Is my friend still upset with me? What's wrong with her?

2015-08-23 8:49 am
so i had an argument with a friend and we stopped talking. Later that night we had a huge conversation over it, talking about things that i wouldn't dare to say normally( just so that it won't ruin the friendship). Anyway, so after 2 or 3 hours after the conversation, she send me a text saying that she finally calmed down and that she's sorry. I then apologise as well. But she insist that it's all her fault ( not sure if she is serious or being sarcastic). So i told her that it's not, blah blah blah blah. But she didn't reply. I saw her on other social media, but shes just not replying to me. I don't want to be too clingy, so i waited a day, but still no reply. So after a day, i send her a message asking her if we are ok now, because i don't want to hold any misunderstanding and if there is something she would like to say, she can just tell me about it. And still, there was no reply, although i know that she had seen it because she was on other social media! I told myself that if she is not going to reply, maybe it's a proof that our friendship is not strong enough, and maybe we should just be acquaintances. But then deep in my heart, i kept making excuses for her, saying maybe she's too busy, didn't have time to check her message, etc. Although i'm quite sure that she's just not replying to me?
And i don't want to like beg her and stuff? what should i do?

回答 (1)

2015-08-23 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think she`s scared to sound desperate (i know its silly but it happens) and i think you should try and talk to her face to face. Shes probably worried if she will say something wrong to ruin the friendship. Don`t worry, be happy. Hope this helped xx

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