What is the best way to steal something and not get caught?

2015-08-22 6:56 pm
A friend of mine wants to know how to commit the perfect crime.

I appreciate the answers but my friend said he was looking for something a little easier than getting elected to office or getting to be ceo of a big company. My friend says he doesn't want to do a lot of work, he wants there to be little risk, and I also want to make lots of cash. My friend appreciates any help and thanks.

回答 (5)

2015-08-22 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If there is such a thing as a perfect crime, it is one that CAN'T be solved, because no one knows it ever happened. You already blew that in your case.
2015-08-22 7:26 pm
the first step to a perfect crime is not to tell anybody
2015-08-22 6:57 pm
Become the prime minister


Bribe the politicians and get them to steal for you. Then you can blame them and get away clean.


Start your own religion, attract people, and take their money
2015-08-22 10:39 pm
tell him to study hard,

get into middle school & grow up
2015-08-22 7:11 pm
Become CEO of a large company like Enron.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:43:26
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