Why is it so hard for some men to be honest about their feelings?

2015-08-24 6:26 am
It seems my bf and I have the same arguments over and over because there are problems he just won't discuss. I've noticed a lot of men are like that. (I didn't say all or even most, so don't tell me I'm stereotyping please.) I'd like some honest insight as to why some men harbor their feelings so deeply sometimes. Can any of you enlighten me please?

***I decided that if he couldn't sit and face me I would write a letter to him. I think that sometimes he is so insecure that he can't talk to me without getting defensive even when there is no need for it. The letter allowed him to hear my words without responding. He read it before work and had time to absorb it and think about it. Then we had a talk when he came home that evening. He was still a bit squirmy, but did talk to me and wasn't so defensive. Thanks everyone.

回答 (5)

2015-08-24 6:35 am
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Yeah, it's just super uncomfortable within most male circles. Even if we don't have super bro-bro america-bro friends who are all ultra masculine, bringing up anything to do with feelings generally garners uncomfortable silence or attempts to change the subject. Which makes the act of bringing up feelings to ANYONE feel wrong.
2015-08-24 6:31 am
Some men are taught to "be a man" and not to express their feelings, like crying because it is not manly and only girls can get passes for being emotional. I don't know if your guy was taught that but it does happen.
2015-08-24 7:25 am
Men are logical thinkers, first of all, and so if they feel there is a problem they want to work it out in their minds. It's the way of men. Sure they harbor emotions, but they aren't quite the emotional thinkers that women are. We can talk about a problem for hours, and it's never resolved, but we don't care we are still talking about it... getting it out of our systems. Men are usually not this way.

Their logic and the messages they get from their parents growing up, plus society is also a factor.

You might as well stop the arguing and accept your boyfriend at face value. If he feels something is important enough to discuss, he will
2015-08-24 6:38 am
No, he cries. It's more like what he feels and why that he can't talk about. Like he's afraid I'm going to judge him or he's ashamed of who he is or something. He is a very conservative guy and very religious. I think he's hard on himself. I just don't understand why some guys can't trust that someone can accept them flaws and all. Don't they know things can't be fixed if you don't bring them out of the little box? Are women really that intimidating? I'd let it go if it wasn't effecting him and us so much, but it is.
2015-08-24 6:33 am
men are different from women

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