what is your problem? this girl gave herself for you because you were about to get killed and all you can think about is whether or not she enjoyed it. she did this thing to save you because she love you, and you are so into yourself until you think that she enjoyed doing this terrible thing. was she a prostitute before she met you? if so when she met you she would have bee doing it then. but to have a baby for you and because you were so dumb to get into this trouble she gave her body to save you. so now what you are really saying and thinking is should you be bothered with her any more since she did this. and you are thinking that she is dirty because of this, how ungrateful can a person be. I am a older woman and if I were still in my youth and if this would have happened to my man, I'm sorry to say those men would have had to kill him. you need have your head examined. I hope she is not still as much in love with you as she was before what happened to you, because with the way you are thinking I would never want to see you again, even though I would have a child with you. I hope she don't see this posting and figure out that it is you. plus she is even saying she is sorry for what she did to save you and you are admitting that she has nothing to be sorry for and still you are wondering if she enjoyed what she did for you out of love. what kind of a person are you???? and you don't know what to do. what you can do is not waste what she did for you and not go back to doing what you did to cause her to do this for you. this is what you can do, and be more grateful for the love she has for you because not every girl would have done this for you.
2015-08-28 6:41 am
Hi bro I have gone through your details, she has done for you,she has sold her body for you only,but she has not sold her soul or trust upon you,that's why she has said and accepted what she has done,as per my idea you should accept her and keep the relationship going,because you can get another GF but not like her worthable,honest person, just hear u r innear voice that will be good for you, that is the souls voice of u r.
2015-08-28 1:25 pm
Nice creative writing story. Can't believe all these ppl believe a troll.
2015-08-29 9:17 pm
If ur girl enjoyed selling her body to save ur life then it would not have bothered her she would not have stopped kissing u touxhing u ect. U are the only man she had ever been with and im sure the only man she ever wanted to be with and she did this to save ur life. Because she could not imagine her life or your son's life without you in it. This was a selfless act of love she did this because she loves you and you can bet a part of her died when she did this for you to save your life your girlfriend has done the unthinkable to save her family and that's all you need to think about when the thought of her enjoying that comes up. U need to start focusing on being the boyfriend and father to your son that a woman of that nature deserves she gave her self worth for your life and honestly if you think about this is as rape it will help you get past the feeling that you have

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