do/will white guys like me?

2015-08-20 4:04 am
ok so my ethnicity is Guatemalan but most people say i look asian, and some say i look half asian and half mexican, the thing is that i know some guys like asian girls but they like their culture also, and some guys like latinas but like how latinas look, and me I'm latina but i don't look latina i look asian! so i was just wondering if guys have a preference like do they just like latinas cuz of their culture, looks ,or both and same for asian i guess. i guess I'm just wondering if guys will like me since I don't have the looks of a latina and don't have the culture of asian...

回答 (4)

2015-08-20 4:11 am
yes we would ---- i have no racial preference my only criteria is that we have a rapport a connection
2015-08-20 4:10 am
Every girl has a place in somebodys heart. Someone will truly really like you actually. Just gotya keep your eyes and heart open.
2015-08-20 4:28 pm
Some like Latinas because you all presumably can cook, like being dominated and call your man papi. Avoid them like the plague.
2015-08-20 4:06 am
I dated a Peruvian. I'm white and date caucasian and latinas only.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:40:50
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