how to slim thighs??? read details also?

2015-08-21 5:13 pm
Okay so I am 15 years old boy. I have huge thighs as compair to my upper body.I started gym but my instructor said that thighs workouts will make my thighs more big. So Now I have started running. Need some tips on how To slim my thighs n get skinny thighs. Kindly dont ahare links just tell me

回答 (2)

2015-08-21 5:15 pm
If the weight is muscle, it is not going away. If it is fat, losing weight will make it go away. It seems the answer for you is to work your upper body until it matches.
2015-08-21 5:14 pm
If you search blogilates on YouTube, she has some pretty good thigh slimming workouts :)

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