父親將物業抵押而欠財務公司幾百萬,私人物業是父母聯名,如我們無力償還,財務公司會否以抵押的房地產拍賣? 如父親申請破產,物業會被強行拍賣? 因母親不同意變賣物業,有其他辦法嗎? 申請破產還是變賣物業,哪個影響最少/最有效的解決方法?? 請求熟悉法律/破產條例的朋友或律師解答?

2015-08-19 1:58 pm

回答 (2)

2015-08-20 5:55 am
1. Mostly no. To the company, the easiest way is to ask the court for an order to force selling or ask the remaining owner to buy the portion back.

2. No when your father is not the only owner.

3. Either assume your father's debt or paying the portion of the property in fair market value.
2015-08-19 4:26 pm

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