is there a meaning to this dream?

2015-08-26 5:06 pm
im 16, so i had a dream last night, and i was stood outside costa cofee, i dont really know why because i dont even like coffee, but this girl walks out with a a coffee in her hand and was stood on the opposite sid of the door to me ( i still have no idea why i was stood outside costa) i said hi and she smiled and said hi back we got talking and a after what felt like about 5 mins a taxi pulled up and she had to go but as she was walking she turned round and asked for my number so we could talk when she got back i gave her it and when i got back i got text off her saying "hi x x x" we had like a huge conversation and then i cant remember much else apart from waking up, but it was really annoying that it was a dream cause she was literally perfect in every way, maybe this is my brains way of torturing me haha thanks for reading :) if you think this dream has any meaning behind it let me know :) thanks

回答 (7)

2016-02-29 7:18 pm
You should post in Social Science > Dream Interpretation. No offense but it's pretty obvious no one answering here has ever interpreted a dream, correctly at least. You should repost with more details because all I have is "getting an exorcism" and we need more context. But I can tell you is an exorcism is a symbol, not to be taken literally, and it's about getting rid of something negative from your life. Now calm down, it's probably good.
2015-08-26 7:15 pm
Heres a guess

The coffee shop itself may not be important except that it is a place that you wont go, but a place that this person will go.
That person that you say is perfect is interesting. A perfect person is a person that (From my experience) that only exist in your mind. It is a construct of a perfect image in your mind.

What do you think the traits of a perfect woman are? after you named some you can contiune readings: Whatever traits you thought of may be things that you are currently learning yourself in real life. These things are things that you dont particulary want to know about or care to know about but you are begining to learn/experience them anyway on a subcouscious or maybe even a concious level.

Would you be willing to just be aware of how you look at things? Are they differnt then how you would have seen things say...a month ago. Ex: You see a ant and you would have just stepped on it before, now you think of the ants feelings and just leave it be.
參考: Loosely based on Carl Jungs anima archetype: See page 5 ;
2015-08-26 5:10 pm
Hey, dreams come from pictures you have captured from your brain but to be honest they can also teach you stuff ... Are you sure you didn't think this girl was familiar to another one in real life ??
參考: My opinion
2015-08-26 5:10 pm
It means you are the human version of a participation award.
2015-08-26 5:08 pm
it means that you really want to meet someone but are not sure how to do it. so, by chance, you will meet someone
2015-08-26 5:07 pm

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