How would you describe yourself running up stairs?

2015-08-20 11:10 am
I'm writing a story and at this point I'm about to run up stairs because I saw something horrifying.
How would I describe myself running up stairs? (First person point of view)

回答 (38)

2015-08-20 11:15 am
If you can't describe the act of something normal like running upstairs, you can't describe anything abnormal, like something real and horrifying.

Frankly, anyone running away from something horrifying isn't going to be thinking about running or stairs, but by the abnormal thing they just saw and its consequences. People don't need to read about running upstairs. People do it all the time without thinking. People want to read about an interesting scenario and how your character feels about it.
2015-08-20 3:58 pm
I ran up the stairs.

I took the stairs two at a time.
2015-08-20 3:38 pm
I wouldn't describe running up stairs. My readers aren't idiots and they can imagine that without my interference.
2015-08-20 2:34 pm
There's nothing like first hand experience. Find a skyscraper and run up 15 flights.
2015-08-20 11:19 pm
Bolted, darted, shot, charged, and flew are all fairly cliched verbs to use. Otherwise you could give a couple of small clues about how you ended at the top that allow the reader to deduce a frantic run. Perhaps, after an explosive burst of movement, you turned to survey from the top of the stairs the noise you'd heard below? Perhaps something about your legs doing the run in panic before your mind could engage?
2015-08-20 11:00 pm
I'd probably have to mention my enormous genitals and how they kept banging against my very large wallet.
2015-08-20 7:48 pm
Instead of looking up the synonyms for Run, I looked up the ones for the word Scamper. Here ya go:

scurry · scuttle · dart · run · rush · race · dash · sprint · hurry · hasten · make haste · scoot · romp · skip · frolic · gambol · scutter.
2015-08-21 4:25 am
I don't know why you would want people on Yahoo Answers to describe running. I wouldn't want to describe running though, but I'll give it a try and see if it works best.

And where did the "horrifying thing" come from? Was it downstairs or upstairs? You ran down the stairs or up the stairs? If upstairs, did you crawl while trying to run at the same time because the stairs were greasy or did you slip and fall while going to fast on the second to last step? You should have this part of the story down pat!

But antehways, let me say this:

I scuttled up the glossy flight of steps
I dashed up the huge, mahogany stairs
I hastened my steps up the twisting, confusing staircase

2015-08-24 2:32 am
My heart raced, my breath short and fast as my feet sounded like a hammer as I ran up the old wooden steps. I prayed I didn't fall due to my mind shutting down from fear. I just wanted to get away.

I know what you mean, I don't know why all these people are being rude. Sometimes you just don't want to be simple and say 'I ran up the stairs.'
2015-08-22 11:28 am
I threw myself up the stairs, because I am just that talented. No, I'm only joking, try:

I scrambled rapidly up the stairs, feeling a warm scream rise in my throat.
2015-08-21 5:26 pm
I flew up the stairs, tripping, falling, scrambling to get out, out, out!


I don't even remember hitting the stairs, just slamming through the door to get outside, panting, sweating -- I hope I was not crying, but I wouldn't swear to it.
2015-08-20 11:23 am
I jumped up onto the fourth step up, and began leaping up the stairs two steps at a time, risking a trip that would be fatal if the horrifying being chasing me caught up to me.
2016-12-24 4:12 pm
參考: Paying Bills Writing
2016-11-06 1:42 pm
How To Describe Yourself
2016-10-05 9:09 pm
How To Describe Yourself
2015-08-25 1:31 am
Urgency flooded through me as I ran up the stairs, the harsh pitter patter of my feet being the only thing heard throughout the staircase.
2015-08-22 9:44 pm
I flew up the stairs, taking 3 steps at a time.
2015-08-22 9:21 pm
I bolted for the stairs and hastily started climbing them. At that moment i only felt that i had to reach the top and that was my sole purpose. The only sound that i could hear was of the creaking of the wooden stair steps due to my powerful steps filled with a desire to run.
2015-08-22 7:17 am
Running away from the monster in the dark to hide under your blankets.
2015-08-22 12:41 am
Hi Ryan!

I was in such a rush to get upstairs, I rushed the stairs two at a time.

Music lover, good luck!
2015-08-21 10:53 pm
I hurried up the stairs.
2015-08-21 10:15 pm
I jumped up the stairs like a frog.
2015-08-21 5:06 pm
scrambled, stumbled
2015-08-21 5:57 am
I bolted up the stairs in fear.
2015-08-21 3:45 am
Out of peril !
2015-08-21 3:26 am
2015-08-21 3:26 am
flew up the stairs
2015-08-21 1:39 am
scrambling up the stairs like a little ***** cause im convinced the Grudge chick is chasing me or some demons
2015-08-21 12:58 am
limbs flying and flab flapping
2015-08-20 11:23 pm
ran like the clappers, the wind, like a volcano, whirlwind, a bat out of hell, like a gazelle being chased by a cheetah
2015-08-20 10:31 pm
I bolted up the stairs like a rabbit.
2015-08-20 5:34 pm
I'll take the elevator, thank you.
2015-08-20 4:48 pm
Clutching the stitch in my side, I managed to scramble up the stairs.
2016-04-18 6:46 am
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2015-08-22 2:16 am
Myself running up stairs: "I rush to ascend the staircase, resorting to clambering up on all fours like some sort of oversized lizard."
2015-08-21 8:51 pm
i dashed up the stairs helter skelter, my feet catching on the shiny wood as i ran, panting for breath, but refusing to stop for fear of what i had seen.
i lunged up the steep staircase as fast as my legs would take me. i had never run so fast in my life!
i hurtled up the winding steps, missing out steps as i ran, my feet barely touching ground!

hope i could help!
2015-08-20 6:34 pm
i scrambled away from the (horrifying thing) and clutched the stair banister. i heaved myself to my feet and managed to stumble up the stairs, gripping the rail the whole time and looking back, imagining the (horrifying thing) right at my heels. i ran away, away from the (horrifying thing), away from the (i dunno, bloodshed? evil?) i ran out of stairs to climb and collapsed on the landing
2015-08-21 7:17 am
I saw a dark shadowy figure enter the room, I gasped and tried to let out a scream, but the terror prevented me from making a sound. I started running for the stairs. The dark figure seemed to linger and watch me intently. I felt like I was numb and my body couldn't move it was frozen by the sight of the figure. I tried to think fast. " Should I bolt for the door?" I had no time to think my mind was racing. I gasped for air and then made a dash for the door. I tried to turn the knob, but the door was locked. I quickly unlocked the door and ran screaming out side my front yard, and in that moment I fainted on the lawn.

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