do you believe in God?

2015-08-21 8:31 am

if No. Why?

回答 (25)

2015-08-21 10:12 am
No. I originally came to my conclusion quite some time ago.

I was religious from childhood, and have always been interested in religions, mythology and science; I was a devout, practising Catholic; I read the Bible, both Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, several times; and was taught about it in school.

After studying and thinking deeply about faith, I realised in mid-teenage that faith was based upon nothing but itself, that science explained nature satisfactorily without needing supernatural beings, and that religious beliefs were no different to those of ancient beliefs in gods and goddesses.

When I first had doubts about my faith I thought that maybe this was a test of it, which was an idea planted in my mind by those teaching us about our faith. So I made the effort to accept it even more so. But the doubts came again, and I wondered what would happen if we took faith out of the equation; the world and nature still made sense, so I saw no reason to get back into it. And my understanding is that there's no theoretical or mathematical need for a god or gods, and there's no valid evidence of it or them; so there's no reason to believe. At the time this was difficult intellectually and emotionally (I was a teenager, after all).

That was nearly 50 years ago, and my escape from faith has freed me to embrace what science has to offer, which I consider far more plausible than belief in the supernatural, and is the nearest we can get to the truth about how nature and the universe work. I've felt a sense of freedom ever since, and am happy and at peace with this. And I've found the humility to admit that I don't know everything, rather than masking this by invoking a deity.

I still have an interest in religions, mythology, folklore and related matters, and am fascinated that people still believe in things that to me are clearly just not true.
2015-08-21 8:36 am
No. For the same reasons I don't believe in leprechauns - no evidence.
2015-08-21 9:21 am
Yes, it is beyond possible that the universe if a bunch of Random Explosions. It is finely balanced.... hardly random.
God is Science and Science is God
2015-08-21 9:01 am
2015-08-21 2:17 pm
Yes I do believe in God. Not only because He is the most logical conclusion I came to when I considered where we came from but because I have a personal relationship with the God of the Bible
2015-08-21 9:40 am
2015-08-21 9:16 am
We have to establish what you mean before your question can be answered sensibly.

First, what is "God"? You probably mean Yahweh, the god of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. But we know Yahweh only through a pile of shoddily compiled ancient writings. Because Yahweh never manifests himself to anyone in a way that can be established as fact, no one can claim to know who he is, or even WHAT he is. Rather, everyone has to manufacture a mental representation of him based on their own interpretation of the ancient writings. That is, they have to guess.

This point is never made more obvious than when (many) Christians hear that Muhammad's Allah is in fact Yahweh from their bible. These Christians will assert that this is simply false, that Muhammad's god is not Yahweh, that Muhammad got some other god (or demon or figment of his imagination) confused with Yahweh. But how could anyone ever know, unless Yahweh were to appear to someone in a sensible fashion and settle the matter? But the Muslim/Christian argument over Yahweh's identity is just one example. Many Christians will even tell OTHER CHRISTIANS that their Yahweh isn't the real Yahweh.

No matter how carefully you define "God", your question necessarily remains rather ambiguous. But don't take it hard: even philosophers have found it impossible even to define "god", much less define "God".

Second, what does "believe in" mean? Some people mean "Do you believe Yahweh exists?" Those who worship Yahweh often mean "Do you obey Yahweh?" or "Do you endeavor to adhere to Yahweh's rules of conduct?" or sometimes "Do you trust Yahweh?" or even "Are you in a personal and intimate relationship with Yahweh?"

Muslims do not think of themselves as Yahweh's intimates the way Christians typically do. But Muslims would answer "yes" (or a modest "I try") to the other forms of the question, and Christians would answer "yes" (or "I try") to all of them. But once again, as soon as the Muslims reply, many Christians will reject their answer, saying something along the lines of, "You can't possibly know how to obey (my) Yahweh because you don't even know him. You know something you have manufactured for yourself." And again, many Christians will say these things also to other Christians.

The question ends up meaning something very different to different people. Without following up with more questions, you can never know what people mean by their answer, how they interpreted your question. The many one-word answers you get will only make your job harder. The bottom line is that you'll have to be far more specific in your question if you hope to thoroughly understand the answers you get.

As for me, I don't believe anything supernatural exists.
2015-08-21 9:04 am
As much as I believe in myself
2015-08-21 8:45 am
In which god?
2015-08-21 8:46 am
Yes, and for many good reasons. For one, I have benefited tremendously from the universal, timelines counsel found in God;s inspired word, the Bible!

Peace of mind is one of my favorite blessings! Philippians 4:6,7 reminds us, "Do not be anxious over anything,but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts+ and your mental powers* by means of Christ Jesus."

A good and constant growing relationship with God has allowed me to approach him in prayer with freeness of speech and the confidence that he will provide for me in the best way possible!

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:24:32
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