My bf wants to visit me at work ??!!?

2015-08-23 6:30 am
Okay so i work at a tattoo shop, 46 hours a week and to be honest when I do have down time there all I want to do is grab something to eat or play around on my phone . My bf wants to visit me but to be honest I would be weirded out because I have to work and not just talk to him , I think it's weird to bring him Around and to have him kissing me or any public stuff ally's stress me out , I don't what that around my work it's not professional what can I tell him without sounding weird

回答 (2)

2015-08-23 6:42 am
Just let him know you're free to chill after work maybe. A lot of girls are like that and like to stay focused at their jobs.
2015-08-23 6:35 am
Now tell him that. You justified your reasons why you dont want him there so now tell him. It could be a sign that he's trying to spend more time with you.You summed it up best so now tell him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:43:17
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