Help with baking a rainbow cake?!!?

2015-08-20 11:53 am
I have tried several times now to make a rainbow cake but the colour never comes out properly in the sponge, it always goes a murky dull colour. I used about two thirds of a bottle of food colouring in each layer and they still came out discoloured and unappetising. Can anyone suggest any baking methods or recipes that help bring out the colour in the sponge? Thank you :-)

回答 (4)

2015-08-20 11:28 pm
You might want to take a look at Sugar Global Art and one of their videos for rainbow hued cake. You might have better luck using a paste or gel color rather than a liquid one. Good luck!
2015-08-20 1:43 pm
Your rainbow cake layers sound like you are using too much food coloring and possibly mixing the colors together which can make muddy looking color, especially when excess food colors are used. Using excess food coloring will give you some very unappetizing colors. Next time you try making your rainbow cake try using only a few drops of food coloring for each color. Also Gel food coloring is much easier to work with than liquid food coloring.
2015-08-20 12:56 pm
What is this sponge you speak of?
Use gel food coloring, and divide the cake batter into 6 bowls. Add color to each bowl until you get the color you like.
2015-08-20 12:50 pm
Far too much food colouring. Google more recipes. Ask old ladies, they may remember making them.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:00:51
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