Do you ever get the feeling that some people thumbs down other people's comments just to be a jerk?

2015-08-24 7:18 am

回答 (81)

2015-08-24 5:54 pm
Yes. I think people thumbs down for dumb reasons, especially in this category. When we have polls for ice cream flavors, some are so quick to thumbs down like there is a right or wrong answer. Lol.. people just have a different taste than you. That was an example. I only thumbs down if the answer is inappropriate or if it's just giving out false information.
2015-08-24 7:22 am
I never report or thumbs down.

If I begin to read something I don't like, I instantly ignore it (or block it if it's severe) because guess what?

To be ignored on this website makes it pointless for the user

"Ignoring" is the kiss of death here. People should never be offended, or upset, or whatever, because online…

There are millions and millions of jerks.
2015-08-24 7:21 am
There are literally millions of people out there living in their mother's dark basement with no life or happiness, and the only "power" they can possibly have is being cruel online. Millions. Out of all of the people in the world who finally have a voice, theirs is the one least desired, and the loudest.
2015-08-24 3:15 pm
It's mind-blowing I have seen like 50 thumbs down on a couple of my smartass comments. Positive or negative reaction just shows that you have caught people's attention and maybe deep down changed them just a little bit.
2015-08-24 10:21 am
oh, yeah. You can have someone giving a positive, upbeat answer and get 3 severe thumbs down. It's crushing to one's self-esteem.
2015-08-24 11:11 pm
People do weird things when they can't contribute to the discussion.

Thumbs-down trolls?


I don't get it.

I'm a shy guy, but as far as answering stuff here... all you gotta do is sit and think about the subject for a minute, and contributable data automatically populates the brain.

They act like a class clown... a person that can't get attention legitimately, so they resort to some kind of extreme.
2015-08-24 3:04 pm
Most of the time, my reaction is astonishment. But if I feel like making a judgement, it's usually that such folks deserve pity more than disdain. Who knows, they might be having a bad day, or something tragic may have just happened to them.
2015-08-25 1:19 am
It's not just a feeling, it happens all the time. I just learned you can thumbs up your own answer now too--when that that start happening, didn't used to be like that. People who just thumbs down a perfectly adequate answer are just trolls who have so little else in life that's their big high. I feel real sorry for them and pity them.
2015-08-24 9:55 pm
2015-08-24 9:31 pm

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