How do Americans usually say "electric power consumption" in other words simply.?

2015-08-25 10:47 pm

回答 (6)

2015-08-25 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Americans who know about electric power and energy would not speak of "power consumption."

Power is the potential to supply energy or the rate at which energy is supplied. The consumption of electrical energy on the electric bill is measured in kilowatt hours. In Europe, it could be measured in Kilojoules, which is a simple word, even if many people do not understand it.

If this isn't enough, A good course in secondary school physics should be sufficient to teach you about this.

As energy use becomes more political, both the liberals and conservatives have become more apt to misuse the terms.
2015-08-30 10:14 am
depends on the context. we'd probably just say, "i keep an eye on my electric bill." or "i watch my electricity."
2015-08-28 2:43 pm
One word which is sort of used erroneously is;Hydro usage.Hydro really means ' water ' it comes from Hydro-electric power like from Niagara falls.
2015-08-27 7:21 am
current drain
power usage
2015-08-26 12:22 am
Hey Bubba, lookey there at that thar wheel spinnin like crazy on that electric box.
I say, using too much electricity
2015-08-25 10:49 pm
"Electrical use"?

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