My friends tease me alot. How should I deal with them?? Read detaols also!!?

2015-08-20 4:14 pm
Okay so listen, I'm a bit weak in walking and I'm a type of guy who is also bit weak in FIGHTING. That's why my friends make fun of me by calling me Gay. How should I make them stop maKing fun of Me

回答 (4)

2015-08-20 4:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If they are your friends then they shouldn't be making fun of you at all. Tell them how much it is upsetting you because they could be saying it as a joke and not realise that it actually is offending you. If after you have told them how much it is hurting you and they don't stop, it might be time to get some new friends. I don't know what they are like when they aren't making fun of you, they could be really nice and actually be there for you, but from what you have said it seems like when they call you 'gay' they are being quite offensive and doesn't make you feel good about yourself. From experience, I know what it is like to be called names and not feeling good about yourself is one of the worst things. I hope you sort this out and it stops :)
2015-08-20 5:05 pm
Learn self defense. Ignore them too.
2015-08-20 4:17 pm
The way that usually works best is to not react in any way. Don't get angry. Don't smile. Don't laugh along with them.

If it continues, and it still annoys you, find some different friends.
2015-08-20 4:15 pm
find new friends. btw beating up your friends isnt the best way to go.

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