What do you think about the life of celebs?

2015-08-21 4:00 pm
Stuff like: luxury,privacy,beauty,media,drama etc

Overall would you prefer being a normal person or celeb? Thanks

回答 (5)

2015-08-21 4:46 pm
I don't spent time thinking about celebrities or their lives. I focus on the one I can control and the things that interest me
2015-08-21 4:34 pm
I am far from normal, my mom was the "celeb". I prefer to be in the background...doing my own thing
2015-08-21 4:05 pm
2015-08-21 4:03 pm
I wouldn't want their life.
2015-08-21 4:02 pm
I'm not aware of them, nor I do care about them. What others do with their lives is none of my business.

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