If God created us, who created God?

2015-08-26 4:22 am

回答 (25)

2015-08-26 4:24 am
Flying Spaghetti Monster made God of course.
2015-08-26 4:23 am
God is not a created being.

Created beings can't be God.
2015-08-26 4:40 am
God is obviously something made up by humans..
2015-08-26 4:25 am
God had no beginning. Before you say that's impossible, consider this - If someone created God, then that someone would also need a creator, and that creator would need a creator, etc. etc., back into eternity. So, instead of a Creator who had no beginning, you would have an infinite series of creators which had no beginning. Really, which one sounds more likely?
2015-08-26 4:35 am
God is Pure Spirit is the Uncreated Entity.
2015-08-26 4:27 am
Science tells us that every material thing had a cause that came before it and was greater than it (great enough to have caused it). For every material effect, there had to first be a cause and the cause had to be sufficient to have given the result.

This basic law of cause and effect is used and understood in everyday life.

If, for example, a truck was going down the highway and all of a sudden spun out of control and crashed, a person may ask, “What caused the truck to do that?”

Now suppose the driver says it was caused by the truck colliding with a mosquito and the force of that impact caused the truck to spin out of control. No one would believe that. The impact with a tiny mosquito is not a sufficient cause to have resulted in a truck spinning out of control.

So what caused the universe we see around us? The Christian would say God.

Then people try to use this same reasoning to ask, “What caused God?”

But notice, I said, “every material thing had a cause that came before it and was greater than it.”

God, however, is not a “material thing”. He is spiritual, instead of material (made of matter).

Science does not deal with the spiritual. God cannot be physically tested, measured, directly observed, directly examined or experimented upon.

God may better be described as an energy instead of matter.

The same system of science tells us, “Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed.” Science, therefore, even recognizes that there is something that is eternal. God is in that eternal realm!
2015-08-26 4:23 am
Face palm
2015-08-26 4:23 am
Yo mamma
2015-08-26 12:54 pm
God didn't create us, we created gods
2015-08-26 4:30 am
Al Gore probably will take credit.
2015-08-26 9:02 am
This question keeps getting asked on here by atheists, because it “is deemed unanswerable because the only possible reply from those who believe in the objective reality of God is ‘No one made God.’ And if no one made God, then he can’t be there, can he? After all, for every effect there must be a cause, and an effect that has no cause must be imaginary.

Once again, in their enthusiasm to prove their point, the proponents of this argument get their shoes on the wrong feet, entangling physics with metaphysics. Cause and effect do indeed reign supreme in the physical realm and the natural world – both science and normal life would be impossible unless they did. But why should they operate in the same manner in a spiritual realm (if such exists)? We have a choice. Firstly, we can assert a priori that there is no such thing as a spiritual realm – that nothing exists that is not physical and open to scientific investigation. On this basis we can proceed to claim, with some logical justification, that every possible effect must have a cause, because that is how the physical world works. But what we cannot do is use this claim to disprove the existence of God on the grounds that he doesn’t have a cause. Why not? Because our argument would be completely circular. We begin by assuming that no spiritual realm exists (so goodbye, God) and conclude by ‘proving’ our initial assumption. Big deal.”

“Unanswerable questions are not necessarily clever questions... A question can be unanswerable because it is a nonsense question.” [The question] ‘How long is a piece of string’ is unanswerable not because there is no such thing as a piece of string, nor because a given piece of string has an indeterminate length. It is a nonsense question because it fails to define which piece of string is being talked about. ‘Who made God?’ is ‘unanswerable’ for the same basic reason – the word ‘God’ is left undefined. What if we define ‘God’ as ‘the uncreated creator of all things’? …Then the nonsense of the question becomes immediately obvious – ‘Who created the uncreated one?’ And if we define God as a lesser being who was created by some other entity – or as Richard Dawkins might insist has evolved from some simpler substance because he is too complex to just exist – we are forced to transfer the nonsense question to this higher entity or simpler substance. And that, of course, would take us back to where we started.”

Show me the piece of string, then I will tell you how long it is. Define this God you ask a question about, and then I will answer your question.
參考: Quotes from “Who Made God?” by Edgar Andrews, pp 25-26 (EP Books 2009)
2015-08-26 6:07 am
God has always existed. In fact, many scholars think that as God created time, "before" makes no sense then talking about God.
2015-08-26 4:37 am
God is the Creator, God couldn't have been created because He is uncaused. If you use the theory of God being created, it would be what created that god. There has to be something that is uncaused, nothing can create itself. God is the Creator that transcends the universe.
2016-02-29 4:22 pm
Well the God particle is still very hypothetical and even if it does exist theres still a long stretch to assume the human mind can control such. Now did we create God or did God create us? I actually agree with Chain in a sense as far as which one. According to some God created man and all that we see while according to others man created god out of a need for divination ect. In reality we can never be fully sure as it's depended upon ones perspective or auspice in a similar vein to truisms! (i.e. you say all crows are black & thats your reality but in REAL reality there are a few crow species who aren't black plus there is albinism in crows! Therefor your reality is not correct nor does it have any effect outside of your comprehension.) So you see this goes both way's and can apply to both theist or atheist! All one can do is relate what they've experienced & maintain faith in what they believe.
2015-08-27 10:01 pm
man kind did out education lable energy into energy being from enrgy being you get leadership serpme being energy being mean ruler over every thing gurdine generation of descenance roly blood line of jewilsh king or leadership dna cromsome
參考: leadershipology study leaders supervice mangers government leaders expert
2015-08-26 4:41 am
Why is there anything instead of nothing?
2015-08-26 8:02 pm
Nobody has created God.

God is eternal and has no beginning.

Revelation 22:13

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
參考: Bible.
2015-08-26 3:13 pm
God is the Alpha and the Omega. We cannot understand that because We know every living thing on the earth has a beginning and an ending. Our mental capabilities cannot comprehend something being here without being created.
2015-08-26 8:30 am
I am a Christian.

God has simply existed. God has no beginning and has no end.

In Christ's name,
2015-08-26 7:36 am
God is eternal--the "uncreated"; He always was and always will be-He is eternal Life.
Don't think that you should be able to wrap you mind around that,
2015-08-26 5:58 am
God is not a "created thing."

WHY is this so DIFFICULT to understand?????

Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” (John 20:28-29)

MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!
2015-08-26 5:46 am
As hard as it is for humans to imagine, God has no creator.
2015-08-26 4:37 am
2015-08-26 4:27 am
Atheists don't use dictionaries
2015-08-26 4:23 am
super god.....you don't hear about him...he's retired.....

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