Do you guys think its rape if I don't think it is? I think it shouldnt be if one party disagrees. Whats the law say?

2015-08-22 6:06 am
Asking for a friend.

I think some of you understood me wrong?

回答 (11)

2015-08-22 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
not enough information to make a determination and that's probably why you ae being misunderstood.
2015-08-22 8:50 am
Hang on...are you saying that your personal belief is that someone can commit rape but as long as the rapist doesn't consider it rape, then they did not rape the victim? If that's not what you're saying then PLEASE clarify because that would be INSANE. If you had sex with someone who was not a willing participant, then you are a rapist. You don't have to agree or disagree. It's a fact. A fact that will hopefully land you prison where you belong (yeah, yeah, I know, you're asking for a friend). Legal sex only exists when each person involved fully agrees and willingly participates.
If she said no but you "knew" she "really wanted it" then it was rape. If she got drunk, passed out, and you had sex with her, it was rape. In all cases, if one person said no, or did not/ could not say yes - like Gary said, due to age, mental health, or intoxication as well as consciousness and physical health/ability - then rape was committed. A crime was committed. An outrageous and horrendous crime that is punishable by law and will be tried in court. In general, if you have to wonder if it was rape then it probably was and you should kiss your *** goodbye because you'll be getting a taste of your own medicine in prison.
2015-08-22 6:10 am
The law says that if one person/party does not consent to sex then it is rape; also if one party is unable to consent due to age, mental health, or intoxication it would be rape.
I agree that if someone doesn't want to have sex and another person forces themselves upon that person whether it be through physical force, drugs, alcohol, or coercion then it is rape
2015-08-22 6:07 am
Interesting that this was in the rodent section. By this logic, any rat can commit rape and then deny it in court in order to go free. In the case of rape there is usually evidence of violence commited against the victim, and there may be all kinds of evidence from witnesses and such. The point is, you can't accuse people of rape without evidence and you can't wiggle out of a rape conviction when evidence is present.
2015-08-22 12:50 pm
You are judged by what the law says, not what your opinion is. The law says sex without consent is rape.
參考: Law enforcement since 1991
2015-08-22 6:08 am
it's not rape if you forget the safe word. that's why i always use "pineapple." i never forget it.
2015-08-24 9:35 am
A un provoked attack of violence is rape and that's all there is to it and deep down you and your mate know that's the truth
2015-08-23 4:39 pm
The girl says NO or is even tooo drunk to agree to anything, then it is rape. Period.
2015-08-23 2:28 am
Who raped you?
2015-08-22 1:23 pm
The law says it IS rape if EITHER party does not consent.
2015-08-22 6:11 am
that question does not make sense as it is not specific enough

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