What to do if you sprain your ankle?

2015-08-21 1:29 am
I play volleyball and me and another girl ran for the same ball and I lost sight of the ball and stepped on it and almost fell. My ankle has hurt since.

回答 (3)

2015-08-21 8:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
The first thing that you should do is to rest your ankle, second use crutches for as long as it hurts you to stand on your foot and last is use ice to decrease the swelling,pain and bruising of your foot.
2015-08-21 1:31 am
just take it easy for a bit until your ankle isn't in pain anymore, you should be fine though it doesn't sound like any thing serious
參考: my father is a paramedic
2015-08-21 1:49 am
Stay off of it and apply ice.

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