Tired of my friend using me as an alibi to do other things behind his wife's back.?

2015-08-24 1:02 am
My friend keeps using me for an excuse when he sneaks out on his wife. I don't know if he's cheating or not, but whenever I see them together I have to read in between the lines and be mindful of what I say. I told him to stop because there's going to come a time where I might slip up and I don't want to be in the middle of his mess. It's getting to the point where his wife is instant messaging me when he's supposed to be at my house.

Tired of my friend using me as an alibi to do things behind his wife's back. What should I do?

回答 (7)

2015-08-24 1:09 am
She has to instant messaging him, not you.
2015-08-24 1:19 am
Tell him. Warn him about how his wife is on his trail and the easiest solution is to begin using a different friend the wife is less familiar with than you.
2015-08-24 1:07 am
Tell him you're no longer his friend. Then tell her you're no longer his friend. Tell her not to contact you because you no longer know where he is. If she calls and asks if he's there you simply say "Nope!" Then hang up. You don't need to spell anything out. It's her problem to solve, not yours. And he's not your friend; he's using you to get what he wants - whatever that may be.

Stop letting yourself be used that way.

2015-08-24 1:05 am
So....stop. Tell your friend you're not going to lie one single more time. If his wife messages you about his whereabouts, you answer that you don't know. Don't cover for him if he's not there.

YOU allowed yourself to be put in the middle. The first time he did this, you should've said no right then and there. It's partly your fault that this has gone on this far.
2015-08-24 1:16 am
tell him the next time he does it your telling...as it stands your an accomplice his little stooge...dont you have integrity? morals ? values ? he's punking you..me i would have told her already...your "friend" is a bonehead and for now your boneheads stooge
2015-08-24 2:29 am
He isn't a good friend or husband.

A true friend would never be constantly making the other friend lie for him and involve him in his sordid marital life that way.

How low of a dirtbag do you have to be to be doing things behind your wife's back and then get a friend to cover for you.

He doesn't even care about how you feel about this, he just continues to use you to lie to his wife even though you have expressed your concerns to him.

I'd say you need better friends in your life, don't ever help a guy step out on his wife, would you want someone to cover for your wife if she was doing things behind your back ?

Just tell him one last time, " Look, I'm DONE, covering for you, I don't approve of you doing things behind your wife's back and involving me in the process, the next time your wife inquires about your whereabouts am not going to cover for you,I will tell her the truth, that I don't know where you are. "

Be assertive or you will be stepped on, this guy you call a friend is using you because you come across as a pushover and he is probably stepping out on his wife or doing things he shouldn't be behind her back. Just distance yourself from him, start answering the phone less and less and go to their place less and less.
2015-08-24 1:20 am
just tell him straight up, That your done coving his asss. Next times she call and ask if your there you will say no.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:44:04
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