What does this dream mean?

2015-08-26 11:44 am
I know that lots of dreams have meanings to them and I was just wondering If this dream mesnt anything. So I m 16 and I had a dream last night I was stood outside costa I cent remember exactly why but a girl walk out and was stood on the other side of the door. I started conversation with her and we started talking and had a good laugh as she was walking of I asked her for her number and when I got back we where texting and ot felt real. Like the dream,I know u can have lucid dreams that feel really realistic so this might have been one of them but after I woke up I was genuinely upset because she was perfect .but she wasn t even real I don t know if this dream has any meaning but thanks :)

回答 (2)

2015-08-26 11:48 am
You might be inclined to sought a girlfriend who invokes similar looks like the girl in your dream.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:47:22
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