Dog question please help.?

2015-08-27 12:25 am
Asking this again since I did not get an answer last time. My puppy is about 13 weeks old and has a runny nose with sniffles. The liquid is only clear that is coming out and his temperature is perfect 100.3 I'm just wondering what it is that he might have.
And he had the bartidlla shot already at least I think that's what its called.
Anything to be super afraid of?

回答 (6)

2015-08-27 1:58 am
It could be allergies. Do you use perfume, do you put carpet powder down, do you burn scented candles? Is your house dusty, do you use fabric softener? My best advise is a vet wellness exam.
2015-08-27 1:10 am
Bordetella is the vaccination you get to help prevent "kennel cough." You didn't say your dog is coughing. There are more kinds of kennel cough than the vaccine protects against but it helps.

Dogs' sinuses normally drain through their noses. That's where the commonly seen wet nose comes from. Dogs' temperatures are normally right around 101 F.

I've never heard a dog sniffle. If his nose is nonstop runny, it is probably some kind of upper respiratory infection but you'd have to see a vet to be certain of that and to get the right medication for it.
2015-08-27 1:08 am
so take the puppy to a vet. Dogs do not get simple colds. Its likely an upper respitory infection.
2015-08-27 1:02 am
I would say there is nothing to be afraid of if there is nothing else wrong i wouldnt worry my dog has a runny nose acasunally and sniffles sometimes he could just have a minor cold but give it time and wait a few months if something worse happens then take him to a vet if you become more worried
2016-03-01 4:59 pm
A dog who loves and trusts it's owner will protect naturally. If you wanted a dog to *train* as a guard dog, you would've been best off studying the breeds used for this type of work After buying the best breed for your circumstances have a professional train you and your dog. A guard dog is a living weapon.... not to be taken casually.
2015-08-27 1:43 am
ring up the vet and ask them. maybe he might just have a cold

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